New day

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A small brown bird fluttered from a Bush, accidentally waking the intruder. Georgiana stirred, trying to cover her head, burrow deeper into the pillow, and finish her beautiful dream, but she realized that she was not in her own bed. She rolled over on her back and opened her eyes a little to see what was going on. Through half-closed eyes, Georgie saw Crowe watching her intently.
- How long are you going to stay like this? - he said - my legs are already numb.
- How long have you been awake? - she asked, rising from his lap and straightening her clothes and hair.
- Just now - he muttered, getting to his feet and trying to stretch his cramped body. Francis would never admit that he had been awake for an hour or so, and that he had been watching Georgiana as she slept - Remind me why we came here in the first place?
- You know perfectly well why - Georgie snapped - and I didn't ask you to come with me! You could just keep getting drunk, you know how to do that.
- I was supposed to let you go out on your own at night in a coastal town with a bunch of strangers and very drunk people hanging around? - Сrowе asked, frowning at Georgiana - what do you take me for?
- Oh, don't pretend to care about me - Georgiana teased, hoping in her heart to hear him protest - everyone knows that Mr. Crowe is a pompous fool who loves only himself and doesn't miss a single bottle or skirt in the neighborhood, you just...
She broke off as she met his gaze. Georgiana expected to see anything but pain in his eyes.
A second later, he pulled himself together, putting on a mask of indifference and turning into a cynical asshole again. He sat back down and crossed one leg over the other.
- You're right, I don't care about anyone - he said, reaching for the bottle - Here's the best I can find in this city.
Georgie jumped to her feet and snatched the jar from his hands, never allowing him to take a single SIP.
- Can you stop drinking? - she asked - you're a writer, turn on your imagination and see where you will be in five years if you don't stop all this!
- Leave me alone with your moralizing - he replied coldly - you have already got everyone with your quirks. Give me my bottle and go torment Sidney or whoever else is willing to listen to you.
- No!  - Georgiana said firmly, gripping the glass container tightly.
- Give me my whiskey and get out of here! - he exclaim - that's all I need right now!"
- Oh, right! Everything you need!  - Georgie exclaimed, moving closer to him and resolutely pouring the last of the whisky over his head - enjoy your drinking!
She spun around and slammed the bottle into the nearest wall. It fell a good ten feet and crashed into the rocks, scattering small brown fragments down the path.
- Are you out of your mind? - Francis snapped, jumping up and brushing the last of the whiskey from his hair - What if you hit someone?
- Fuck you...  - she exclaimed, trying to attack him again.
Crowe expertly grabbed her wrists and held her tight. Francis opened his mouth to tell Georgie what he thought of her, but he was interrupted.
- What the hell is going on here? What are you bouth doing here? - asked Sidney, wiping his eyes.
The owner of the house was standing in the doorway, barefoot and wearing only shorts, and next to him was Charlotte, wearing a Sidney t-shirt and slightly disheveled hair.
- One suit for two! How cute!  - Crowe said - I must say, miss Heywood, this t - shirt looks much better on you than on your boyfreind. Great views open up.
Georgie glared at him, and Charlotte stared down at her long, bare legs, instinctively trying to pull the hem up to her knees. This amused Francis even more.
Sidney moved away, blocking Charlotte's view.
- What are you doing here? - repeated the question, Sidney. He didn't get enough sleep and didn't want to have a fight with his friends.
- We need to talk urgently - Georgiana said, slipping past Crowe.
- Is something wrong, George? - Sidney asked in confusion, letting miss lamb in and following Her into the living room.
- Tea or coffee, perhaps? - Charlotte asked, looking Francis up and down carefully - I think we've had enough alcohol for today.
- Coffee, black, no sugar - Crowe muttered.
- Come into the kitchen and I'll get you a towel - Charlotte said, smiling - Want some pancakes?
- I wouldn't mind - said Francis, looking after Charlotte and staring thoughtfully at the closed doors of the living room where Georgie and Sidney were now.

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