Chapter 4

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Renjun pedaled as fast as his legs allowed him to, the black car was still in sight but was starting to get farther and farther away with each passing second. He really was pedaling as fast as he could but the pain in his legs was not helping his case in any way.

"Oh god dammit Renjun out of all the days your legs decided to be sore." He curses himself out as he tries his best to keep up. By now he was starting to lose vision of the vehicle, fuck staying far enough behind to not be seen there was no way he could keep up at this pace.

He didn't even have to worry about being caught if he lost the damn car anyways.

The brunette groans as he stands up to use the weight of his body to move faster, completely ignoring the constant pain in his legs to push himself forward.

Renjun momentarily panics when he realizes that the vehicle was completely out of sight now. Hopefully they continued to go straight because he would have no idea if they turned now. If they turned now he was doing all of this for completely nothing.

Not to mention he would continue to pedal without any idea if they were still going straight or took a turn a while back. Renjun didn't even know if he would have the energy to go home by now.

"Please whatever higher power is up there, I know you hate me but a red light would be very convenient right now."

The neon lights blurred around him as he pedaled as fast as his legs could, the blinking lights blurred on the side of his eyes as he cycled to catch up with the black car. His body was drenched in sweat but the wind around him made it bearable enough to continue pursuing the car Na Jaemin was in.

There wasn't even a 100% chance that Renjun would catch them doing something suspicious, if anything he'd probably just end up seeing them go into a restaurant that he wouldn't even be able to enter.

And yet again, he would be doing this for naught.

But this was the farthest he's gotten since he started trying to catch Jaemin weeks ago, he couldn't just let this chance go without a fight. If Renjun passed out on the concrete sidewalk so be it. He was going to catch up to that car no matter what it took.

As Renjun continued to go straight and the car returned back to his sight he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He was still about a street away from the vehicle but at least he could still see the car.

The photographer glances up for a second to see that they had stopped for a light, looks like whoever had heard him actually granted his wish. Renjun smiles as he sits down to go at a slower pace, even though he was still pretty far away. If he continued to go as fast as he could he would be pretty close to the car.

And Renjun really didn't want to be noticed by the man inside the car. It would be pretty obvious to anyone that someone was following them if you noticed them more than once. Mostly when you're in a car and they're on a bike.

He wouldn't be surprised if Jaemin ordered one of his men to take him out on the spot if he noticed Renjun following after him.

The brunette pushes through his very sore legs to stand up and start pedaling once again when the light turns green. Renjun lets out a noise pretty similar to a dying animal (a new party trick!) when he tried to begin to go at the same pace before he had sat down.

If Renjun had known how hard it was going to be trying to pedal at the same pace as before he would have just stayed standing up. The brunette still pushes through the pain though, letting out a scream at the sheer amount of willpower he was using to try and follow after this damn car.

Renjun really hasn't gone through that much throughout his lifetime but this was probably the worst pain he's ever gone through. The photographer lets out a groan of pain as he pushes his body to continue pedaling.

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