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Song is Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch. 

Robert's P.O.V

I look at Ty. He is still out. Some recruits are here. I asked for some cause if Enderlox shows up, we may need some help. 

"Wake up Ty." I leave him. What is Seto and them doing? The people are deeper then Ty is. But more guards are up here. We are protecting Ty. He needs us. I hear a slam on the door. I stop. 

"Don't open that door." Greg looks at me. 

"Why?" Greg asks. I walk to the door. Claw indents show up. 

"Enderlox is on the other side. Prepare for battle! Enderlox is here!" I'm suppose to take Ty. I begin walking to him. The doors break and Enderlox walks in. I begin running. I hear screaming. I open the door. I grab Ty. I go to the door. Claw dents show up again. Enderlox. I back up. James grabs me and pulls me back.

"Stay behind us." James said. I go behind him on the other side of the room. Recruits are in front of me. The door breaks. Enderlox walks in. He stops. He is half cover in blood. His eyes are blood red. 

"There he is. You can stop this. Just give me Ty." Endelrox said.

"Never." James said. 

"Last chance. Give me Ty or else." Endelrox said. 

"You'll have to kill us to get him." James said. Enderlox smiles. He walks towards us. 

"It's your f-" Enderlox stops. He looks towards the door. I look there. Skybrine. 

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" Enderlox asks. 

"Pit stop for Ty." Skybrine said. He cross his arms and lean on the doorway. 

"I got here first. Why don't you go find Sky?" Enderlox asks. 

"If I touch Sky I'll get the Blight Curse. He is untouchable. Not Ty or Jason." Skybrine said. I'm getting a bad vibe. 

"This won't end well." James looks at me. 

"Your right. Skybrine and Enderlox. This won't end well for us." Jame said. 

"I was more of talking about them two. I'm getting a bad vibe between them." 

Ian's P.O.V

The door is on the floor. Not good. I run down the hallway. I stop. Is that Skybrine? Why is he here? I would have expected Enderlox. I throw a knife at him. It hits his shoulder. He looks at me. He shoots a spell at me. I move out of the way. I run towards him. He disappears. I jump on Enderlox's back and pull him back. He slams me into a wall. I yell. He flips me over him. I'm out of my league. But I look at Robert. He has Ty with him. The recruits are protecting him. I fall on teh ground. I grab Enderlox's ankle. He kicks me in the stomach. 

"Guys run!" Enderlox grabs me by my neck and slams me into a wall. I grab his wrist. Robert and the others run past us. I smile. Enderlox looks mad. Good. 

"You little bastard!" Enderlox yells. Where is Skybrine? I kick Enderlox in the stomach. He looks like Ty. Good. He lets go of me and backs up. I put my hands on the wall. Skybrine appears next to him. I have to distract them. 

"Ian you can't protect Ty." Skybrine said. 

"I can try." They smirk. 

"FIne then." Enderlox said. Enderlox grabs me and throws me across the room. I hit a wall. I stand up quickly. Skybrine shoots a spell at me. I move out of the way. I pull my sword out. I don't think this will be of much use but I have to try it. Enderlox flies towards me. I duck and he hits me with his tail. I fall backward. a hand covers my mouth. Skybrine's head pops up next to me. A sword appears in his hand. He puts it in my shoulder. I scream. He pushes me through the floor. I fall and hit another floor. A hole appears in the ceiling. Debris falls on me. Enderlox flies down. Skybrine jumps down over me. He grabs me by my neck. 

Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky Army SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon