Ch.12 Torturous Feelings

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Disclaimer: This is not a chapter for you, if you do not do well with gore, and violence. You have been warned about the graphic, and possibly triggering content, so read at your own risk. Enjoy :)

August's POV:

The ball was in two days, and I couldn't take another moment of Gwynnevere. I swear this woman was insufferable. She whines like a child whenever she doesn't get what she wants. It is extremely annoying, but I was determined to give nothing she wanted. I walked down the corridors to Oliver's voice lesson, and I could hear his angelic sound coming from the studio. That sound was the only thing keeping me from ripping Gwynnevere's arm off as she clung to me like her life depended on it. Shoving her un-naturally, and undoubtedly fake large chest up against me. I had to suppress my cringe. She was determined to stay with me always, unless I was in my room. In which case she would leave not pushing the subject, I hardly ever let anyone into my private space.

I wish Gwynnevere had chosen any other man on this planet. She was a straight man's dream slut. I opened the doors softly as not to disturb Oliver's last lesson before his performance. We walked in, and Gwynnevere shrieked. "Ooo, let me have a go I love that song! She began to sing Black Hole Sun horrendously. Oliver cringed, and covered his ears, and Tania started chanting with her eyes pitch black. All of a sudden Gwnnevere's shrieking dissipated, and was replaced with a much needed silence. I looked up to see Tania holding a hunk of flesh in her palm, and Gwynnevere was clutching her throat, but no sound would come out. Oliver looked into Tania's hand, and actually gagged. She was holding Gwynnevere's vocal chords.

"Yeesh! Remind me to not get on your bad side." Oliver said choking back another gag. Gwynnevere was obviously trying, but failing miserably to speak all that could be heard was a soft breathy sound. She stomped over to a whiteboard, and wrote in her incredibly sloppy doctor's chicken scratch 'Put my voice back in my throat bitch.' Tania shook her head no. "Not until you, first change that fowl attitude, and second promise to never, and I mean NEVER even attempt to sing in my presence!" I had to hold back the amusement on my face, but Oliver wasn't so obligated. He just snickered melodiously. Sheesh the more time I spend with this boy the more entrancing he becomes.

Gwynnevere nodded hesitantly not wanting to give up that horrid excuse for a singing voice. Tania's eyes returned to the un-earthly black of her true form, and Gwynnevere's deafening voice returned. "Ugh you evil witch!" She scowled at Tania, and Tania just curtsied probably in acceptance of the very literal title. Gwyn then returned to her attachment at my side. "August, baby can you imagine what would happen if I could never speak!?" She asked in distress. Oh how lovely that would actually be though. I would continue to be fowl with her, and say how wonderful her being mute would be, but I had a feeling that if she complained to my father he would take it out on Oliver. The scars from the whipping my father previously had me administer had put unsightly scars across the beautiful tattoo on Oliver's back. As much as I hated werewolves I still thought that tattoo was beautiful because it was a part of him.

"You wouldn't ever have the pleasure of hearing me scream your name at the brink-" Gwyn started, but I cut her off by removing myself from her side with, I am assuming a disgusted face plastered on. "I have never wanted, nor will I ever have any interest in bedding you." She gave me a disgusted look while Oliver, and Tania practically rolled on the floor with laughter. I directed my attention to a still laughing Oliver. "I have to attend lunch with the Alpha of the Blue-river pack today much to my dismay, so I'll direct you to the kitchen, and then take my leave." Gwyn went to open her mouth, but stopped when she realized that she is not whom I was speaking with. I smiled at Oliver when he finally sobered up from laughter. "I trust you know your way from the kitchen to our room by now?" He just nodded, and followed suit as we left to make our way to the kitchen, but not before thanking Tania first.

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