Real twist

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He smiled as he watched her go. The long blond hair that fell playfully over her shoulders made his heart beat faster. She turned the corner and disappeared behind the green bushes that lovingly wrapped around the wall of the cafe. He took out his phone and dialed a number. The woman's voice on the phone said a few words to him, and he smiled again, thanking her. .
Today was so unusual and even strange that he couldn't get his thoughts and feelings in order. The return of Sidney and his introduction to this incredible girl seemed to awaken long-forgotten emotions in him. He wanted to laugh and jump for joy as he watched his own son show off his collection of dinosaurs to his new friend. Sidney smiled and talked enthusiastically to Augusta about pterodactyls, Triceratops, and tyrannosaurs, which for reasons James couldn't understand were his favorites. They walked on the beach, swung on swings, ate ice cream and just laughed, playing catch-up in the yard of their own house. It was so simple and yet so valuable to him that stringer was afraid to take an extra step or gesture in order not to destroy this idyll. His mother-in-law, who had come with his son and at first gave Augusta a critical look, relented at the end of the day and even offered to sit with the baby so that the young people could relax alone and go to a cafe. James realized that he was gradually falling in love with this beautiful and truly alive girl, and these long-forgotten feelings gave him a whole sea of joy, mixed with anxiety and excitement. What will happen to them next?
"Mr. Stringer? Mr. James stringer?" a woman's voice asked,"Am I right? "
He awoke from his own reverie and looked reluctantly at the lady before him.
"Yes, it's me," he said in disbelief, " and you..."
"We haven't been introduced, I'm Mrs. Eliza Campion," she said, holding out her hand and smiling her trademark tight - lipped smile that made many people want to wring her neck quite often - "the festival's new investor. I have business proposal to you".
"Nice to meet you," Stringer said thoughtfully, eyeing Eliza carefully and shaking Her outstretched hand instead of kissing it as she'd expected, " I didn't hear you were involved in the project."
"Don't worry, everything is more than official, you can check with Mr. Parker", she said sweetly, sitting down at the table, "I have a proposal for the reconstruction of the Assembly and about the gallery..."
"I'm sorry, but I don't discuss business with anyone other than Miss Heywood and Mr. Parker," James interrupted, who had only a couple of minutes to understand why Charlotte was being turned inside out by this seemingly pleasant woman, " and then I don't have any information....
"This is just a formality", interrupted Eliza, putting her hand on his, "James, you know that without you, this project will go to hell. And if you accept my offers, we will have an incredible success and profit, which I intend to share with you".
"I don't do this for money," Stringer said dryly, calmly withdrawing his hand, "As for your offer, believe me, no one can do it better than Charlotte Heywood. She has studied the history of Sanditon thoroughly, and will give us all a head start in this matter",
"Charlotte Haywood...." Eliza barely managed to say, "She is everywhere. Are there any things this lady doesn't understand?"
"I don't think so," Stringer said, smiling, " so I'm sorry, Mrs. Campion, I can't help you."
He was about to get up to find Augusta and leave before this chance encounter completely ruined this evening, but Eliza stopped him.
"Are you still in love with Miss Heywood?", she asked suddenly.
"Excuse me?"  said Stringer, " why are you... ? I'm not..."
"Come on, I saw you looking at her right after the regatta and then at the party in it's honor", Eliza said, "and I saw you dancing with Miss Heywood. Such feelings cannot be extinguished"
"You're wrong, Mrs. Campion, Charlotte and I have always been just friends," Stringer said, "True friends"
"But not by your will, is it?", Eliza asked slyly, "you've always wanted more, haven't you?"
"I'm sorry, but it's none of your business," Stringer said evasively, getting up from the table, "I don't think we should continue this conversation, it won't lead to anything good. Good-Bye, Mrs. Campion".
Eliza reluctantly nodded in response.
Behind him, Augusta, who had heard most of their conversation, rushed out of the cafe to catch her breath and recover from the news.
"Does he really still love Charlotte? Does he need me just to ease his boredom?"  she kept thinking.

