3. Arrival

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I'm updating early because I felt really bad. Please don't hate me!!

I landed swiftly in Dumbledores office. If by swiftly you mean crashing into his shelves and only just stopping everything falling doxn by using my powers.

"What the- Oh. Hello Cat" Said a voice that I instantly recognised.

"Minnie!" I shouted running up to her and hugging her very tightly.

"Did you forget that Cat can apparate in and out of Hogwarts as she pleases." said my uncle Al who seemed unfazed by this whole episode.

"Of course not it is just that the crash suprised me slightly that is all. Now Cat I very happy to see you too but could you please let go you are choking me!" She replied slightly out of breath. I let go of her and turned around.

"Uncle Al!" I screamed running into his welcoming arms which always comforted me when I was young and having a nightmare.

"Ah! Good to see you too Cat! My how you've grown. I can still remember when you barely came up to my waist!" He replied hugging me tighter than how I hugged Minnie.

As he let go a very light wieght dropped onto my shoulder. I felt a caressing warmth and immediatly recognised it. "Hey Fawky!" I said.

I thought I told you not to call me that! he said. You see I have many powers and one of them was being able to talk to animals. Cool right?

"You did but I've been calling you Fawky forever and I'm not gonna stop now!" I replied. I sighed and nuzzled his face into my shoulder trying to go to sleep as he said I had a very calming aura.

"So" I said speaking to uncle Al now who had been watching us with a very amused glint in his eye "when does the opening reast start?"

"Well, the train should have made it by now so I'd say a few minutes. Welcome home" He answered and with that he swept us out of the office and we were making our way down to the Great Hall.

He told me to go off with Minnie and the first years so I could get sorted with them after thier annual boat ride and so I did as I was told.

Minnie was giving the very boring speech that she always gives to the first years about their house being thier family and blah de blah de blah! 

Knew the speech off by heart and so I was Miming the words behing her whilst pulling funny faces and making all the first years giggle.

She turned around multiple times but I always put on my innocent face so she didn't suspect anything.

After that whole charade (I sound posh!) she rounded us up and as she opened the doors I took a deep breath and walked in with my head held high, tripping slightly on my robes and humming a song in my head ignoring the stares.

A/N: I'm so so sorry for not updating soon enough but my cousins would just not leave me alone and I'm all pooped out. If you're reading this I love you! But you're probably not and I'm sleepy now so expect an update on Thursday hopefully!




anything else...

Hug a spoon! (<--- As you can tell I am a wierdo and I'm proud! High- fives to all you wierdos out there!)

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