Ch.1 I Wonder What Does a Red Moon Mean?

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Please Enjoy!!! :)

Oliver POV:

I stood there in the chilly February air, and looked up at the sky. The six-thirty setting sun shone hard trying desperately still to melt the bit of snow that was left on the ground. I am Oliver a nineteen year old human. Why did I think it crucial to explain that I am human? Well, because you'll come to find out that my family is a little more than that.

As an infant my parents were killed, and I was abandoned at their campsite. Upon being left alone I was found by the woman I have come to know as my mother. Although at the time it was probably a bit off-putting being in the presence of my mothers wolf form.

My mother is a beautiful brown werewolf. In her human form she appears to be no more than a stout brunette woman, but in fact she is the mighty alpha of the Cadence pack. I am grateful everyday to my mother for taking me in because in the Wysterian kingdom humans aren't free. Being run by a monarchy of vampires is tough, especially when all they give a god damn thing about is enslaving half the human race to serve them, and curb their insatiable thirst for blood.

Since I am not a Lycan I can't run with the wolves, but I have done my best to keep up throughout the years. Being raised by wolves has its perks. I am stronger, faster, and have a better sense of smell, and intuition than the average human. However to a werewolf I am nothing... just the clans burden. The weird ginger that gets picked at by the other members. They all say my orange hair and deep pine green eyes are odd. (they're not it is just because most of the wolves have brown, blond, or black hair with gold eyes)

Although if my older sister Jane found out I thought these things about myself she would have my head, along with my younger brother Elliot. I live in the upper mountainous region of the Wysterian Kingdom. It is incredible not living by any laws other than those appointed by the pack. I love it out here. The woods that seem to go on forever, and the beautiful river. The pack is my everything, Although it may be nice to meet someone without fleas at some point in my life... Speak of the devil my sister came tearing down the clearing toward me, probably looking for Elliot again.

"Have you seen Elliot? I swear if he runs away from his lessons again mom is going to blow a casket." She gave me a dirty look at my obvious failure to cover up my amusement. It was my fault he keeps running away. I did tell him if he didn't want to do something he shouldn't have to. Apparently his six year old mind took it a bit too seriously. I flicked her on the nose, and said. "If you really wanted to find him you would put that puppy nose to good use." Rubbing her nose she smirked at me, which could mean one of two things. One she would mock me for not having one. Or two she would tackle me for calling her a puppy.

"Oh yeah?" she looked at me with a mischievous glint and tackled me to the ground with a thump. We proceeded to then watch the slowly rising moon. She perked up suddenly, so I turned my head to see Elliot jogging toward us from out of the forest. When he reached us I grabbed his little legs and he fell on top of me.

I got up to look at the moon that retained an eerie red color. I can't say I have ever had the opportunity to witness something so naturally freaky. Suddenly I got a chill down my spine, and I gained a bad feeling. I wonder... What does a red moon mean?

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