Not what it looks like

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She sipped the fragrant tea and carefully put the Cup back on the table. Charlotte had always admired Susan. As a monarch, she never shied away from socializing with ordinary people like Charlotte and Allison. Susan was so sophisticated, elegant, and insightful, not to mention physically beautiful, that the Hеywood sisters always saw her as a role model. A certain standard of modern women. Lady Worseter, who was incredibly self-contained and tactful, always got her way, but so masterly that her companion did not even notice how gracefully he was tricked. By some happy accident, Charlotte had fallen under the patronage of this great lady, and was very glad of it.
- So Sidney Parker is back in Sanditon, he is unmarried, and you will be working together on Tom's new project on the orders of the old Lady - Susan said.
- Well, briefly, Yes - Charlotte replied with a sigh.
- I certainly like Sophia Denham, and she doesn't let you get bored in this town - Susan said - You must introduce us.
- With great pleasure - replied Charlotte-I think you will like Sofia very much, she prefers to communicate with smart and strong people.
Lady Wooster smiled at her and took another SIP of tea.
- As far as I can see, Mr. Parker was able to Wake your heart again, wasn't He? -  Susan asked, one raised yebrow in question.
- Oh, no - said Charlotte - Nothing like that. We just talk like old friends.
- You can fool yourself all you want, my girl - said Susan - but you can't fool me. You know I'm never wrong about matters of the heart.
- It's been so long, I should have forgotten it long ago - Charlotte replied, lowering her eyes to the tablecloth and continuing to stir her nearly cold tea thoughtfully.
- But you haven't forgotten - Susan added - You've already forgiven him, haven't you?
- I guess so, but he left without explaining anything to me, he was going to marry Eliza - Charlotte almost moaned, barely able to hold back her tears - sometimes it torments me, I understand that all this was done for Tom and His family, but...
- We all make mistakes sometimes - Susan said calmly - and after all, he never married. If it's any consolation, Mrs Campion was furious, smashing up some ancient Chinese vases that cost her late-husband a fortune.
Charlotte took a deep breath and looked at Susan.
- I keep thinking that if I was the mistake and not Mrs. Campion - Charlotte almost whispered, choking on her own excitement - he might have been happy and had a family and lived a completely different happy life.
- My dear girl, let him choose what is best and most important to him - said Susan, patting Charlotte's hand affectionately - and you will see where Mr. Parker's heart will lead him. I'm sure you'll have him completely at your mercy again in less than a week.
- But Susan, I'm... - Charlotte began.
- The main question is what do you want? - Susan asked -  Аre you ready to let him back into your life?
Charlotte blushed and lowered her eyes in embarrassment. Not a day went by that she didn't think of Sidney, and his image accompanied her everywhere, no matter how desperately she tried to forget him. But Charlotte would never admit this to a living soul.
- You don't have to answer that - Susan said, smiling - Everything is clear. Tell me more about Tom Parker's idea. Maybe I know how to help...

It was at least half an hour before Susan and Charlotte finally left the restaurant. After saying good-bye, Susan gave Charlotte a long, thoughtful look, as if giving her a warning before meeting So dney.
- Damn it! - she heard a familiar voice and turned back.
She smiled when she saw how her old and good friend, apparently in a terrible hurry, almost broke the vase of flowers that the maid was so tremulously carrying.
- I'm sorry, for God's sake - he muttered, and walked quickly toward the exit.
- Daniel? What are you doing here?  - Susan asked.
He stopped abruptly and looked back at her. There was a look of surprise in his eyes.
- I'm Sorry, Susan. I'll explain later - he told her, and ran out into the hall, leaving Lady Worceter completely bewildered.

He darted through the lobby, weaving between guests and hotel staff. No matter what, he had to catch up with her and explain what had really happened in Georgiana's room. This weekend's events were not going the way he had planned. Broome didn't want to go to Sanditon, just as much as he didn't want to be a model for one of Georgiana's paintings that she had commissioned from the art gallery in London. When Miss lamb first made her request, he only laughed and flatly refused to pose for Her. There were enough events in his life to keep him constantly in the public eye, and Daniel didn't want to draw too much attention to himself. And even more so, he didn't like the idea of someone walking around his image, looking at all the curves and protrusions of his body. But as anyone who had ever been in contact with M477iss lamb knew, Georgiana was more than tenacious and incredibly stubborn, and in time she was able to persuade Him to consent to a task he did not want. The only condition was that Broome would not be completely naked, but would retain a sort of loincloth. The painting was nearing completion, and deadlines were running out, when Georgiana received an alarm call from her friend, which caused her to abruptly take off and rush to this resort town. All of Dan's plans had gone to Tartarus the moment Georgiana appeared on his doorstep on Friday night with the announcement that Broome must go with her to Sanditon. It was a matter of life and death.
Everything that happened next was like some kind of Comedy or absurdity. Georgiana was in such a hurry that she insisted on leaving very early and got behind the wheel herself, allowing Broome an extra couple of hours of sleep. He was certainly happy about it, but until she started driving like crazy on the highway. In the end, it bore its sad fruit. There was a loud Bang and the car bounced, then swerved sharply to the left. Georgiana smashed through a tire and almost hit the curb at high speed, only narrowly avoiding a collision.
Broomez rubbed his belted chest and sweated in the unseasonably hot sun as he changed the wheel and listened to Georgiana's eloquent curses about heat, Sanditon, and some unknown Sidney Parker. Her anger only deepened when Miss lamb realized that a couple of paint cans had burst at the time of the accident and most of her belongings had to go to the dry cleaners.
Any sane person would not have agreed to this trip and would have run away from Miss lamb long ago, given Her short and bad temper, but not Broome. He had known Georgiana for several years. When he met Miss lamb at one of her first exhibitions, it took him a long time to figure out what it was that attracted him to Her. It was not a physical attraction or infatuation, but rather a simple human interest. Broome suddenly saw something in her that seemed to have completely disappeared from his field of vision. Georgiana lamb was so natural, real, open and sincere, not playing a role and pretending to be someone else, that she quickly won his heart, becoming for him something like a younger sister. He condescended to her antics and rejoiced in her success, protecting her as if she were his own person. Georgiana, on the other hand, who had been dreaming of a romantic relationship for some time, accepted his concern and willingly shared all her difficulties with Broome. All the more unexpected was the mention of Sanditon and Sidney Parker, whom he had never heard of before.
Finally, they reached their destination, tired and hungry, and happily scattered to their rooms to eat and relax after a difficult trip. When Broome was done, he couldn't stay in the hotel and went for a walk in the garden, where he met Allison.
It was like a flash of bright light that made his heart stop, then start pounding again. Carrying her in his arms like his greatest treasure, he was as nervous as a boy before a first date. If he had been told about love at first sight only a couple of hours ago, Broome would probably have laughed in his face, thinking him a sentimental idiot. But now, sitting next to the stranger on the bench and carefully examining her angelic face, he felt something that he had not felt since his youth.
Broome listened to Allison's every word, caught every look and gesture of his new acquaintance. As he said good-bye to her, as if losing something important to himself, Daniel looked forward to the evening.
But could he have imagined that the circumstances would turn out this way, and that their meeting in Georgiana's room would be so absurd and ambiguous? No, Broome couldn't have imagined it even in a bad dream. Allison's look was so full of frustration, hurt, and incomprehension that Dan felt uneasy. He felt like a traitor and a deceiver, though he had done nothing to deserve such shameful titles. Now, as he ran through the garden to their meeting place, all he wanted was for Allison to be there and agree to listen to him.

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