5. First Day Back

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I woke up the next morning in my room. My room was in the room of requirement.

You see it had a mix of stuff from all the houses and my bed was the biggest that I had ever seen.

Also on the bed there was a strange carving in a forgotten language that I could somehow understand.

Never stop believing, I am always here, as long as you can count on me you will always have hope.


I had been wondering who Melody was all night and I still had no answer but when got up I felt something lumpy under my bed and so i lifted up my mattress and found a diary.

It was locked and even though I tried every single charm I knew it wouldn't open.

I gave up after half an hour and had a long shower to take away the stress.

I decided that I didn't like the uniform and instead wore a lacy light pink top with matching rose earrings, black skinny jeans and white ballerina flats because they looked cooler than the uniform.

I let my bright red hair down only pinning back my fringe and got my musky pink purse which had an undetectable extension charm on it so I could fit lots of stuff in there.

I went into the great hall through a secret passageway in my room. There were lots of secret passageways in my room.

There was one to each of the common rooms and they had a password on both sides so not just anyone can go through it.

There was one for each of the teachers offices and not even the teachers can open it without the password.

There were about ten for hogsmeade and again they needed passwords.

And lastly one for every room in the castle.

I found the end of the tunnel and went through the door.

To find out that the door was the thingy that Dumbledore stood behind during his speeches.

I squeezed myself out and saw everyone staring at me, " Back to your knitting everyone!" I said and they all laughed and talking broke out again.

I turned around and curtseyed to the teachers before walking down the steps. 

My eyes sweeped the table and I saw a pale looking man with sallow skin and greasy black hair falling in curtains around his face, his grey eyes widened as he looked at me.

I smiled and waved, he looked even more shocked if that were possible and Minnie chuckled.

I skipped towards the Gryffindor table, me and uncle al had decided that I would change tables each week to be with each house.

As i was looking for a place to sit I saw a familiar red head and made my way towards her.

"Ginny!" I squeeled, and then hugged her tightly.

"Um... who are you?" She asked.

I gasped "You don't remember me?" I pretended to be hurt.

"Umm... should I?" and thats when I remembered.

"Oh, right I'm being stupid!" I said thunking myself on the head.

 "Wha--" she began to ask but then I cut her of by lifting up my finger.

Then I concentrated on making myself have brown hair and blue eyes.

She gasped, "Cat? Oh my Godrick Gryffindor it is you isn't it?" she asked. She jumped up and hugged me tightly. Then she started hitting me on my arm.

"Why - hit - didn't - hit - you - hit - stay - hit - in - hit- touch?"

"Okay first of all - Ow! and second of all, I'm sowwy?" I said giving her my best puppy eyes.

"Oh, Okay you're lucky I think of you as my sister otherwise you would be dead by now. and why didn't you tell me you were a metamorphagus?"

"Metamagus actually"


"I can change my appearance at will and turn into any animal I want too!"

"Awesome! but that doesn't answer my question"

I was saved by this akward question by two identical redheads running up to me and hugging the life out of me screaming my name in perfect syncronisation.

"Can't - breath!" I gasped out.

"Sorry" they both said letting go of me.

"Hi Gred and Forge!"

They grinned "Why hello my dear lady!" said Fred.

"What a pleasure to see you again!" Said George.

I had met them all when I was nine and spent the summer with them. At the time I had changed my looks everytime I met someone new as I didn't trust anyone.

Ginny had been eight and we declared ourselves soul sisters after two hours of knowing each other.

Minnie came around to hand out our schedules and sighed in defeat as she saw us together "Don't rub off on them too much Cat" she said warily before moving on.

Just then Peeves swooped into the room saw me and came over straitaway.

"Cat, you're actually here again, I thought it was just a rumour, what should I do first my humble master mind" He asked.

I chuckled, "We will lie low for a while after your waterworks yesterday we will let everyone recover before striking when the least expect it."

He nodded before whizzing off to do whatever it was he did in his free time.

The weasleys were gaping at me and I clicked my fingers to bring them out of the trance they were in.

Ginny shook her head then said "How.. Wha.. Huh?"

"Oh it took weeks but in the end I managed to conquer him."

The twins still had there mouths open so i threw some bacon at them.

It had been an interesting morning and the best was still to come...

I would like 5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter,





Have a pet rock...

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