6. Time for a prank

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I looked at my schedule which was slightly stranger than everyone else's as I am in all houses and I know more that most of the teachers here (not trying to brag or anything... okay I am but can you blame me?) I compared mine with the twins while they were looking at me confusedly (Is that a word? It is now.)

"Why are you looking at ours?" said Fred.

"You're a fourth year you won't have any lessons with us." said George.

I just got up and said "Come on, it's time for potions!" I said excitedly. Potions was one of my favourite classes, I skipped out of the hall.

I heard two lots of footsteps running after me and slowed down as they tried to catch up.

"How... you- have... lessons... with... us?" asked George, taking deep breaths as he did so. Fred just nodded along. I tapped my nose and started skipping again.

They shrugged and walked after me talking about something in hushed voices.

I walked into the potions room and took a seat at the front after getting out a muggle notebook to draw in. I had always liked to draw in muggle notebooks, parchment was too much of a hassle and really fragile too!

Everyone came in and sat down, they seemed to be avoiding the front for some reason but the twins gulped and sat either side of me.

Then the man that had started at me shockedly (Is that a word? It is now) billowed into the room, black cape swishing around him, and sat at the desk raising an eyebrow at the Weasley's seating choice, avoiding looking at me completely.

 As he started taking attendance his eyes swooped around the room leaving a cold stare on each student, daring them to do something.

As he reached my name I stood up and answered "Present and reporting for duty sir!" saluting him then sitting back down again as the class took a deep breath simultaneously, as if expecting the professors head to explode.

However he just stared at me for a moment, surprised at my outburst before moving on.

After he had finished he stood up and cleared his throat, "Today we shall be making a draught of living death, I know that it may be too complicated for your imbecile minds to comprehend, nevertheless, the headmaster insists on me teaching it to you. So try not to fail too miserably..." and with that last drawling word he spun around and sat back down again, silently observing.

I was one of the first out of my seat. I had earned how to make that potion at the age of nine and could now do it with my hands tied behind my back.

I gathered the ingredients and started to get to work, crushing the Sopophorous (Big words! Why Jo? Why?) bean instead of chopping it and adding a clockwise stir after every seventh anti-clockwise stir.

I was done in ten minutes.

As Professor Snape came around, he noticed that I wasn't doing anything and immediately came over.

"Miss Smith, I specifically remember telling everyone to make the potion. Do you think you are an exception to this command just because you are younger?" He asked with a hint of spite in his voice.

"Not at all sir," I replied, "In fact I have finished, It is right here." I motioned towards a flask that was the perfect pale cotton candy colour.

He inspected it and said, after a lot of murmuring, "It is perfect, ten points to each house. Now clean up your cauldron." It was already done. I doodled some more until the hour was up.

I gathered my stuff and walked out of the room with the twins in tow, asking me questions left right and centre.

I reached a corridor and heard some shouting, I held my hand up motioning for them to stop and looked around the corner to see Filch shouting at a young second year.

"Boys," I said a mischievous grin spreading across my face, " I think it's time for a prank..."

I'm so so so so so so sorry! I was unable to get to my laptop as my dad took it away. But omigosh guys I've had 8 comments and 9 votes on the last chapter.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I was fan girling.

Anyways 9 votes and 9 comments for the next chapter guys. And remember the competition I haven't had any emails yet may the odds be ever in your favour!

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