Ch.8 Whiskey, Orange Juice, or Water

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If you don't do well with blood this chapter isn't for you. Those of you that continue. Enjoy!!!

Oliver POV:

I started stirring when a bright light hit directly on my face. I opened my eyes, and the sun shone a bright beam on me. When my eyes adjusted to the light I looked at what my hands were clutching so tightly, and saw August's face almost nose to nose with mine. I shrieked, and sent myself flying off of the bed taking the comforter with me. I landed with a loud thump. I looked up to see August with a cocky grin on his face. "What the hell!?" I screamed. He just chuckled at me lowly.

"You don't remember?" I thought on it for a moment before realization struck me. Shit, there was a thunderstorm. And I let this Jackass see more of my weakness! "August. I-um. I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I didn't realize how loud I was being." The look of amusement from earlier was now completely gone, and the only thing that sat in it's place was a frown. "What?" I asked him. He can't just scowl at me for no good reason.

"Nothing, it's just that you're apologizing for no reason. I am not going to punish you for being afraid of something. Also this bed is too big. Maybe I'll make you sleep here from now on. It doesn't seem as though you had a nightmare." I was shocked to say the least. Was he even actually a vampire. It is almost like he is being compassionate. Now that I think about it I don't think I did have a nightmare while sleeping with him. Weird. "So you're not going to punish me?" He shook his head. Alright then, no complaints here.

He was about to speak again when there was a knock at the door. August got up looking unhappy that our conversation was interrupted. He opened the door to a rugged looking Xavier. I don't know what it is, but something about him just rubs me the wrong way. "You look like you didn't sleep well Cousin." Xavier stated. "I slept okay, the thunderstorm had Oliver scared so I woke up to console him. But that didn't take long. I haven't had blood since yesterday so that is probably why." He was speaking freely, and then apparently realized who he was talking to. " Not that it's any of your fucking business."

"Damn August don't have to get defensive, you know I already hate being here enough. I just came to give you Uncle's next order for you. He says you have to exterminate a small nest of vampires at Clover night club. It is their nightly hangout, they go there to prey on townspeople at least five nights a week. They will be there tonight. It won't be too difficult they are new, and they were changed by someone who was changed, and not born so comparatively speaking they are weak as hell. I am sure you can manage."

August was seething at this point. It is now completely obvious he doesn't take orders well. He slammed the door in Xavier's face, and stalked over to the phone on the entryway table. "Bring me a glass of B-, and be quick or I'll just tap a vein instead." He said hanging up the phone. "Oliver, you're coming with me tonight. I am required to bring someone with me in case anything happens. I am supposed to take a guard, but everything I do or say gets back to my father. Compton made that perfectly clear after he told Xavier about his punishment." He ordered rubbing his temples.

"Um. Okay, but are you sure? I can't really help you if anything happens. Unless you arm me that is." He rolled his eyes at me. The door buzzed, and he walked over to the door retrieving a glass of fresh blood. "Did you talk to them about the condition of the blood they have been serving you?" He looked questioningly at me. "You mean this is old too? If it is ill just drink from the slave that brought it. I talked to them, but it doesn't seem to be clicking in their heads apparently." He stated now even more agitated. "No, no this stuff is fine. I only asked if you asked because I can't smell it so I assumed you had." He looked a bit relieved, and downed his glass of nasty.

As the day got later, August told me to get ready. I took a quick shower, and put on some of the clothes that came in from our order. Although apparently my suit would still take a few weeks. I slipped into the button down, and slacks. They fit me perfectly, thank god no more swimming in August's clothing I don't think I have ever worn something so nice before. In the mountains it was usually just t-shirts, and shorts, and in the winter time jeans, and god awful turtlenecks. We never really dressed up for parties either. Save for Jane of course. I stepped out and August was wearing the exact same colors as me. I was wearing a blue button down, and black slacks, and he was wearing black slacks, a white button down, and a blue blazer in the same shade as my shirt. Too conspicuous. I thought this was undercover of sorts? "Don't you think this is too conspicuous? I mean we're supposed to be strangers, but we dress the same?"

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