Ch.11 Hemlock, and Wolves

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August POV:

It was only three days ago that my father announced I was engaged to be married to a harlot. Out of any woman on the planet, whether she be vampire or even werewolf for god's sake it had to be Gwynnevere! I hated her with a fiery passion. Maybe if she mysteriously went missing I could pretend to be devastated, and play widower. Although now that I think about it, that is probably not the best idea. My father would immediately go straight to me, assuming I did it (which I would). Then he would probably give the throne to Xavier, and we can't have that. I can't even fathom what he would do if he were king. I have heard him say things like 'We should enslave all humans, and make the entire kingdom vampire run.' All teachers, all law enforcement, everything that wasn't working in factories would be vampires. I can't even imagine the terror that would cause the majority of the population. Seeing as it is human.

One thing though I was not looking forward to was the monthly blood collection. We call upon the human citizens occupying one of six districts in the kingdom, and have them come to that districts city hall. They are alphabetized by last name, and they are each required to give three pints of blood. From the time they are eighteen to the time they are sixty this happens every six months. In a way I feel bad because every half year mark without fail they have to give life force to us. On the other hand their lives shouldn't matter to me an immortal. I would like to think that they don't, but sometimes I catch myself feeling remorse when I go and see people holding their children before being drained. I think about how I would feel if Sawyer, and I were human, and he had to watch as my blood was drawn. How frightened he would be seeing me with tubes in my skin.

In the end I know that we aren't human, so it shouldn't actually matter, but they are still my future subjects so on some level I do still care. I just can't believe Xavier weaseled his way out of it again! Because he decided he had to go visit his mother, my aunt he can just skip overseeing the whole thing, and now I have to! I try not to be lazy, but with all the bullshit going on lately I just want a day to breathe. I looked up to see Oliver rubbing his eyes sleepily as he was waking up. He sat up in the bed, and his hair was an atrocity. I snickered earning his attention. "What?" He said his voice gravelly from sleep. "Oh nothing you just look like a bird family has made a house on your head is all." He glared at me, and flopped back down on the mattress dramatically. I really like this kid. He was funny in all the right ways, and he could fight well for a human. Not to mention he is adorable, with an angelic voice, and a shining personality to boot.  He, also in the month he has been here has been able to keep me sane. which is more than most can say.


"I can't marry Gwynnevere!"  My blood was boiling. She has been a terror since we were children. Even my seven year old brother could see that. "You can, and you will. Remember what you always said. 'I shouldn't have to look for a wife to become king!' I realized you were right all these years so I did it for you. More like her parents came to me with the Idea, but still it was a damn good one!" My father chimed in. I was about to explode with anger so I grabbed Oliver by his wrist, and yanked him out of the dining hall slamming past Gwynnevere roughly in the process. When we arrived at the elevator he put his hand on my arm comfortingly. "I know this isn't what you want, but when you're king you could always divorce her." He gave me a weak smile, he obviously didn't understand why I was so against this. "It isn't that easy." He gave me a curious look. "Vampire's mate for life. When you marry someone the night of the wedding you give each other a mark by biting into their shoulder. We release a venom into each other, and it creates a bond much like with werewolves, and their mates. I would be able to feel everything she feels, and we could speak to one another through mind link." He gave me an apologetic expression. "That is why I would prefer to marry someone with whom I am truly in love with. It is also why I can't believe my father would do this, although I am not very surprised by it. See if it were as easy as a divorce I would gladly marry her, and then ditch her later, but I just can't." He looked at me, and something in his eyes reflected the pain from my own. "I think this might be over the line of master, and pet, but I don't know how else to comfort you." He states leaving me a bit confused. He then reaches his arms around my back, and embraces me into a hug. I was a bit taken aback, I can't say that that was what I was expecting. It takes me a minute but I hug him back. If it were anyone other than him save for Sawyer, and on an occasion Connie I would've shoved him off, but this felt so comforting. I was being embraced by the boy I was starting to have feelings for, and let me tell you. It felt freeing.

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