Esther disconnected the call and slowly put the phone in her purse, taking a deep breath of the fresh evening air.
"Is something wrong?"  Georgie asked, feeling that her friend was clearly uneasy.
Esther glanced at her husband, who was standing just outside the cafe, chatting cheerfully with Crowe, constantly glancing at her and Georgie.
" I'm not going to tell you", confessed to Mrs. Babbington, "at least for now. I didn't want to upset you. I know you're worried about Charlotte and Sidney."
"What? What the hell happened?" asked Miss lamb excitedly, "Why are you silent? Something wrong with Charlotte? Or with Parker?"
"No, no, they're all right... almost fine", her friend hastened to reassure her, it's... it's just that Tom and this Campion girl made a deal on some completely wild terms for Parker. My hair stood on end when I read it"
"They did what?"  Georgiana exclaimed in surprise, waving her arms in the air like a large, beautiful bird, "I hope you're joking".
"I'm afraid not," said Esther, and with all her strength she kicked a small stone at her feet, "I don't know what to do. My head is splitting from all these thoughts"
"I'd kill that bitch," Georgie exclaimed loudly enough, drawing the attention of the men and other guests of cafe, "so that she'd burn in took a long, long time to cook over a slow fire, and Tom... there's a separate cauldron for him, if it wasn't for them..."
"Stop it, you can not yell so loudly", interrupted her Esther, "everyone is looking at us..."
" I don't care if they look", said Georgie, "I say what I think..."
"Relax, Birdie", Crowe said calmly as he came up to them, "I'm sure you'll have a chance to get to Mrs. Campion, but not today, save your strength." Let's go have a drink."..
She spun around and was about to say something impertinent to him again, but his face was so close that Georgie's breath caught in her throat and, for perhaps the first time in her life, she didn't know what to say.No insults, no caustic remarks, nothing. Miss lamb just stood there looking at Francis, which surprised both Babbingtons.
"Are we going?" Crowe asked softly.
Augusta burst out of the main door, almost colliding with Her own brother. She was extremely agitated, and there were tears in her eyes.
"What? What happened to you?", William asked, grabbing his sister's elbow, "somebody hurts you?"
"No, Will, I'm all right. I just need to get some air. Leave me alone, " Augusta exclaimed, freeing herself from her brother's arms.
"No," said Babbers, " I can see something's wrong! Did this Stringer do something to you?"
"My God, he didn't do anything wrong, he and finger me not touched" , in hearts answered Augusta," don't talk nonsense".
"Then why are you crying?"  William insisted.
"Everything was fine until she came... Mrs. Campion" finally, Augusta answered, " she... she said that..."
Augusta paused and turned away, not wanting to expose her soul in front of strangers.
As soon as she heard Eliza's name, Georgie ran into the cafe, and Crowe cursed and followed her.
Esther gently touched her husband's sleeve, silently asking him to step back. He obeyed, and, dismissing Augusta, walked away, leaving the two women alone.
"What did she say?"  Esther asked quietly.
"That James was in love with Charlotte," Augusta said reluctantly" and... that he still loved her"
"Hell, she's like..." exclaimed Esther, " like the devil out of a snuffbox, always popping out when you don't ask for it."
"Is it true?", in desperation, asked Augusta.
"And Yes and no", honestly answered Esther", James indeed was not indifferent to Charlotte, but between them never was nothing, and this was so long, that no one already not remembers. They are friends, nothing more... without any reservations".
"You don't think I should worry?", Miss Babbington asked.
"Of course not, don't even think about it", Esther said "I only have one question: how did this brat find out about this at all?"
"She says she saw them at the regatta and the party afterwards," Augusta said.
"A party? I don't remember her being at a party", Esther said "And Charlotte said that Campion left a day early. Did she say anything else?"
"Something about the fact that they danced at that party, I don't remember exactly... I'm sorry," said Augusta.
"Then I don't understand... how... ", Esther muttered to herself. Her mind raced through the options, but couldn't find the right one. She looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what to do next with what she had just learned.
"Ah, there you are! I've lost you!" exclaimed James, coming out into the street, "Is something wrong?"
Augusta smiled and, imperceptibly wiping away the last of her tears, turned to him.

