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The sun beat down mercilessly, making everything melt like a Popsicle. The time dragged on. Around him, residents and visitors of the town strolled peacefully, enjoying the good weather for the upcoming weekend. The doors of the summer cafe were open to all comers and a couple of guests already settled under large umbrellas to relax and enjoy the cozy atmosphere. Sidney shifted nervously from one foot to the other, wanting to get out of the place as quickly as possible. He didn't want to go back to Sanditon, Which had given him so many hopes and then taken them away. Sidney looked around, wondering why he had finally agreed to Tom and Mary's pleas this time. 
During his absence, much has changed in the town, it seemed to Shine with new colors, throwing off the shackles of dust and desolation for a century. However, he has not lost his identity, like lifting the veil over its history, sending its guests on a journey which will lead them to where gentlemen wore hats, ladies hats, parasols and long dresses. Sidney smiled, imagining what his life would have been like if he had been born at that time. 
The sudden crash of a dish falling to the floor caught his attention. 
- Oh, honey, we need to be more carefull - the dark-haired woman said, picking up the miraculously unbroken dish and the pieces of fruit that had been lying on it earlier - now we have to throw it all out.
- Sorry - answered her blond baby - dady probably will swear. 
- It's going to be all right, Sidney - she said conspiratorially, and finally lifted her head from under the table to look at the boy - we won't tell dad anything.
Mr. Parker looked at her and his heart seemed to stop, missing a few beats. This was Charlotte Heywood , the woman he had once loved so much that it had taken him so long to return to Sanditon. Time should have played a trick on her, making her older and perhaps less attractive, but it didn't. She was still the Charlotte who had been in his dreams for so long. 
She smiled broadly, showing her beautiful white teeth and brushing her gorgeous wavy hair off her shoulders with a slight movement of her head. Sidney could barely swallow the lump in his throat. 
"This must be her son" - Sidney thought to himself, sighing heavily at the realization that they might have children together. Fantasies about his life with Charlotte still haunted him, making his real life even sadder. All these five years he had tried desperately to forget, to make himself believe that she was just a dream and a figment of his sick imagination. Sometimes he even succeeded. But the freedom did not last long; the image of her came back to him again and again, tormenting and at the same time giving him the warmth and peace that was so lacking. Now, as he looked at Charlotte and her child, he envied the lucky man who had named her his wife. 
- Would you like to sit down, mister? Do we want any refreshment or ice cream? - the young waiter asked, approaching him - No? Coffee, maybe? 
Sidney came out of his reverie with a confused look at the waiter. He suddenly felt rather stupid. Standing here in the middle of a resort town in a classic black suit, clutching his briefcase with documents, and gazing shamelessly at a woman with a child, he clearly attracted attention. 
After kissing the boy on the forehead, she finally sat him down at the table next to her. Charlotte gave the child an ice cream and, looking back at the waiter, immediately noticed him. Sidney realized that Charlotte recognized him. Her face paled, and her fingers gripped the edge of the tablecloth. For a moment, neither of them could take their eyes off each other, slowly studying the faces they had once loved so well. 
- Mister? Are you all right?  - the waiter asked - You sure don't want to sit down. 
- What? No, thank you, I just saw my friends  - Sidney said - I don't need anything. 
- Whatever you say - the waiter said with a shrug, and retreated to the back of the cafe. 
It was stupid and pointless to stand there any longer. Sidney tried to put on a more nonchalant expression, but it was clearly not working. His heart was pounding like crazy, and hands were beginning to shake treacherously. He tightened his grip on the briefcase and moved slowly toward Charlotte. 
She sat bolt upright in her chair, wanting to appear more independent and firm, and continued to watch Sidney, who would have given anything in the world to know what she was thinking. 
- Charlotte! it's been so long - he said, smiling and knowing that he didn't recognize his own voice - How are you? 
- Mr. Parker! - she replied calmly, but the flush on her cheeks betrayed her agitation - a long time ago, perhaps three or four years ago... 
- Five years - Sidney interrupted -we haven't seen each other in five years. Didn't we agree that you wouldn't call me Mr. Parker anymore? 
- And truth, I quite forgot - she said with the most indifferent expression on what only was capable - well, this and not it's complicated, for five years could happen anything. 
Charlotte was cold to him. What a fool he was, and what could he expect after what he had done? "It's a miracle she's even talking to me and hasn't poured her lemonade in my face" Sidney thought to himself. 
- Yes, you're right - he said - I see you're doing well.
