Regrets (Jet/Zuko/Katara)

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Katara and Zuko stared up at the ceiling, their hair splayed out on the pillows, both of their hands clutching the sheets covering their bodies, not wanting to look at the other. They couldn't look at each other, not without having Jet in their view and that was the last person they wanted to see right now. They were coming down from their euphoric high and letting shame rush in, their throats burning from the screams that Jet only knew how to bring out of them. Heavy breathing came from the satisfied man in the middle, blissfully sleeping. Zuko peered over at the man for a moment, a twinge of regret reforming as he shut his eyes. How in the actual fuck did this manage to happen again? He mentally groaned before turning his back on Jet and Katara. Katara's eyes gravitated to the source of the bed shifting, hoping it wasn't Jet wanting her attention. Instead, she saw her boyfriend had curled up on the other side of the bed shaking his head in what she could only guess was his own self-deprecation. She opened her mouth to speak only to be surprised with how much her voice had cracked in attempt to call him.

"Zu...Zuko...." She cleared her throat, the need for water desperately rising.

"Do you really want to talk about this right now?" He asked, peering over his shoulder. His voice was raspy and raw. She shrugged.

"He's going to be out cold nearly all night." Jet snored softly for emphasis burying his face in the pillow more. "Told you." He dared himself to turn over to her, letting the dim light of the room show the bruising of Jet's hand on his hip bone as the sheets moved off of his body. Katara bit her lip, her eyes widening in surprise as she recalled how roughly he had handled Zuko.

"Not. A. Motherfucking. Word, Kat." He warned. She gave a deep inhale desperately trying to abide by his wishes. She didn't need to see to know how hard he was blushing.

"In all seriousness," she started, "I would've never struck you for...Jet." He cocked his brow.

"Could say the same for you. What about Aang?" She clicked her tongue softly and rolled her eyes.

"Two different circumstances." She answered. "Aang was a nice guy I gave a shot. You know that." A mischievous smirk rose on her lips.

"And how did this happen? You and him?" Katara could feel the bed shift from his flinch.

"We...don't have to talk about that."

"I disagree." He pinched the bridge of his nose knowing she wasn't going to let up.

"I wanted to rebel against my fa—Ozai. Mai and I had a particularly shitty break up at the time and he was getting all over my life choices and how much of a mistake I I said, 'fuck it, I'll be the mistake you want me to be.' And then, while I was out trying to be what I thought was a delinquent—" He paused for the snicker that came from his girlfriend. "—Shut up. Jet approached me, we fought a bit out in the back and just...yeah..."

"Oh my god."

"I know." He groaned burying his face. A smile pulled on his lips as he heard her tired giggling.

"You have terrible taste in guys."

"So do you." He countered. He looked over at Jet for a moment watching his chest rise and fall, deep sleep holding him over. "How did he even convince us to do this again?" Katara chuckled.

"If you ask him, it's his usual Jet charm."

"Flash a smile at you, pull you in close." Katara rolled her eyes at the thought. "Then all of a sudden you're hooked on every word he says." Zuko ran a hand down his face recalling the way Jet sauntered up to both of them, his cocky grin and his lustful gaze entrancing them both.

"It was like a damn whirlwind and before we could even figure out what was happening, his hands were on our backs guiding us here."

"Fuck him." Katara sighed.

"That's why we're here, Katara." She fought the urge to laugh as she reached over playfully swatting him. Zuko snickered.

"You knew what I meant." There was a long awkward silence, only the sound of Jet's snoring filling the room as the two gazed back up at the ceiling.

"So when you do that thing with your fingers...?" Katara started to ask.

"Yeah, learned that from him."


"I know." A groan sent shivers down their spines as Jet stretched himself out for a moment a soft whine coming from him.

"Stay..." Zuko and Katara shot each other a look for a moment before relaxing back in the bed with him. Zuko wrapped an arm around him as Katara came closer to him letting Jet feel her body against his. She held his Zuko's hand softly stroking his knuckle.

"Hate that I still can't say no to him." Zuko mumbled, letting sleep take him. Katara sleepily giggled.

"That's something we have in common."


A/N: Hi there, just giving an update on Unity, specifically Book Two: Shadow! I'm about halfway done with the first draft and from what I have planned, I know it's going to be a doozy. We're going to diving a little darker as well (hence shadow) but I do hope you like it. At the end of all things, its still an Avatar story and it's still Aang's story overall even if the focus is more on Zuko and Katara. Nevertheless, I really hope you enjoyed Book One if you read it, if you haven't I heavily encourage you reading it. 

I hope you're all looking forward to the second book like I am. Please stay safe out there, stay healthy and love yourselves.

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