It was only a hundred paces to Sanditon house, but Allison was in no hurry to return.  She straightened her hair and looked at him furtively. He caught her eye and smiled.
" I'm sorry," she said quietly, "I didn't mean for this to happen".
"Don't be silly", he said calmly, "it's all right. This is not how I wanted to spend the evening, but it's a small thing. The main thing is that you are with me".
Allison smiled and looked down, embarrassed.
Dan came closer and held out his hand. She accepted his open hand with pleasure. Broome touched her dainty fingers affectionately and pulled her gently toward him. Allison willingly snuggled up to him, nuzzling his chest and wrapping her arms around Dan's waist.
"I didn't think it would be such a long, nervous day," Allison whispered, " I'm so worried about Charlotte and the Parker. And Sophia."
"This contract is not the end of the world yet, and thank God everything's all right with Sophia.", Dan answered, "If Parker's plan doesn't work, my lawyer will start the termination process, if necessary through the courts".
"This is all so unfortunate," said Miss Heywood.
"It's rare for something to happen in time in life," Dan said, "Especially in my life"
Allison looked up and studied him.
"Is something wrong?", she asked, "I'm here with my problems, and you probably have enough of your own"
"Don't worry about me," Dan said, smiling,"everything will be solve, it just takes time."
"Will you have to leave?"  Allison was alarmed, and in her heart she wasn't ready to part with him at all.
He held her closer.
"Maybe I can sort it out from here," Broome said, "or maybe .. you'll want to come with me..."
"Me? I don't know...I'd really like to, but ... .. how can I leave Charlotte now, when Tom has made so much trouble?" , Allison said, "I know there's not much I can do, but I have to be there for my sister... sorry..."
"  I know, you can't leave her, that's all Allison Haywood", he said quietly, gently kissing Allison in the head, "who knows, maybe that's why I fell in love with you... I bow to your dedication and promise to help you save not only your sister, but all the horses, cows, goats, donkeys, or whatever else lives here..."
She touched his beard lightly and, laughing, stood on tiptoe to kiss him.
"Very bold," Allison said.
"Yes, I tried not to hit the face in the dirt" with a completely serious look said Broome, "can you tell me something... mmm... stunning?"
"Oh, Daniel! you're making me blush", she answered.
"Not a word?" Broome asked, "a just promised to take care of all the living things on the coast... and you..."
She laughed again and lifted her head to whisper a few words in his ear.
Dan smiled and held her even tighter in his arms, feeling like the happiest man in the world.

Crowe, after a moment's hesitation, bumped into the waiter and immediately lost sight of Georgie. Excusing himself, he helped pick up the forks and spoons from the floor and immediately rushed into the second room, where he could already hear the screeching and clattering of dishes. Lay before him the spectacle was both entertaining and frightening at the same time. Miss Georgiana lamb, like a true warrior , with fire in her eyes and an unwavering hand, was dragging Eliza Campion by the hair as she expertly maneuvered between the tables in the hall. She, in turn, screamed, twisted her arms and legs, trying to somehow escape from the unexpected captivity, but she did not succeed. With each new insult, Georgiana's strength grew stronger and stronger.
"Let me go, you crazy girl!"  Eliza shouted with the last of her strength., "Help me! Call security!  She's killing me. I'll sue you, you bitch!
The audience stared at the unfolding action in silence, completely shocked by what they saw.
"What the hell are you doing back at Sanditon?" Georgiana shouted in return, "what a beast you are, Campion! This is for you, so that you don't have to get involved with Charlotte and me! Get out of here while you're still alive!"
A further torrent of insults from both sides would have embarrassed anyone, even a seasoned sailor. Rage and energy seemed to fill the room to the brim. Georgiana was furious, but her opponent wasn't going to give up so easily either.
Eliza tried to scratch out Georgie's eyes, or at least grab her by the hair, but only managed a couple of punches to her chest and shoulders. Georgie howled in pain, and Crowe knew it was time to end this concert. He ran up behind Georgie and wrapped his arms tightly around her, lifting her high off the ground. Startled, Miss lamb let go of Eliza's hair and howled in frustration.
"Let me go, let me go," she screamed, "This bitch should get what she deserves! She should get this!"
But Francis ignored her, pulling her firmly away from the disheveled and terrified Eliza and pulling Georgie into the service room so that she could calm down a little. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone help Mrs. Campion to her feet. After making sure that she was alive, Crowe took a close look at the kicking and screaming Georgiana, knowing full well that this was not an easy task for him. When he saw the side door, he opened it and pushed Georgie into the back room. It was dark inside, and this cooled his captive's ardor a little.
He lowered her to the ground and whirled her around to face him.
"Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing?, he asked," do you want that Campion to drag you through the courts? Believe me, she will! "
"Leave me alone, it's none of your business! Why did you stop me?" - Georgie exclaime," I would have hit her! "
"Wake up, girl! Cool it! That's not how things are done. Why are you so carried away?", continued to stick Crowe, "you wanted to be a puppet in her games? Use your brain! It's not that simple ..."
"I just wanted to talk to her, tell her to stay out of Charlotte and Sidney's way, and she... she...",  Miss lamb began, and then stopped with tears in her eyes.
"What did she say?"  Francis asked, wondering what Eliza had done to make Georgie lose her temper so quickly.
"This bitch told me that she didn't care what Sidney wanted, and she didn't care what I thought, and she told me to go back to my homeland, to the palm tree I'd just climbed off, and not to pollute her beautiful England. That no amount of my father's money would help me become a full — fledged human being", Georgie managed to say, "what right had she to say that? It's not fair! I couldn't leave it like this! She should have gotten what she deserved!"
"I understand," Crowe said soothingly, stroking her hand gently, "now I under stand".
Suddenly Miss lamb, who had been so strong and fierce only a moment before, went limp and wearily buried her face in Francis's chest, letting him take her in his arms. Crowe held her close, but gently, as he felt Georgiana cry. The occasional sob slowly turned into a sob, and she unconsciously put her arm around his waist, pulling him closer to her, seeking comfort in the man she had seemed to hate with all her heart the day before. Her emotions and the tension of all these days were so strong that Georgie could no longer control them. All her self-control, all her energy, had disappeared, leaving only a bitter residue and a lot of reasons for regret. It tore her apart, but even so, she was glad, glad that it was Crowe who was with her now.

