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-  I'm... I'm really sorry, " Tom muttered, looking from Sidney Broome and back, "You said you were going to get married. I thought you were talking about Eliza..."
"You could have just asked me," Sidney said, looking up from reading the documents Esther had sent him, " and why the hell did you even need this contract? We have enough money as it is"
"She... Eliza said that we are practically one family and we should not give the profits to the side", Tom replied, "that it would be more profitable for all of us".
"What a fool you are, Tom," Sidney said wearily, passing a hand over his face, "I did everything I could to prevent Eliza to the Parker estate, and you're signing some completely wild contract"
"But she was so convincing",said the elder Parker, " maybe you're just exaggerating the situation?"
"Am I forcing it?... Tom, I' m ", Sidney began, jumping up from his seat.
"Unfortunately your brother is right", Dan intervened in the conversation, "this contract is really extremely not profitable for the Parkers, and the festival itself, too. They've already run him through the legal and economic Department. The answer is one-this is a real cabal."
"If Esther hadn't slowed down the execution, Mrs. Campion's money would have already fallen into your account," Sidney continued, "tell me, have you even read this agreement?"
"Only the section with the subject of the contract and the specification", honestly admitted Tom, "Eliza said that the content is standard."
Sidney paced the room nervously, his hands clenched into fists.
"God, what an idiot you are!", he said, " you are five years old? Have you tried turning your brain on? And if she forced you to sell your organs, would you go quietly like a sheep to the slaughter?"
"But Eliza... " Tom muttered under his breath.
"She deceived you", Broome again intervened, trying to contain Sidney's emotions, " your profit from the project will almost completely go to her, and the penalties for termination of the contract are simply fantastic. To be honest, I've never seen anything like this before."
"But I'm... ", muttered Tom, clutching his head and unconsciously shrinking into a huge tight ball in the chair, "what should I do now?"
"You should have thought of that before!", Sidney answered, "I knew you'd do something like that again!"
"Can't anything be done?", Tom almost pleaded, "Me... I'm so sorry..."
"What should I do?", Sidney asked, " Declare you incapacitated? Commit to a mental institution? which one of these suits you better?"
"But... But then I can't be with my children... and Mary", Tom hesitated, completely at a loss, "I can't.."
"You both need to calm down", said Dan, "emotions here are unnecessary - the easiest way is to find a reason why Mr. Parker did not have the right to sign this document, if there is no such thing, then we will challenge the contract in court. The money hasn't arrived yet, so we can get off with less blood.
Sidney frowned and sat up abruptly, as if thinking about something.
"Any ideas?", asked Broome, "if there is, then you better share them right now."
"Yes," Sidney said shortly, " but I need to talk to Sophia right away."
"As far as I know, she's not feeling well," Dan said.
"I know," Sidney answered, " but I don't have a choice, and I don't have time.
The door to the office opened and the Heywood sisters came in one by one, carrying coffee and cakes.
"You'd better have something to eat," Charlotte said.
" I need to leave urgently", answered Sidney, throwing on a light jacket, " I hope Sanditon house is still up."
"Why? Talk to Sofia?", Charlotte asked, "maybe she's still resting, because Dr. Fuchs gave her a sleeping pill."
"I have to try," Sidney said, " I'm sorry, I have to go right now.
"I'll go with you," Charlotte said decisively, folding a couple of doughnuts into a napkin, "Eat on the way, and I'll call Esther.."
The elder Miss Haywood looked at her sister and then at Broome.
"I'll call you as soon as I know anything," she said, and followed Sidney out.
"Is something wrong?", Mary asked, coming in after them.
"They went to rescue my ass", barely heard responded Tom, his hair was tousled and in a whole on him was painful to look, "again..."
Mary pulled herself together and smiled at Allison and Dan.
"Coffee?" Tea? ", she asked cordially.

