Vacation Part 2: Kauai

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The dinosaur train was going through the travel tunned to head to the tropical island of kauai to find the hyper hybrids that are terrorizing the island but also to find valkyrie

Buddy was a bit on edge because of this since he remembered what happened the last tine he fought valkyrie he was worried valkyrie might have gotten stronger since their last fight

Annie noticed that buddy wasn't talking ever since they went into the tunnel and she was wondering what exactly was on his mind

"hey buddy? Are you alright?" annie asked

Buddy turned his head over to his friend

"um yeah why?" buddy asked

"you haven't spoken a word since we got into the tunnel is there something wrong?" annie asked

Buddy sighed

"its just im worried valkyrie might have gotten stronger since the last time we fought i mean he nearly killed me after he absorbed the power of the tree of elements" buddy said

"but look at what happened back in the elemental realm it took a lot of us to beat him so who knows it might work again" annie said

Buddy was still unsure about this but he had faith in his friend's words after all the way they defeated him before was their team used all their powers together to counter valkyrie they could easily do that again

The train then got out of the time tunnel and was in a cave of some kind and there was light coming from outside the cave

"okay looks like we're here" mr. Conductor said as he and the others got off the train

Valerie looked around the cave and the entrance that was brightened

"somebody should go out there to make sure that we are safe to come out of there" valerie suggested

"dont worry i'll do it" buddy said as he walked out of the cave

When he walked out of the cave he looked around to see a bunch of trees and grass

He sniffed the air and he didn't smell anything other than the trees and then buddy turned around to look at the others

"okay guys dont worry there's nothing to worry about" buddy said

The others then walked out of the cave as nobody saw any dinosaurs or any creatures in general in the forest

"so now what?" don asked

"well we should try and find a way to locate the hyper hybrids if we are going to defend the dinos here" buddy said

"i agree with buddy its best that we try and search for them instead of wait for them to find us" annie said

"but we need some of us here to guard the train and the others who dont have powers" buddy said

Daphne raised her right hand

"im up for it" daphne said

"okay so anybody else?" buddy asked

Leroy lily and dennis raised their arms

"me and lily are gonna stay behind 'cause lily isn't used to her powers yet" leroy said

"and im gonna stay here since the mystic element that i posses has powers that are extremely powerful compared to other elements" dennis said

"i see well if you say so everybody else follow me" buddy said as tiny shiny don keenan gilbert valerie annie kiera tank and terry followed him

The group walked through the forest as the birds were chirping and they were looking around just in case they ran into some type of hyper hybrid

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