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Hi! This is author. I really don't know what came over me to write this but It would be appreciated if you can read until the end.

So as all of you know, I'm still on hiatus even when I posted like a month ago? I feel like you guys deserve more. It is my responsibility as an author to write and post.

So with all my heart, I'm sorry.

Really am so! no more excuses. Just writer's block.

There's so much in my drafts and I want to post them too but my hands seem to stop typing in the middle of it.

I know lots of you have been waiting for an update and to be honest I haven't opened this app since I updated.

Hm. Well!  Before I continue I'm going to warn you what I'm about to say will really sound cheesy and dramatic hehe but I hope you can bear with it.


I've been creating different memories the past month and this moment, as I write this, I realized how life is just so beautiful.

Yes cheesy haha.

But looking around.. people, us all over the world has different stories. So do you.

Our stories keep the world revolving.

I've spent all year with my family (cause covid) and I'm so thankful.

Sometimes I'm so scared of endings. Cause they can be so sad yet so beautiful.

I've probably just read many stories to come up with that pfft. Whatever. lmao

Please live your life when you can say years from now "I lived the life I wanted to live."

Please do. Every memory, pain, tears, laughter, cringe. Every single thing you experienced.

It might play an important part in your life. Please cherish yourself and the people you love.

Don't be afraid to let go of the toxic people cause fück them. They don't deserve you.

At the end of the day you're only with yourself. You're you. You're breathing, living. You're real.

Let's enjoy our lives before it's too late, yeah?

Sleep at your friends house, get in trouble, just dont regret it. Dont hurt the people around you.

We have emotions. It's normal to cry. You're not mf weak. You just bottled up your emotions too much.

Love yourself.

Enjoy life. Listen to your own favorite music.

Reach for your dreams! Hard work. I'm cheering for you!

Reach the stars. No one can stop you when you really want to reach your dream.

Love who you love. Sacrifices will be made. Risks. But love them. Confess.

Watch anime, read books, cry to a story.

Life is short.

"Live a life you will remember."
   - The Nights  (Avicii)

Let go if you have to,

Hold on if you must.

It's YOUR life.

Your decisions.

It's your story. There's still so much more pages to flip.

Hug your parents.

Don't think about negativity all the time. Remember even the most small thing that made you smile.

Stay safe.

The world is not entirely safe. Be wise.

Open your heart sometimes.

Let it out.

Thank you.
Thank you to my readers who always leave such heart warming comments and votes. You guys don't know how many times I read your comments over and over again.

I want to say much more but maybe some other time!

The point of this is that I might be leaving wattpad. I might come back once in a while but I'm not sure if I'll write once again.

But thank you to the people who enjoyed and still stayed:)

all of you have a place in my heart and will remain a chapter that is in my book of life!

You guys stay healthy and happy!

Enjoy this. Whatever you may be going through, just know everything has an end. And this too will end. You got this.

It's okay to be human sometimes too okay? :)

It's fine if you unfollow me, or not you can also leave rants in here or chat me, use me as a comfort place.

But my time as an author was unforgettable. The amount of love I got was so overwhelming  you guys are so precious!!

thank you. To my once online friends too so much! I hope after you read this, you can continue life happily and the way you wanted. But dont hurt the people around you. Keep chasing your dreams

I love you my dear readers. So so much!! <3 I'll miss this. Seriously. But you can still message:)

I wont keep this so long but this is so much longer than the stories i write HAHAHA

But thank you.! You guys will be one thing I'll tell my family in the future. Thank you so much ily all:)


See you soon everyone.

    Lots of love,

                Author 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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