She was curled up in a chair, reading a book. In the dim light of the lamp, she looked incredibly tender, almost languid, which made his heart begin to beat an incredible rhythm. He watched her for at least half an hour, unable to take his eyes off her long, graceful neck, the curls of hair at the back of her head, the half-lowered lashes. He loved her this way-relaxed and serene, and the other - screaming, throwing objects at him, hot as a hurricane, destroying everything in its path. Her every expression, her smile, her furrowed brows, and her puzzled look, all touched him to the core. He never spoke of his feelings, and probably never intended to. Despite the fact that he was very easy to communicate with the opposite sex, almost a womanizer, he did not dare to open his cards with her. Knowing full well that his confession might be the last conversation in their lives, he preferred to remain silent, so that he could occasionally, at least from a distance, watch her and sometimes exchange caustic phrases. He imagined walking up to her, holding out his hands, just touching her curly dark hair with the tips of his fingers, and telling her how much he missed her laughter and the look in her eyes. But then he realized that if this really happened, he would immediately be laughed at and again awarded a rather unflattering epithet, and most likely more than one. He will do the same in response, which will cause a new argument, which will certainly give a lot of emotions, but in the end will leave him alone, tired and empty.
There were light footsteps and the door creaked. She snapped the book shut and looked at the newcomer. He looked at her in surprise.
"What the hell are you doing here?", Crowe asked as casually as possible.
"Me?. I'm just waiting for Esther, " Georgie said, trying to hide the book behind her back, "and what a hell are you doing here? I thought you were bothering Babbington."
Bewildered by what she had read, Georgie couldn't get a grip on herself. She glanced at the clock on the wall, appalled that almost two hours had passed since Esther had left. The book swallowed her whole. Esther was right, it was about her. Georgiana recognized herself in every gesture, every word, every habit. The description was so accurate that sometimes she was afraid. of this.
He let out a long breath and rolled his eyes.
"And I'm not the only one," he said, "I see you're not wasting any time either. My heart goes out to Esther, and I don't want to have a friend like you. By the way, did you say why you're here?"
Georgie snorted, almost hurling the book at him, but stopped herself in time to hide it behind her back again.
"What have you got there? What are you hiding?" he asked, staring in surprise at her manipulations.
"Nothing! it's none of your business," Georgie snapped.
He moved closer and peered behind her, since he was tall enough to do so.
"A book?" he asked in surprise, "I didn't know you could read."
"What?" What an ass you are, Crowe, "said Miss lamb," who do you think I am? A stupid immigrant who lost her parents and never learned the alphabet? Of course, I'm not capable of anything! I sit in a corner all day, drooling moodily!
"I never thought you were stupid." he answered, "I didn't mean to..."
For the first time, he could honestly say what he really thought of her.
"What did you mean? To humiliate me?" in the hearts exclaimed Georgie, "rejoice, you got it!"
In her mind the reality of the book interwoven into a unified whole. Her head spun and she felt sick in her throat. Resentment covered her in powerful waves, sending such unnecessary tears to her eyes. But Georgiana lamb was not used to crying over small things; she was of a different mould. She frowned and swung the heavy volume at him. Crowe dodged, allowing the bestseller to swoop across the office to the front door.
Georgiana snorted and spun around to face the opposite wall.
Francis went to the door and stooped to pick up the book. When he saw the name, he paused for a moment, trying to assess his situation and decide what to do next.
"But this is..." he muttered, then stopped, confused by the ambiguity of the situation. He didn't know what Georgie had read, or if she'd realized it was about her.
Nestled in the big palm of its own author, the book opened to the last page he read, allowing Francis to read: "he loved her this way - relaxed and serene, and the other-screaming, throwing objects at him, hot as a hurricane, destroying everything in its path."
He swallowed hard, collecting his thoughts, and looked at Georgie, who was still sitting with her back to him.
"Sorry," muttered Crowe, "I really didn't mean to offend you. This is just a bad joke..."
She was silent, as if oblivious to his words and presence in the room.
