Ch.7 Pine, Citrus, and Fear

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Augusts POV:

I don't feel it's necessary to dress up for dinner anymore. We do this every week. My father summons my brother, my cousins, and myself for a 'family' dinner. All the while he tells us what he wants us to get completed by next weeks dinner. I would much rather just go to the kitchen on my floor, and take what I want, and go eat in my room while I do my work.

I walked out of the elevator and down the corridor to the dining hall. I always enjoy pissing my father off by being fashionably late. Seeing as my seven year old brother refused to eat without me I should probably hurry though. He dislikes my father almost as much as I do. He thinks it is wrong for my father to force a harlot on me. I thought it was funny that a seven year old feels the same way. My cousin Xavier on the other hand does not feel the same. He wants me with a woman just to see me unhappy. Although I don't understand why he would want my find a wife he wants the throne so damn bad, and if I get a wife I'll get it sooner.

Although Xavier's sister Connie could probably use another woman around. I wonder how she will take it when I eventually introduce her to Oliver. She will probably flip that my pet is a man. I walked into the dining hall, and my family was seated in their usual seats. Sawyer got a large smile when I walked in. "Brother I am hungry can I eat now?" He asked me in a whiny tone.

"Sure you can, but make sure you finish your blood too this time, we wouldn't want a repeat of last week." Vampires can only go up to about seventy two hours without blood before we become ravenous, and begin to attack everything in sight. He decided to see what really happens. Child vampires are the worst with impulse control because they can't handle the pain and just give in quickly. We ended up with two dead servants. He couldn't even control himself long enough for me to send for some replaceable blood slaves.

"Brother, you smell like pine, and citrus. Why is that?" He looks just like our mother, he doesn't  have heterochromia like I do, but he has her sandy blonde hair, and her wine red eyes instead of our fathers normal blood colored ones. I had one of each, and our fathers onyx black hair. I guess his resemblance to our diseased mother is probably why I have a large soft spot for him. I usually cant stand children.

"I don't know what you mean." I stated back to him. I forgot to change clothes. I had been around Oliver all day so these ones smelled like him. I was unprepared, and all around not ready for them to meet Oliver. God knows what my father will do when he figures out that is isn't from a pet shop, and was in fact a rogue. "Yeah, I noticed it when you came in as well August. What is that alluring scent you're wearing?" Connie asked.

I took my seat at the table, and was surprised to see Compton standing behind Xavier. "I know what it is. Wouldn't you like to know Sawyer?" Sawyer was sucked into Xavier's vindictiveness. "Oh, yes please. Do tell Xavier!" Sawyer answered excitedly. "Well I heard from Compton over here that he has a new pet, and he let that pet de-fang him." Everyone at the table cringed from the de-fang comment, even me. It was a discomfort usually only bestowed upon highest offenses. My father directed an infuriated look in my direction. "Do go get her then August, I would love to meet her, and it is usually only polite to bring our pets to dinner." Connie added. She glanced at her pet Marcus, and Xavier glanced at his pet Audrey. I continued to give Connie a look that was begging her to keep her mouth shut. When she realized there was a purpose behind why I didn't bring him she clammed up, and mouthed an 'I'm sorry' from across the table.

"Yes, son go get her, I would like to see her myself." Well they're already in for a surprise. The her they're referring to doesn't exist, and is in fact a him. " I don't think that it's necessary father I only acquired a pet yesterday. Maybe next week when we have dinner I-." My father shushed me.


"I didn't ask. I want to know who else is in my castle, and see if she is well mannered." oh if looks could kill he would be done for. I got up, and Sawyer hopped off his chair as well. "Where do you think you're going child?" My father demanded. "I just wanted to pet Shadow if that is alright." He hesitantly nodded in agreement. Sawyer grabbed my hand, and we walked to the elevator. He was no stranger to my room. He used to get horrible night terrors when he was young so he would spend most nights in my bed with me. Occasionally he still does, but not nearly as often. Something about being on the top floor, and having a tall view of the forest behind the castle I am sure was refreshing considering his room was on the twentieth floor, and his rooms window onlooked the city down below.

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