Who are you?

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Sidney took Charlotte's hands and spun her around as if they were children playing a fun game. The sea wind blew up her dress and thick dark hair, making her incredibly beautiful and weightless. Sidney picked up the pace and everything around him became a mad whirl, the earth, the sky, the face of Sidney and Charlotte...
- Miss, can you hear me? Miss?-  an urgent voice called from somewhere.
She opened her eyes, feeling light blows on her cheeks.
- Thank God! I was about to run for a doctor - he said 
- You don't need to call anyone - Allison said faintly, trying to raise her head, but she couldn't -  I'm quite all right. 
- I don't think so - the stranger replied - You just fainted in the archway.
- No, no, it's okay, I'll get up and it'll go away - Allison said, trying to get up from the bench, but a new wave of nausea immediately forced her to sit back down - OK, it'll be little later. 
- And you are stubborn, don't you? - he asked, smiling, and handed Allison a small bottle of water - are you thirsty?
She turned and stared at him. In front of Allison sat a rather handsome and well-built young man. There was an air of elegance about him, even the fact that he was wearing a simple t-shirt and light jeans didn't spoil the impression. His erect posture, perfect haircut, and strong, well-groomed hands suggested that this was an accomplished man who clearly cared about his health. Allison was most struck by his smile and his incredibly deep, dark blue eyes, which immediately drowned her.
- Thank you - she said, accepting the proffered bottle and trying to open it. Her fingers couldn't seem to work the damned lid, as if it were enchanted - what was it?
Allison was in despair, not only did she collapse on the grass like a sack of potatoes in his presence, but she couldn't handle the damn lid. She was suddenly ashamed and uncomfortable. She liked the stranger, and she didn't want to lose face again.
- Let me help you - he said, taking the bottle from her and opening it easily.
- Thank you - Allison said again, and after taking a couple of SIPS of water, she added - you probably think I'm wimp or something like that? Believe me, I don't faint every day.
- I believe  you - he said, smiling -  You don't look like a young lady in muslin. 
- All right -. Allison said, and looked down in confusion, not knowing what to say next.
She was not very willing to make new acquaintances and even less likely to let them get close to her, unlike Charlotte, so meeting him, and even under these circumstances, was a real test for Allison. She looked around for the subject of conversation and came across a bed of roses growing near the bench where they were sitting.
- Do you like here? - she said - I read somewhere that Denham Place, s Park is one of the most beautiful on the coast.
- It makes an impression - he answered- I really haven't had time to look at everything yet, I arrived quite recently. Have you been here long?
- A long time ago - Allison said evasively, suddenly feeling ashamed that she wasn't a guest, but just a worker.
- It must be nice to spend some time in a place like this - he said.
- Yes, you're right - she agreed, pausing before asking the next Question - how long are you staying at Sanditon?
- It won't depend on me - he said, smiling - I'm here at the request of a friend. By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Daniel, you can just call me Dan.
- Allison - she said, holding out her hand.
He took her hand gently in his, but instead of shaking it as she had expected, he kissed the back of it, as if she were a lady of the court and they had met somewhere at a ball.
Allison flushed, but didn't pull her hand away until he released it himself. 
She took another drink of water, taking advantage of the respite she needed.
- I hope you're feeling better - he asked.
- Yes. Thanks. Much better - Allison said.
- Since you've been here a long time, can you show me around? - he asked - this is my first time in Sanditon and I'd like to get to know The place better.
- I don't think I can be a good guide - Allison said - And then what about your friend?
- Don't worry about my friend - he said - What do you say? But of course not now, you need to rest. Maybe at six?
- I am... I don't even know - Allison said, confused by the pressure.
- Agree, I don't bite - asked Daniel.
Allison shifted on the bench, not knowing what to say to him, and took another drink of water. When she turned, she realized that he was watching her closely, waiting impatiently for an answer.
- Well - she said finally - I'll be free at six.
- Great! in that case, I'll meet you at the entrance to the Park at six o'clock sharp - Dan said - Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and settle some business with my friend.
- Of course - Allison said, also getting up, glad to find that her head was no longer spinning - thank you very much for your help. 
- You're Welcome - he said, giving her a beaming smile that made her heart race even faster -  see you later, Allison. 
- See you later - she said faintly.
He nodded, as if bowing to her, and quickly disappeared through the archway, leaving Allison alone with her own thoughts and new feelings.

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