There was a thud. Sidney opened his eyes with difficulty, realizing that it was morning. Looking around, Parker realized that he and Charlotte had fallen asleep in the back of the car. The knock was repeated. Sidney looked up and lowered the window, careful not to Wake Charlotte.
"Good morning, Mr. Parker," Cassie said, apologizing for being so early. " Miss Allison Heywood said you were here. She also asked me to Wake you as soon as the old Lady wakes up. So, Sophia is awake and waiting for you."
"Thank you, Cassie," Sidney murmured excitedly.
He closed the window and steeled himself to Wake Charlotte so that they could go together to meet Lady Denham.

Mary poured the coffee into a large, beautiful Cup and inhaled the pleasant and invigorating aroma of the drink. The whole house was still asleep, and Mary intended to devote the morning to herself, for she had long wanted to read her favorite book in silence. The phone rang, startling her out of her reverie.Esther's face appeared on the screen. Mary quickly pressed the answer button so as not to Wake the rest of the household.
"Hi, Mary, I hope I didn't Wake you up."  Mrs. Babbington asked.
" Of course not", answered Mary, "morning is the only time when I can be alone with myself and still not fall off my feet."
"Children and a husband require a lot of attention", Esther agreed, "Especially in your case."
Mrs. Parker sighed heavily, mentally agreeing with every word she said.
"Is something wrong, Esther?" Something wrong with Sofia? Charlotte said she wasn't feeling well, " Mary said.
"No, everything's fine", Esther answered "Look, do you remember that party after the regatta five years ago? Well, the one that was stylized as a ball?"
"Yes, of course," said Mary.
"Tell me, do you have any photos or videos left?" Esther answered again "I remember that Tom hired a cameraman and photographers"
" To perpetuate such a great event ... ended in complete failure", continued for her Mary, "Yes, there is the ball itself in the already processed form and the full shooting. The operator for some reason filmed the fire and how it was extinguished. I couldn't look at it after all that happened, and Tom only saw It once, and he was crying all the time. But  he didn't dare delete it. Probably it's still hanging out in the cloud"
" Super! Could you send me a link? - Esther said, "the sooner the better."
"Of course, I don't think that's going to be a problem," said Mrs. Parker, "Did something happen?"
"No. I just want to be inspired by that era before the festival", Esther lied reluctantly, " but you send me all the photos and videos, please. Maybe it will be useful".
"All right," Mary said, " I'll look for it and send it to you."
"Thank you I'm waiting!" said Esther joyfully, "Have a nice day!"
" And you !" Mrs. Parker said, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of coffee again.
She put down the phone and went with the Cup to her husband's office, determined to comply with Esther's unexpected and strange request.

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