Ch.6 I Hate Cats

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Augusts POV:

I still had work to do when Oliver fell asleep, so quietly as I could I made my way to my desk to file my new pet's paperwork. I had to write down age, height, weight, blood type, and other bullshit. I didn't know much about him so I figured I would do some of it whenever I had time to ask him about himself. Rather than do pet paperwork I should probably fill out invitations to my fathers birthday ball. I fucking hate doing this. Every year he makes a huge deal, and invited people over a month in advance. I mean I understand he is the king, but how narcissistic can one get? The ball was always a huge event, especially seeing as how all the high ranked vampires would be there so perfect timing to find a wife right? Note my sarcasm.

My thoughts were interrupted by the stirring of Oliver. He seemed to be having a nightmare. He looked so... weak. Like he was running from someone. His face contorted in pain as tears started to glisten down his pale skin. I felt a pang of guilt. It was probably ultimately my fault he was in anguish. All's well that ends well I guess... I mean it's not like I would actually have him for all that long.

I figured I would at least go give him the relief of consciousness. I put my hand on his shoulder, and shook him lightly. His eyes shot open, still full of tears. His emerald orbs met my eyes in a panic. His nose was red from crying. I must have shown confusion because he realized after the look I gave him that he was crying. He wiped his tears with the sleeve of his shirt, that might I add still had a bit of blood on it. His mothers I assumed. "Are you alright kitten?" After wiping his tears he looked at me with a disgusted face.

"No, I am not fucking alright. I was just dreaming of Compton murdering my mother on a continuous loop. And stop with that annoying ass nickname. I hate cats." I chuckled lightly, he really was raised by wolves. I guess I probably shouldn't mention that my cat Shadow, was asleep on the bed at the moment. "What is so damn funny?"

"Nothing, I just guess I didn't fully believe that you were raised by wolves, until your cat comment." He sneered at me. "Look I apologize for allowing Compton to murder your mother, but hate him all you want. I am not the one who did it so you shouldn't bare a grudge against me. At least not until I've given you a just reason." He looked like he actually considered it for a moment, much to my surprise. "You may not have asked him to murder her directly, but you still let it happen. On top of that you didn't punish him. If you truly want my respect then maybe you should give me a damn reason to respect you. Punish him for his wrong doings and I will consider forgiving you. I can't forgive him. Not ever, and if we're being completely honest if given the chance I would probably shove a stake through his heart."

I was surprised by his words. I didn't peg him as the killer type. "Would you accept if I punish him tomorrow?" I honestly don't think I cared whether or not he actually forgave me, but it would make it easier on me if he was comfortable around me. Biting him would be difficult for both of us if he was repulsed by me. The thought of his blood made my teeth ache in my mouth, and my fangs threatened to escape. "What will you do to him?" He asked innocently.

"I'll rip his fangs out. It will take awhile, but they will grow back. It will just make the next few months uncomfortable, and he will be unable to feed from a living vessel, so he will just have to resort to the blood that the servants serve us with meals. Is that good enough for you?" He thought on it for a moment. "Yes, that is good, but allow me to come too." I tried not to show my amusement. He was a sadistic little kitten.

"Alright, fine, after that we will do something about your wardrobe, and that mess you call hair. Do the wolves in the mountains not own hairbrushes?" He scowled at me. "Yes, they own hairbrushes but I haven't had a haircut in awhile, I'm sorry do I not look pristine enough for your royal tastes?"

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