Ch.15 Dancing, Awakening, and Sickness Part. 2

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I apologize so much for the horrid wait! I didn't have a working computer until recently, and to top it off I didn't think anyone was reading it anyway... Unless you re read  the last chapter this one May be a tad confusing. Anywayyy if you're sensitive don't read yada yada yada


August POV:

       I watched his eyes flutter closed about an hour ago, and his fever hasn't let up in the slightest. He feels like lava to the touch, if I had to estimate i'd say that he was about 102.5. Which generally would be call for a doctor however the only one in the vicinity that has my fathers clearance to the castle is Gwynnevere, and she isn't laying a manicured claw anywhere near his precious head.

My worry won't stop growing, and I can't help but kick myself for it. I shouldn't have fallen for a human, and I'm not sure why I did. Was it that fiery sunset hair that had me slack-jawed from the minute I saw him unconscious on my study floor?

Could it have been his sense of humor, willingness to defend me even though I haven't earned it, his singing voice, or his ability to make the mood more light hearted? Maybe his gorgeous figure, how easily he can cry, or how he isn't afraid of a fight, or maybe the way he makes sexual references even when i know he gets flustered.

Gods this is so dangerous... there is nothing i dislike about his boy. I just hope his feelings are reciprocated, he said he doesn't swing that way but every now and then i get a sinking suspicion he is attracted to me no matter how slim the attraction, it is there.

I can figure that out later this wasn't the time to dwell on my feelings when the beautiful human in question was suffering, so with haste i made my way over to properly clothe myself.

Since he hasn't been able to keep anything down, when he wakes I believe he should eat something. So I made sure that he was still soundly unconscious before quietly leaving the room and making my way past all the bustling staff. Everyone is preparing for my fathers 'birthday' ball. I knew Oliver was nervous so this could've been partially nerves, but that doesn't explain his fever, or the strange aura I picked up on a while ago.

As I arrived in the kitchen Constance looked a bit bothered that Oliver wasn't with me. They had become quite close in the last three months he has been here. "What can I do you for luv?" Constance spoke in that twang accent she has.

"Something incredibly easy on the stomach, I'm afraid Oliver is quite ill, and is incapable of keeping anything down." As to be expected, a look of worry crossed her soft features.

"Chicken bone broth, with rice, and shaved ginger tea it is!" She padded to the kitchen quickly, and produced the food just as quick. "Thank you darling." I used my unearthly speed to bring me right back to my bedroom door. I know that I wasn't gone for more than 20 minutes but with his condition anything could happen. I had my thumbprint on the scanner when Gwyn sauntered out of her room, and over to me.

"Hi there hubby!" She ran a nail down my shoulder blade. I removed my finger from the scanner, and stepped out of her reach. "What's with the soup? It's blazing outside. Either way it smells good!" She lifted her hand to the spoon, and as she raised it to her mouth I about crushed her wrist. The spoon fell into the bowl with a small clang. "I apologize Gwyn, but I don't have the time, nor the energy to deal with you. Oliver is ill, and tending to him takes priority to entertaining you." Her face wore a stunned look while she coddled her injured wrist. Before she could answer I slipped into my quarters, and pulled the door shut behind me incase she got so bold as to follow.

As I set the tray on the bedside table I peeked over at Oliver whos eyes were examining me sleepily. "I'm glad you're awake, why don't you try to eat something?" He scrunched his nose a little, but nodded albeit a bit defeatedly. "Am I still hot?" He looked at me through hooded eyes, and then the realization of the way he phrased that must have hit him. Either that or the fever was making him delirious because he started giggling in a, must I add very cute manner. I touched his forehead gently, and my face must have given away how high his temperature was still because he responded exhaustedly. "THAT hot huh?" And followed it up with a pained smile.

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