2. Transfer (Rewritten)

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A/N Rewrite

Igor Karkaroff was a strange man.

The former Death Eater was cunning and ruthless, but in no way brave nor loyal. He was tall and thin, not unlike Albus Dumbledore, and also had blue eyes like the man. However, his eyes were cold and calculating, falsely warm at times. He also had a small goatee, unable to completely cover his weak chin.

It was this trait that the students found identified him most. They would call him "The Goatee", never to his face, but to each other in passing. A silly name for their egotistical headmaster.

Concerning his students, it was clear that Karkaroff played favourites. Much preferring the Quidditch star Viktor Krum to the other students. Karkaroff leeched off the fame and fortune that having Krum at his school brought him. It seemed that he did care for the school, however, mostly it's reputation, but he cared. The school gave him a chance to pass on his knowledge, he had started teaching his students the dark arts as soon as he was able. He had changed the subjects they learnt, or at least the content. There was no such thing as Defence Against the Dark Arts at Durmstrang, replaced by just The Dark Arts. Charms were now Curses, Muggle Studies was no more, Herbology focused mostly on poison plants rather than healing, and Care of Magical Creatures was about taming any beasts they could find.

His relationship with Cat Potter was even more strange. He had taken her in when Dumbledore had asked simply because he was indebted the old man and felt that he would be getting off easy by adding another student to his thousands. After all, Durmstrang students started at age ten, the age of the girl. What's one more?

Little did he know that the ten-year-old would wreak havoc on his life for the next four years.


The Headmaster caught up with the young girl, or, more accurately, cast a jelly legs curse on her, self-proclaimed "athletic pony", and dragged her to his office before she could slip away once again. After a fair few minutes of "negotiating", in other words, blackmail, Cat agreed to give him the counter curse in exchange for the right to be a part of the introduction ceremony. Karkaroff sighed at her absent-minded wandering as he sat down in his chair, she was looking over his bookshelf, clearly not listening to a word he was saying to her.

"Cat, this school is a place of dignity, you can't just go around-" he was cut off mid-sentence as she turned around and interrupted him with a question of her own.

"What does chiz mean?" she looked at him, intentionally making her eyes a fraction wider than usual, a light blue, contrasting against her olive skin. Her appearance was clearly formed to make herself look more innocent than she was, looking almost exactly like the 10-year-old version of herself that he had originally met.

"Katarina, don't try to change the subject..." he sighed once more, knowing that this was a lost cause as she looked at him once again, batting her eyelashes, while simultaneously making them water the slightest bit. "Fine! You're forgiven." he shook his head at her, "But one day, that look won't work on me."

"What look Uncle Karkaroff?" she grinned cheekily, before giving him a hug over the desk and turning around in order to leave.

"Cat! I need to talk to you about something else, I was going to talk to you before I found your little... prank." he cleared his throat, "Anyway, I was talking to Albus the other day and we mutually decided to have you transfer to Hogwarts, you've been leaving at least once a year for a few weeks during school time for the past three years, and I was worried it might impact your education. Now, since you nor Albus will tell me where or why you go, I think it will benefit you if you had Albus to help you."

Little did Karkaroff know that the true reason Cat went on these "trips" was to help her brother defeat the man the former death eater had once worshipped. In Harry's first year, she had periodically checked up on him, protecting him from afar, and when he managed to find himself in a life or death situation, she knew she had to find Dumbledore. However, he had been sent to the Ministry, causing her to "discover" that she could apparate (or at least something similar) in and out of Hogwarts, collecting Dumbledore from the train and bringing him back in the nick of time.

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