- I'm not complaining much - Charlotte said, turning to the blond boy and patting him on the head - this needs to be wiped away, otherwise dad will swear. You're too big to be dirty.
- But the ice cream is so delicious - said little Sidney - Mister Parker, do you want ice cream? It's really delicious, I can give it a try. 
- Oh, no, thank you very much, I believe you, I used to always buy ice cream here - said Sydney to the baby - but now I don't want anything. 
- As you know - said the boy - dad said today that I am already an adult and can pay for myself. 
- Your dad's a good man to trust you - Sidney said. 
- Yes, my dad is the best!  - the boy said solemnly. 
Charlotte felt a little embarrassed and lowered her eyes. 
- Are you on holiday in Sanditon? - Sidney asked - I hope the sea isn't too cold.
- Cold water has never scared me - Charlotte said, smiling, and that genuine smile made Sidney's heart ache. This was her again, his Charlotte, not the cold, impenetrable statue she so desperately wanted to appear to be. 
- Where are you staying? At the Corona or the new hotel? - he asked. 
- Actually... - the beginning of Charlotte. 
- Ah, there you are - interrupted a cheery voice - I thought I'd have to go all over Sanditon.
- Papa, Papa! - exclaimed little Sidney, jumping up from the table and throwing himself into the man's arms. 
- Well, you didn't seem bored at all - he said, picking up his son and giving Charlotte a quick peck on the cheek, which made her blush even more and look at Sidney in confusion. 
Then man looked at Sidney and froze for a moment. Parker froze, too, in shock. It was none other than James Stringer himself. Sidney knew that James had always been partial to Charlotte, but he was sure that after the fire and the death of his father, he had moved to London and found a very promising job there. 
- Mr. Parker? 'I didn't know you were in Sanditon - James said, looking from Sidney to Charlotte and back again - I didn't know you were in Sanditon.
Sidney stood up and held out his hand in greeting. 
- Mr. Stringer, James - Sidney said - Yes, I came at my brother's request, and he's having some problems. 
Stringer took the proffered hand and sat down at the table, placing his son on his lap. 
- Your brother has started a new adventure - James said, stroking his son's blond curls - he has already come to me for advice. In principle, everything is solved, but it is better for you to hear everything from Tom. 
Sidney looked at Stringer, hardly believing his own eyes. From a young, modest novice architect, James became a strong, accomplished and confident man. Parker, too, had achieved some success in his career and even made quite a decent amount of money, but looking at Charlotte and the baby, he was incredibly envious of Stringer, knowing that behind all this tinsel, he had missed the most important thing in life. 
- Yes, of course - replied Sidney - that's why I came here. Are you on vacation too? 
- No, we moved here last year-said James-my son was ill a lot and I thought that he would be better here than in London. Sun, sea, what could be better? 
- It's a lot of space for Kids - Sidney agree - and he seems to like it. 
- А lot - smiled little Sidney - and the ice cream tastes better here. 
They all laughed, and James gently kissed the top of his son's head. 
- Excuse me, Mr. Parker, but we gotta go - said James standing up and holding out his hand to son - I was happy to meet with you. 
- Me, too - Sidney muttered back. 
Even if Charlotte was Stringer's wife, he couldn't bring himself to leave her. Sidney wanted to rush to her and hold her tight, but he couldn't afford it. 
- What should you tell everyone? - Stringer asked his son. 
- Good-bye, Mr. Parker - boy said - Good-bye, Charlotte.  Can we go to the Park for a swing next time? 
- Of course, my dear - she said, smiling and kissing him gently on the cheek - High five! 
He held out his hand to her, and she slapped it hard. The younger Stringer laughed. 
- Thank you Charlotte - said James - again kissing Charlotte on the cheek - you really helped me out. 
- It's all right, James - said Charlotte, smiling happily. We're friends with him. 
- Are you sure you're not coming to dinner tonight?  - 
I wanted to grill the meat. 
- Thank you, but today accurately no - told Charlotte - I will have work, I promised help in club, Asterisk not feels well, so that... 
- All right - Stringer said. See You Later, Parker. 
The Stringers waved and walked down the street, leaving Sidney and Charlotte alone. 
Sidney could not believe what he had just seen and heard. This boy was not Charlotte's son, and James Stringer was not her husband. Everything he imagined was just an illusion and had nothing to do with reality. 
There was an oppressive pause between them. Everyone wanted to know so much, but was madly afraid to ask. The tension was so intense that sparks seemed to fly between them. 
Finally, Charlotte shook her head playfully and broke the silence. 
