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Hi everyone...

So it's been a good few years since I checked this website let alone this account and... yeah.

Some of you might have guessed that I will no longer be updating this fic. I want to thank everyone for all the support they have given me over the years and I'm really glad some of you enjoyed it, but sometimes stories just... get away from you.


I found the notes that I had for this fic and decided to let you all know where it was going to go, to put some people's minds at ease. 

- Rumours of Cat and Viktor also being together were going to start going around, but Viktor wanted to ask out Hermione, and Cat saw him as nothing more than an older brother figure, so she'd make a plan to fake date Cedric, who had been seen with her before, to throw Rita off their trail. Cedric and Cat would have been endgame

- The Order of The Phoenix would have been building up behind the scenes throughout the year, as they saw that Voldemort's followers were getting restless and that Snape's mark was getting darker, indicating Voldemort's return

- Dumbledore is less dumb than canon, so he (with some nudging from Cat) would have sent these adults out to find the Horcruxes during the year, rather than leaving it until after he died 

- Cedric would not have died at the end of the third task, Fluer would have told the professors that Viktor attacked her, Viktor would have said he was imperio'd, and Cat, realising that Harry was in danger, would teleport to his location, just in time to save Cedric by simply... pushing him out of the way

- With all the Horcruxes except for Nagini out of the way, Voldemort was as close to mortal as he could have been and had not regained his body by the time the rest of the Order flooded into the graveyard, putting up wards to stop any of the death eaters from apparating away

- Harry had only seen Cat in passing before then and just knew her as Cedric's girlfriend. He realises that she's much more at this moment, while an insane battle is happening around them.

- James Potter's bloodline was descended from an Angel (not the bible kind, but rather a figure similar to Death in the tale of three brothers, that had given witches and wizards their magic in the first place, a gift, the same way death gave Harry's ancestor the gift of the invisibility cloak) but this was generations ago, and the magic had thinned out, almost gone UNTIL James died, and the Angel's magic was all channelled into Cat in order to survive (because power prefers to be passed through the matrilineal line) making Cat The Last Angel (see what I did there?)

- Harry himself is not a Horcrux in this au, but the prophecy did speak of a child born of those who had thrice defied him having a power that the Dark Lord knows not, the power here was the purity of Angel magic, up against Voldemort, who only hopes to wield the power of death, and it's only when Harry and Cat have finally united that the powers of life can be used to defeat He Who Cheats Death

And that's basically it! That's all I had in terms of plot, though I'm sure 14 year old me would have thought of a LOT more to fluff it all out. Thank you to everyone who read and commented and enjoyed this story. Sorry for abandoning it without telling you all

Love and kisses xx

Oh! Also! Fuck JK Rowling! Trans rights are human rights! Black Lives Matter! Go out there, sign some petitions, and do me proud!

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