Do you believe me?

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A huge, incredibly beautiful chandelier with heavy candlesticks shot up to the ceiling, taking its place of honor. She looked around with admiration and returned to her companion.
"It's just incredible, mind - blowing, magical and  awesome - said Charlotte, smiling broadly - call it what you want, it won't be enough to describe what you're doing.
- It's not me at all - Stringer was confused - I'm just an architect, but the guys did a good job.
- Come on, I know you've worked as hard as anyone here - Charlotte said - Julia Robinson told me all about you, so don't be shy.
- The Assembly has always been very beautiful, just in need of restoration - said Stringer - after we finish we will need to work with textiles and furniture, but as far as I know Esther is ready to fight.
- She is always ready - smiled Charlotte - my God, I did not even imagine how beautiful it is here.
- Yes, these alcoves, columns, moldings, and balconies - stringer agreed - everything looks very organic.
- The balcony - Charlotte said thoughtfully - probably didn't have a single date, or maybe it did... maybe there is someone made an offer hands and hearts.
- Very romantic - Stringer said with a smile - Charlotte, are you all right?
She shook herself and forced a smile back.
- Yes - she said - why do you ask?
- You've been too thoughtful these past few days - Stringer said - Is something bothering you?
- No, or rather Yes - she said at last - Damn, James, I don't know.
- Sidney Parker Again? - James asked - do you remember that despite my attitude toward him, I have always respected your choice? But if he tries to fool you again, I won't keep quiet.
- Oh, James, that's not the point at all - Charlotte said sadly - he's been in London for a week with Broome and Susan. No, don't think about it, he's always calling, texting, saying he missed me, but...
- What's bothering you, then? - James asked.
- Georgie sent me a link to an article saying that Eliza Campion has returned to London and taken her place of honor among the Beau Monde of the capital - Charlotte managed to say.
Stringer laughed and took hold of Charlotte's forearms.
- Is that all you're worried about? - he asked, smiling.
- I know it's stupid - Charlotte said, bowing her head - Sidney will be here tomorrow..... just...
James pulled her gently into his arms and hugged her tightly.
- Don't look for problems where there are none - he said quietly - I'm not a fan of Sidney Parker, but I think each of us deserves a second chance.
Charlotte buried her face in his shoulder and hugged him back.
- Thank you - she almost whispered - what would I do without you?
He smiled and gave her a friendly Pat on the back.
- James, we have a problem here - Fred's voice came from somewhere on the second floor.
- Yes, I'll be there in a minute - Stringer said loudly, releasing Charlotte from his arms - I'm sorry, I have to go.
- Yes, Yes, of course - said Charlotte, sighing.
James smiled and disappeared into the alcove that led to the stairs.
Charlotte watched him go, then looked back at the chandelier.
- I must have come back at a bad time - she heard Sidney voice.
Looking back, she saw him standing in the alcove, watching her intently.
- Sidney! I didn't know you were coming today - she said with a smile, rushing joyfully to meet him.
- I wanted to surprise you - he said coldly, putting his hands behind his back. His face was more serious than ever, and his brows were drawn into a hard line.
Charlotte stopped and stared at Sidney.
- What's wrong with you? Are you all right? - she asked, feeling her heart about to burst out of her chest - Did something happen in London? It's Eliza again, isn't she?
Charlotte paled, and Sidney saw that she was shivering.
- What? No! What does she have to do with it? What makes you think that? - he asked.
- Georgie told she's back in London - Charlotte said in a low voice.
- So what? Mrs. Campion has enough money to live wherever she wants - Sidney said.
- I thought you were. - the beginning of Charlotte.
- The first time I saw her, I threw myself into her arms? -  Sidney asked with a grin - How badly you think of me. But I can see that you haven't been very bored yourself in my absence. Our talented architect seems to know how to comfort women.
Charlotte flushed at this unfair accusation and, without thinking, slapped him hard across the face.
- Go to hell, Parker! - she almost shouted, and ran out of the room, leaving Sidney alone.
He kicked hard at an empty bucket that had been left behind by the workers, which hit the opposite wall with a thud and fell to the floor with a crash. He turned and left the room at a brisk pace.
- What an idiot - thought Stringer, who was watching from the balcony - I'll have to talk to him myself...

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