- Stringer Junior is pretty cute, isn't he? - she asked, giving Sidney a charming smile that made his head spin. There was always something about her that drove him crazy. From the very first meeting, Sidney had felt it and could not shake it off. 
- Yes, you're right - he said. 
- And so much like his father - said Charlotte. 
- Where's his Mother? - Sidney asked. 
- This is a very sad story - she replied - James's wife died 2 years ago. Cancer. Since then, he and Sydney have been completely alone. I help as much as I can, but you know it's not enough. The baby needs a mother. 
- To be honest, when I saw you two together, I thought he was your son - Sidney admitted - but all things considered, the choice of name seemed rather strange to me.
Charlotte laughed and looked at Sidney fondly, for the first time since their parting. 
- That was his grandfather's name - she replied with a smile - as you can see, no one asked for my opinion.
- I see - Sidney drawled - You look cute together. 
- I just have a lot of experience with children - Charlotte said - I have eleven brothers and sisters, remember?
- Oh, Yes, how could I forget that - said Sidney - and I remember you threatening to introduce me to them. 
- I had good reasons not to do this - she answered. 
- Yes, I suppose you're right - he said. 
They fell silent again, but Sidney couldn't let it go. Just a few minutes with Charlotte showed him how much he missed her. He had never felt so easy with anyone else. She was a breath of fresh air that was so necessary. 
- How long have you been at Sanditon? - Sidney finally asked. 
- Long enough to find a place to live and get a job - Charlotte answered. 
- That's strange, but neither Tom nor Mary tell anything about It - Sidney said thoughtfully. 
- Well, this is just understandable - she replied - I asked them to keep quiet. 
- Why? - he asked, sitting up straight in his chair and putting his hands on the table. 
- So as not to reopen old wounds - Charlotte said - neither yours nor mine. You made a decision and ... and ... do we really need to talk about this right now? 
- No, if you don't want it - said Sidney - to be honest, I was not ready to meet you. 
- In that case, I can leave - Charlotte said resentfully,and turned away from him, trying to hide her tears, the words clearly coming with difficulty .  
He reached out and touched her hand. Charlotte flinched at the feel of his hot touch and turned to look him straight in the eyes - hell, when are you going to learn simple, banal politeness?
- That's not what I meant - almost whispered Sidney - I truеly very glad you to see. Simply... it was just so unexpected that I..... I sound like a fool again, don't I? 
- I think so - she said with a slight smile. 
- Let me make it up to you and take you out to dinner? - Sidney asked. 
- I don't think that's a good idea - Charlotte said.
- Just a friendly dinner, no candles, rose petals, or anything else - Sidney told her - if you want, we can have a hamburger and a cocktail.
Charlotte looked at him with raised eyebrows, and he just smiled and went on. 
- What? I'm just trying to be polite - he said - you said so yourself, remember?
- Sidney Parker, you can't fix it - she said with a smile. 
- So I'll Come to you by tonight? - he asked - by I don't know where to go. 
- I don't think I'll be free until eight - Charlotte said. 
- I'm not in a hurry - Sidney answered - so where should I go?
- Sanditon house - said Charlotte - but I will choose where we go.
- Good - Sidney agree - Wait, do you live at Sanditon house?
- Let's just say I have a special relationship with the old Lady - she answered. 
- My God, she still alive? - Sidney asked - nothing really changes at Sanditon. 
- Hey, take it easy, our Lady Denham is in perfect health, and even you and I can get a head start - Charlotte said. 
- Well if you say so, then I am for her calm - smiling, said Sidney. 
Charlotte nodded and looked at her watch. 
- Damn, I don't have much time - she said, jumping up and taking her light blue jacket off the back of a chair - I'll see you at Sanditon house at eight. And I suggest you change out of your super business suit for something more... uh... suitable. 
- You're right, it's a little out of place here - he agreed. - I got a little excited.
- You look like a penguin in the desert - Charlotte said. 
- And I feel the same way - Sidney answered - I dream of taking a dip in the sea.
- The water is excellent - said Charlotte -But don't forget to put on your swimming trunks this time, or you'll scare someone again.
- Oh, I'm not that bad - Sidney said, almost offended. 
- We'll talk about this later, I'm late - Charlotte told him, and with a smile, she ran down the street, forcing Sidney to follow her with a long, loving look. 
"Maybe the day isn't so bad" - he thought to himself. 
- Sidney! Sidney! There you are - he heard Tom's voice say - I need your help. 
"Or bad" - he corrected himself. 
He glanced back at Charlotte as she ran away, knowing that nothing in the world was more exciting than tonight. 

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