"Georgie, I'm" he began.
"Forget it," she snapped, " and go where you were going. Leave me alone."
"Look -" Francis tried again.
"Just back off, I don't want your remorse or sympathy," she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat, "You're a nasty, narcissistic prick! I want you to sink through the ground!
There was genuine resentment in her voice, and something he'd never heard before. Something that startled him, made him pull himself together instead of sending her off as usual.
"Georgiana" again tried his luck Crowe, "sorry, I really overreacted"
"Just leave me alone," she said through clenched teeth, but there was desperation in her voice "Just get out of my life! Disappear! Close that damn door on the other side!"
"And if I don't want to?"  Francis asked suddenly, taking a few steps toward her.
"I don't care what you want," Georgie exclaimed, "who are you that I should listen to you?"
"I'd like to find out this, too," he said calmly, coming even closer.
"Find out what?" thrown Georgiana took an unconscious step back, realizing with horror that her back was against the wall.
"Who am I to you?"  Francis asked, still studying her closely.
"I already told you...", Miss lamb tried to evade the question.
"So say it again," Crowe insisted.
"Damn it! Why on earth would you want anything from me?", Georgie snapped, trying to break through Crowe went to the door, but failed, and Francis shut her off from the rest of the world.
"Maybe I just need to hear the answer," he said calmly, even though his heart was about to burst out of his chest.
"Maybe you'd better let me out of here."  Georgie asked casually, trying to look as if she didn't know what he was getting at.
He handed her the book. Miss lamb picked it up automatically and held it to her bosom as if it were the most precious thing in the world. He smiled at this. Seeing his reaction, Georgie threw the book into a chair, but it didn't help, her cheeks flushed, and she looked down in confusion. All her courage and confidence had disappeared.
"No," Crowe said firmly.
"What?" What are you going to do? "she asked warily, feeling Frances getting closer and closer.
"What do you think I'm going to do?"  he was clearly teasing Georgie, which Miss lamb couldn't stand.
"Why the hell should I wonder what your twisted mind wants?" she asked "let me out of here right now!"
Georgie pushed hard, but Francis didn't budge. She hit him in the chest. No reaction, except that he was getting even closer. Maddened by excitement, anger, and other emotions that were new to her, Georgie began to pound her fists against his chest, shouting incoherent curses. He didn't move for a moment, but then, with a sharp lunge, he pinned her firmly against the wall. Cupping her face, he did what he'd been dreaming of for a long time. Francis kissed her on the lips with all the passion that only he was capable. She didn't resist him. The rush of emotion made him dizzy, and for a moment Crowe relaxed his grip. This was enough to Georgiana broke out of the trap. Abruptly she sat down, she deftly ducked under his arm, suddenly having appeared behind him. Francis spun around, immediately receiving a solid slap from Georgie. His eyes widened, and for a moment he froze in surprise. But no sooner had Francis put his hand to his burning cheek than Georgiana herself leapt to him, seized his face with hands that were icy with excitement, and greedily sank her lips into his. The kiss was so passionate and hot and mutual, as if both of them had dreamed of it all their lives. Her hands slowly slid down his neck, and his explored her back and waist, holding Georgiana even tighter to his trembling body.
"Crowe, where are you?"  Babbington's voice came from the corridor, " Did you see Georgie? Esther says she's here somewhere."
Miss lamb stopped abruptly, as if roused from a dream. She let go of her hands and pulled away from Francis, afraid of her own boldness. He, in turn, was in no hurry to let go of her.
"Fran? Are you here?" ask again Babbington, his voice louder, seemed to be right outside the door.
Crowe reluctantly let Georgiana go and she, obeying some instinct, sank into a chair, pulling the book from under her, and holding it tightly to her.
The door opened and a smiling Babbingtons face looked out.
"Ah, there you are! Why you didn't answer?" he asked, "Esther's finished, can we go for a drink if you'd like?"
