10. Fred and George's Secret

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I was getting slightly suspicious of Fred and George.

Normally they were in the thick of things making people laugh, trying to sell their products and that kind of stuff but more often than not they were seen in the corner of the Gryffindor Common room, whispering with each other.

In the end I had had enough. I was gonna find out what was going on, and I knew exactly how too.

I was spying on them in the common room one night when I saw Harry and Ron doing what seemed to be their Divination homework and I chuckled to myself hearing their lies become more and more extreme.

I sighed, I wanted to talk to Harry.

Actually talk to him not just look after him, he was the only family I had left.

My big brother.

I heard a scraping of chairs and spun around to see the twins climbing up the boys staircase.

I took a shortcut into their room.

I waited until they went into the bathroom to reach out and grab the parchment that they were writing on.

I read a letter addressed to Ludo Bagman talking about how he had cheated them out of a lot of money.

I heard the door opening and Fred's voice saying "Cat?"

I spun again and looked at him with my best death glare, "the famous Evans temper" as Sirius called it showing,  "And why did I not know about this?"

He gulped as I continued seeing George come out and make the connection, "I could have helped! That conniving little goblin wouldn't know what hit him!"

He looked at each other then at the same time turned to me and said one word, "Sorry?"


The next day I got a worrying letter that also made me so happy.


I'm coming up north.

Harry's scar has been hurting, keep an eye on him.

How are you?

I haven't seen you in ages, I can't wait to meet up.

How about we meet next weekend at the cave that you told me about?

Bring food.


I loved my godfather, I had spent half the holidays with him and he knew about my situation with harry.

But I had a bad feeling about this visit, like something was happening right under my nose and I didn't know what it was.

Sorry it's late.

I've been going through the comments and I just have to say I LOVE YOU ALL!

I've got some cool suggestions for what is going to happen.

Next chapter will be the other schools!

The last angel (Harry Potter's twin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum