Ch.5 Kitten

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The image above is August's study. :)

Oliver's POV:

Everything was dark. The pitch blackness around me was almost comforting, considering what I had been through in the last day. The dark around me wrapped me in it's blanket of weightlessness.

To my dismay I was slowly being pulled from it's clutches. Soft? Something underneath me was very soft, almost plush. My brain was still a bit foggy, but I was to the point where I could feel the tug from my eyelids desperately trying to open.

I could hear bickering in the background, one of the voices was unmistakably the bloodsucker from the limo. However one of them was a bit deeper, with a not so subtle hint of English accent. "Fuck, Compton how much blood did you take from the little creature?" I heard the British one ask.

"I didn't think it was enough to keep him out this long..." Replied the vampire who now I was certain was Compton. My eyes slowly fluttered open, my vision still significantly blurry. When my vision returned I realized that soft thing from before was a Persian rug, that I am fairly certain was immensely expensive.

The British leech must have seen my eyes open, or he heard my heartbeat change with his freaky power. He squatted down in an attempt to be a bit closer to how low to the floor I was. I could see clearly a straight way across the room was a large set of French doors. Maybe if I picked the correct timing I could run out of this room, and find someone willing to help me.

The crouching guy turned his head to Compton, and I took this as my chance. I got up, regardless of my entire body screaming with lethargy and sprinted to the doors. I put my hand on the handle, and was met with two entirely different colored red eyes. Not to mention the intimidating grasp that was now on my wrist uncomfortably.

The feeling of fear must have accidentally made it's way onto my face because I was met with a bone-chillingly fanged smirk. "Glad to see you awake little pet." The British guy said. Pet? Is that what I was now? A subtle look of admiration suddenly washed over his face as he stared into my eyes.

"Let go of me! Damn leech bastard!" That left my throat almost unintentionally, not to say he didn't deserve this I didn't appreciate being called a pet. "Oooh look at the mouth on this one, Compton. I like a pet with fire. It makes it all the more fun to beat it out of them, and make them submit." Compton only laughed.

"Now, come pet sit across the desk from me so I can interrogate you myself, although I wouldn't mind you putting up a fight it would make it all the more fun for me." A chill ran up my spine at the thought of what he would do to me. Defeated, I warily walked over to the armchair across the desk. The English leech slinked over to the other side and sat down, intertwining his fingers, all the while my eyes never failed to watch him. I thought it was a bit odd that Compton stood almost directly behind him almost looking like a bodyguard, or something. It was creepy, and seemed possessive.

"I'm sure you know why you're here." He stated almost confident that I knew why I was here, even though I didn't AT ALL! "No actually I don't, but here is how this is going to go. You're going to ask me questions? Then it's only fair you answer some of mine as well." He glared at Compton obviously a bit peeved that he didn't fill me in.

"You're in no position to negotiate." He practically hissed at me. "Although I am curious What you have to ask so I'll humor you." His aura constantly gave off arrogance. I guess it is a leech thing. "Okay, so how old were you when you were taken in by the wolves?" He asked. "Not even a year." I replied coldly.

"Who were your pa-" I cut him off "My turn." He said he would humor me so I wasn't answering another question until I got answers. "What is your name?" I couldn't keep calling him the British leech, even if it was only in my head.

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