Ch.9 Harpy

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Disclaimer: If you're sensitive then this chapter probably isn't for you. Enjoy :)

August POV:

After four lashes to the back, Oliver had thrown up on the throne room floor out of pain. He was counting, but I could hear the pain behind it. I could hear the unexpressed screams in his voice. I could tell he was in agony. What I didn't understand is why it hurt me so bad to whip him. I have done this multiple times to my previous pets, and defiant prisoners, but what the hell? It was like every time I heard him speak a broken number my heart would wretch.

I was in pain while his agony was apparent through the room. I felt bad for making him anticipate the strikes by taking time in between them, but it was almost as if I had to brace myself for the impact as well. His blood was gushing from the gashes on his back. His smell was intoxicating. I felt my fangs elongate. This wasn't time to think about that. After I got to ten lashings I was speeding to put him in my arms, and take him to our room. I left my father before he could even speak another word.

I rushed all the way up, but even then it felt like it took an eternity. I knew my father wanted to talk, but at the moment he was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to disinfect his cuts. Then I would feed him my blood. Vampire blood heals, but there is a risk. If it is administered, and you die within twelve hours of receiving it you will transition.

He was finally sobbing, and tears streamed down his face as I set him gently on the bathtub. "I am not going to lie to you this will hurt immensely." I stated. At that point I don't think he was even registering what I had said. I had rubbing alcohol in my hands. Not that I needed it, but quite a few servants would refuse vampire blood for healing injuries so I always had some in my medicine cabinet. As soon as the pungent liquid reached his back, he let out a ear splitting scream.

His eyes rolled back, and he went limp on the bathtub. My whole body went numb. He didn't just die did he? I was frantically searching for a heartbeat. I found one, it seemed he had passed out from pain. I couldn't force-feed him my blood...

I lifted him awkwardly from his position being careful not to touch his slowly bleeding back. I set a towel down on the mattress, then him on the towel while I went to the infirmary to get some bandages, and medical tape.  I made sure to keep the lashes relatively close together while not touching because I knew that it would be easier to patch up, but I didn't expect his skin to rip like butter. The gashes were deeper than expected. My father is such a sadistic bastard. I know I should've expected it by now, but I was still awe stricken that he would make me do that to him when he had done nothing wrong.

I walked into the infirmary, and Gwynnevere our nurse was surprised to see me unscathed, save for the dried blood still decorating my white shirt. "August? Are you alright?" She asked curiously. Her gaze softened. "Aww are you here because you miss little ol' me?" I wasn't in the mood to play her little games. She is an aristocratic vampire, so my father has been trying to set me up with her, but I can't stand her. She was just like all of the other suitors. 'in it for the title.' "No I didn't, I only came here for medical tape, and bandages. My pet was injured, so can you get them for me or am I going to do it myself?" She gave a 'knock yourself out' look, and leaned up against a cabinet examining her perfectly manicured red nails.

I opened a cabinet where I knew the supplies would be. I quickly pulled out the bandages, and tape. I went to leave without a second glance in her direction when a hand with red claws grabbed my forearm. Gwynnevere was holding me, and looking into my eyes with what I assumed to be lust. "You know I get really bored sitting in here day after day. Then when I finally get someone in here, the prince no less he is ready to leave without even so much as a goodbye?" She said seductively.

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