19. Fireplace talks

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I know I'm so late but as some of the readers may know wattpad was being really wierd for me but NEW CHAPTER! HERE TAKE IT!

Also this chappie is dedicated to @MatildaBlack who made the new cover and amazing banner to the side (or on top if you're on mobile)! Thank you darling!

(31/3/15) Okay so I forgot to publish it last time and I was really confused about people asking me to update on the last chapter :/

"What's wrong?"

"What I can't just come and visit my favourite Godfather for no reason?" I retorted.

"Not when your favourite godfather is a wanted criminal!" replied Sirius with wide eyes.

"Well, for all you know I could just be dropping in to give you food considering you look like you haven't eaten a full meal in months!" my eyes sweeped over his malnourished body.

"I've been eating! People think of me as a lovable stray and who can say no when I give them the puppy eyes?" 

"Don't! Turn into a dog on me" I exclaimed before he could do anything, he just pouted.

"So... what is it?" I look at him and sigh, knowing that I won't be able to hide it for long. "You know, you're a lot like your dad, he never was that open about his real feelings either, he felt like he needed to make others feel better rather than get others to help him feel better."

I smiled, "I noticed that."

His eyes, like a swirling grey storm, riddled with emotion, shot up to look at me.

I just sighed before saying, "That's what's been bothering me Paddy, I recently... um, had an episode."

"What do you mean episode? Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened? Di-"

I put my hand up to cut him off, "Paddy, I don't know how to explain it, I'm fine, absolutely fine, but when I fainted, I saw something. And it shocked me Paddy. I never thought I would see them again. But they were standing there, so ready to help me and it was more than I could have ever hoped for and-"

"Who was there Cat?"

"My mum and dad."


After explaining everything to Sirius I decided to help him out and give him a bath.

And the only place I knew I could do that was Hogwarts.

I found one of my secret tunnels that led into the room of requirement and was just outside the Hogwarts borders.

"Cat where are we? I don't know where you're taking me..."

"Paddy, just trust me." 

Suddenly I heard a rustling in the trees towards my left and some faint shouting, "Wait here"

He just looked at me and said, "If we're getting in trouble then I'm coming with you."

I quickly motioned towards the sounds and put a finger to my lips, luckily he inderstood, probably from years of pranking with the other Marauders.

As we got closer the air surrounding us became warmer and we saw a great shower of fiery sparks grace the starry sky.

I heard Sirius' whisper of delight before seeing the spectacle with my own eyes, "Dragons"

"Sirius come on, before we get caught." I grabbed his hand and tugged him along, away from the dragons.

I quickly pushed open the old fashioned wooden door which could only be seen if you looked hard enough and pulled Sirius into it.

Within a few minutes we were in my room.

"Sirius, you know what this means don't you?" he just looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ummm... Hagrid's gonna be happy?" he said in a questioning voice.

"No Sirius, it means Harry is going to have to fight a dragon." just then the grandfather clock in the corner started to chime, signalling that it was quarter to one o' clock in the morning already.

"Gulping gargoyles! Is it almost one already? Do you have a fireplace Cat?" Sirius asked in a worried tone.

 The room of requirement, being it's fabulous self, landed a grand fireplace with roaring flames in it on the wall closest to us, "I do now."

"Can I - you know - use it?" he mumbled awkwardly.

I nodded, smiling, and saw as he asked for the Gryffindor common room and then stuck his head in the fire.

"Is he there yet?" I asked tentatively, only to get a disheartened "No" in reply.

"Well then, let me fix you up a bit, come on." I made him sit on a swivelly chair and grabbed my wand, "I am going to cut your hair now, don't worry, I won't make it too short." I could hear him gulp.

As I carefully trimmed his hair, which he made hard because he kept glancing at the fireplace to check if Harry had appeared yet, we started discussing how we could help Harry with his upcoming task.

"I think Hagrid once told me that you had to be careful around a dragons eyes because the eyes are the weakest spots." I told him.

"It's a good idea, I'll tell him, but we don't know if the task is to harm the dragons yet, maybe you're supposed to make them go to sleep or something. And I've got to warn him first."

"Warn him about what?"

"Karkaroff." that made me lower my arm and in turn my wand.

"Sirius, I know that you're worried about him but I know Karkaroff, he's a wimp. He won't try anything until he knows he has backup, and lots of it."

At that moment we saw Harry appear out of thin air and throw himself onto an armchair. "That's my queue" said Sirius.

"Just in time too, 'cause I'm done! I'm gonna go run your bath now."





















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