Yes or no?

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She froze for a moment, gripping his elbow tightly. He looked at her with tenderness and, gently placing his hand on her hand, patted it carefully.

- Are you worried? You trembling all over" asked Mr. Heywood.

"Yes, Daddy," Charlotte replied, " just a little”.

He smiled and leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

"Are you ready?"  Mr. Heywood asked again, pointing to the church.

Charlotte nodded and squeezed his hand tightly.

Bright sun rays flooded the church with some unearthly, magical light. Once inside, Charlotte looked around. She had to admit that Esther had done her best, even the little church of Sanditon had turned into an elegant work of art in her hands. The aisles were decorated with beautiful white fresh flowers hanging beautifully from the arches and benches. White ribbons and bows, intricately intertwined, created the feeling that you were not in a church, but in some magical garden. Charlotte smiled and looked at Sidney, who was standing at the altar, waiting impatiently for her approach.

They walked slowly down the aisle and Mr. Heywood handed Charlotte to Sidney. Her hands were cold with excitement and overflowing emotions. Sidney gently squeezed her hands in his and looked into her beautiful eyes. Charlotte smiled at him, spreading warmth all over his body and giving him the confidence he needed. Sidney smiled back at her, fighting the urge to kiss her right here and now with the last of his strength.

They exchanged glances again and turned to the altar, where Reverend Hankins was already waiting for them. Allison and Dan took their places of honor as witnesses, and the guests froze in anticipation of the solemn moment. The silence was so deep that it seemed that everyone present held their breath.

"Dear beloved," the Reverend began, " we are gathered here in the presence of the Lord, and in the presence of all the parishioners, to unite Sidney William Parker and Charlotte Elizabeth Heywood with the holy bonds of marriage granted from above,  which is revered by all; for it should not be entered into thoughtlessly, but only reverently, cautiously and solemnly. In this divine temple, the destinies of two people are destined to unite. If any of those present know the reasons why this cannot happen, let them say it now or remain silent forever”

“I object! “ ,a clear female voice rang out, which seemed very familiar to Charlotte? “ this marriage cannot take place. “

Sidney, Charlotte and all the guests present looked around and saw a woman standing in the aisle, or rather her silhouette, vaguely outlined against the open door. She walked forward, and Charlotte was horrified to recognize her as Mrs. Campion. Miss Heywood glanced at the groom, but he was silent, staring at the newcomer in bewilderment.

“Tell me who you are and what is the essence of your objections?” the reverend intervened.

“My name is Eliza Campion and I claim that this marriage cannot take place, because this man must marry me.”, she said.

“ What? What are you talking about?”,  Sidney exclaimed, unable to restrain himself ,” Did you hit your head too hard? You're clearly not yourself.”

“No, I'm in my right mind and I know what I'm talking about”, Eliza was insistent, “ Reverend, I'm expecting a child from this man... “

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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