1. My Amazing Prank (Rewritten)

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The Durmstrang institute was a grand place. Situated right on the border of Sweden and Norway, close to the North Sea, the castle was of four stories only, nevertheless, the grounds were expansive, reaching far and wide, little trails leading to the different sections. We meet our main character on the way back from the quidditch field, laughing with a blonde girl and two boys, both brunettes.

One of the boys was world famous quidditch player Viktor Krum, he had his arm slung around the redhead and seemed to be laughing at what the other boy had said. Viktor was a tall, thin, sallow young man with dark hair and eyes. He had a large, curved nose that he inherited from his father, a sharp profile, thick, black eyebrows. Despite appearing graceful while flying on a broomstick, he was round-shouldered and duck-footed while on the ground. He had been late to start the year with the others, still recovering from the World Cup.

The other boy, by the name of Ingmar Fritjof, had the same hairstyle as Viktor but bright blue eyes, taller than the girls but shorter than Viktor. His profile was more rounded, a boyish undertone, the bright spark his laughter carried only added to it. It seemed that he was telling an amusing anecdote from the summer if the laughs of the group were anything to go by.

Lastly the girl, Elise Karita, had straight blonde hair, mostly covered with a fur hat but little wisps had escaped, and light brown eyes that seemed too wise for the young face. She had linked her elbows with the redhead and had a large smile bursting off her face. Her pale skin would've blended into the snowy backdrop if it weren't for the blood red robes she was wearing, creating a slight blush on her cheeks.

As they entered the school, only slightly warmer than the weather outside they heard a cry from the top of the staircase.

'Cat!' screamed a shrill voice, the owner of which could now be seen blundering down the stairs covered in purple goo. He was talking to the redhead, sandwiched in the middle of her friends, her brown eyes widened in surprise before the realisation of what was happening hit her.

'Oopsie Daisie. Looks like Karkaroff has discovered my prank. See ya later.' she tells the others, saluting them she quickly turns and runs off. Shouts of encouragement in the form of laughter come from almost every angle and she keeps on running, flying in between the bodies of the boys and girls, enjoying their weekend even more now that there seemed to be a show. She was vaguely aware of the sound of someone following her so she turned her head to see Viktor chasing after her, only slightly out of breath and laughing as he stole glances at Karkaroff struggling to catch up.

Cat suddenly stopped, out of breath, and Viktor catches up to her within seconds.

"Come on Cat! What are you waiting for? We need to get to the dorms or something otherwise, he will catch us." he was still hopping around, barely breaking a sweat.

"Well, I'm sorry that we're not all quidditch stars who run a mile every morning. I just need to catch my breath. Okay?" she replied, slightly snarky.

"No time, hop on." he turned and crouched slightly so that she could jump onto his back, "mind telling me how exactly you did that trick sweetheart?"

"Why would I tell you that my brother from another mother?" she asked, "Now giddy up. Let's see if all that sports stuff paid off" and they took off down the corridor.

Now you're probably wondering who this girl is right? Her true name is Katerina Lily Potter. If you think that name sounds familiar then you're probably thinking of Harry Potter. You know? The boy who lived and all that? Well, you're not too far off, considering their sibling. That's right. Bet most of you didn't know anything about that eh?

Good. That would mean that Dumbledore is doing a good job keeping it all a secret.

On the 31st October 1981, something happened that most people consider the largest triumph of wizardkind. To the Potters, however, it was the night they lost almost everything. Voldemort had murdered Lily and James and was about to murder Harry also when Cat realised what was happening. It was the cry of her brother that had alerted her. She was playing under an invisibility cloak, her mother's, the one belonging to her father had been in Dumbledore's custody at the time.

Don't ask her how she stopped Voldemort from harming Harry, she wouldn't have told you even if she knew. All that she knows is that one minute she was in front of his wand somehow and the next she was on the floor, still covered with the cloak.

As a result, Hagrid didn't see her when he came to pick Harry up, assuming the worst he left with just Harry, leaving the one-year-old to wake up to a deserted house, the walls that weren't doing so had crumbled away into nothing. Even Snape had long gone.

Yes, you heard right it was this tiny little girl who defeated The Dark Lord, not Harry. How she did it well that's for the unicorn gods to know and you to find out...

Thankfully, she wasn't alone for long. A nice muggle lady who had been passing by saw the wreckage and heard a baby's cry. Needless to say, she went in and took the little girl out, with the full intention to raise her for as long as she could. Then when Cat was four she died. She wasn't murdered or anything but she was very old and sick with a muggle disease that wizards could have solved with a wave of their wands. It made Cat very interested in healing spells a few years later. But for now, she had nowhere to go but the streets.

It was a wonder she survived really, a five-year-old all by herself on the streets, perhaps it was the magic tricks she did, changing the colour of her hair, making things float, etc. But then one day at the age of seven her pleading eyes had made a business man on his way to the office take pity on her, giving her a five-pound note. So she went to this place called the Leaky Cauldron since it didn't seem that busy from the outside to see if she could get some food. There she met the woman she would grow to call Minnie but had always introduced herself as Minerva McGonagall.

Recognising the red hair and mischievous glint in her oh so familiar brown eyes she took the little girl to Dumbledore, and in turn, Hogwarts.

Dumbledore looked after her for 3 years and she learnt many of the secrets of Hogwarts even having suspicions of the Chamber thanks to befriending Myrtle. However before she could try out the entrance in the soaked bathroom, Dumbledore had sent her away to Durmstrang to be looked after by Karkaroff. She had lived here ever since, regularly visiting Hogwarts of course, passing the time by always pranking everyone and memorising the school library. You can normally see her in between classes muttering spells to herself. Of course, she had her work cut out for her considering her inexplicable urge to help her twin brother and all the trouble he gets into.

Right now, however, she had pranked Karkaroff by getting a whole load of purple goo and doing a really complicated spell that really shouldn't have been available in the school library to make the goo in question float in the air, invisible, until someone moves under it, then it will all come splashing down and become visible again. She also made it super clingy so it was almost impossible to get it off, even with magic.

The question of the day: Are unicorns real?

Thoughts on the re-write? Good? Bad? Never write again? Open for suggestions.




















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