20. The First Task

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I'm so so so so so sorry.

I know it's been like four months but I had exams and honestly most of this chapter was written already but I needed to find out how to transition it and it's still kinda crap but summer holidayshave started so I will hopefully be updating more regularly. I hope.

Anyways, on with the chapter!

I had made Sirius stay with me in the RoR for a bit so I could make sure that he stayed out of trouble, an almost impossible task for a Marauder.

We had been keeping an eye on Harry, Sirius didn't manage to tell him about a Dragons weak spot and so Harry and Hermione had been searching for absolutely ages, trying to find a simple spell to defeat a dragon.

Meanwhile, Sirius had been telling me to just go up to them and tell them.

"Come on Cat, what's the problem?" he asked for what must have been the 50th time.

"The problem is that if Harry finds out that I exist then so will other people and then it will get around to a Death Eater somehow and then when Voldemort comes back, because he is coming back, I'll be one of the first people on his list and who knows what he'd do to get to me. At least that's what Dumbledore said." I retorted. I'm sure that there was another reason, but whenever I asked Dumbledore he would just give me cryptic answers.

"I'm gonna go get something for breakfast, I'll bring you up what I can." I quickly stepped into a passsage way and started my way along it until I had an idea.

I'm sure that there was a book about the eyes being a dragons weak spot somewhere in Dumbledore's office. I hurriedly switched passages and found myself where I wanted to be.

Uncle Al wasn't in here so as soon as I found a book on magical creatures, which, luckily, he had left on his desk open to a page anout Pheonix's, I wrote a note telling him that I had taken it, patted Fawkes and left.

Once in the library, I found the table that Harry and Hermione usually filled with their books, finding a pile already there, left a quill in the page about Dragons, tell them about the weakness and put the book on the very top of the pile, easy to find.

Then I made my way to the hall hoping that they found it.


So it turns out that I was wrong.

They hadn't gone back to the library, apparently Harry had had a great idea and now they were in an empty classroom practicing the summoning charm.

I was hoping that they knew what they were doing.


After I had "helped" set up the tent for the four champions I decided to have a quick talk with Bagman.

"Who are you?" well this started out swell.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I know what you're planning to do, and it won't help. Harry won't agree to it." I said, obviously talking about his gambling.

"I-I have no idea what you- the accusation that I- you have no idea what you're-" he spluttered, surprised that I had caught on. "You are neither a champion nor a teacher therefore you cannot be here, please leave immediately..."

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