" Great!", Georgie jumped up, not forgetting to bring a book with her, "its better now"
She darted past William and disappeared through the door so quickly that the men didn't even have time to react. Crowe smiled enigmatically.
"Did I miss something? What happened here?", Babbington asked surprise, "what with Georgie?"
"It's all right, my friend, it's all right," Crowe muttered thoughtfully to himself, "we just talking about the books."
"Just talking?", William asked, "that's what scares me the most."
"Never mind," said Francis, " let's go to the bar. Or do you have better ideas?"
" Hold on...", Babbington tried to stop him.
"There's nothing to discuss," Crowe interrupted, moving to the door, "so you go or not?"
- Yes, Yes, of course", absent-mindedly responded Babbers, passing behind friend and in the last time closely looking around the room in the hope understand modicum something, "I already go."

The car stopped in the driveway Sanditon House.
"Yes, well, I understand. Thank You, Esther. See you tomorrow", Charlotte answered and turned off the call.
" Sofia is still sleeping", she said, turning to Sidney, "it is unlikely you will be able to talk to her until morning"
"Damn it!"  Sidney exclaimed, slapping the steering wheel several times with his palms, " I hate that bitch! Why can't she just leave us alone?"
"Sidney!", Charlotte said, "I don't know what your relationship has been for the past five years..."
"There was no relationship between us", he stormed, "I told you! She was my boss. And extremely nasty. How many times I was ready to tell her to go to hell, but I couldn't. This fucking money! Always them! Damn, how could my brother be such an idiot?"
"Sidney, what if it doesn't work out?" Charlotte asked again "what if the contract isn't terminated? You are.." .
"No, don't even think about it," Sidney interrupted, " I'm not going anywhere, much less leaving you. At the very least, I will have to buy out my brother's entire estate to cover his debts"
"What about the children and Mary?", She asked, "what will happen to them?"
"I will never leave them to their fate", said Sidney, "they are not to blame, and my brother can go to hell! He need to be able to take responsibility for his actions!
"I'm sure Tom has a regret," she said.
"Regret?"  Sidney was incredibly angry with his brother and could not contain his emotions, he can regret a broken plate and an inappropriate word. He should be remorseful, but I don't think Tom Parker knows that feeling at all."
"But he also helped you when you stumbled," Charlotte persisted.
"Yes, and I'm grateful to him," Sidney said, " but that doesn't give him the right to ruin the rest of my life and decide who I should or shouldn't marry."
"You know he's not angry..." Charlotte began.
"Stop it! you didn't hired as a lawyer to him!"Sidney exclaime," Damn, I'm tired of all this!"
"I just wanted you to calm down a little," Charlotte replied. " I can't look at you like this! And stop waving me off! We're engaged, and your brother's problems are my problems, too. This is our common cause and we will decide it together, whether you want it or not? I just want to help!"
He lowered his head and buried his face in the steering wheel.
" Yes, you're right", said Sydney, "I'm sorry. I just..... I wanted to save you from all this shit. But it didn't work out for me again"
He lifted his head and stared at her.
"We can do this together," Charlotte said, patting him gently on the shoulder, "do you believe me?"
"I only believe you," he said, taking a deep breath.
"Then calm down, we will definitely find a way out of this situation", Charlotte encouraged him and, pulling out a small bundle from her purse, asked, "will you have a doughnut? I also have a bottle of mineral water."
"Thanks, but I'm not hungry," Sidney said.
" I'm insisted", said Charlotte, "You haven't had dinner yet, and we have no idea when we'll get home"
"If you want to go to Sanditon House and rest, I'll wait here," Sidney said.
"No," Charlotte said firmly. "I'll better stay here. With you. Stop talking nonsense, eat your doughnut and give me a quick hug"
"As you command, my Lady," Sidney replied, smiling and holding out his strong hands to her, " but I prefer to do it the other way around."
"Sidney Parker!"  Charlotte exclaimed, laughing, "You are simply insufferable..."

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