Wings Of Hope Part 2: Redemption, At Last.

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The night was peaceful, the air was clear and there were no noises other than the sound of sleeping animals and the sounds of two giant creatures, but something in the sky had other plans for these two giants.

They walked through the trees, and nothing stood in their wake mostly because everyone was asleep on the island and these two were just having a walk around the island.

They were orange in color, they had long blue stripes, one of them had two blue stripes under his eye while the other one had freckles on her back, both of them had emerald green eyes and razor sharp teeth along with two small arms, a muscular body, two robust legs and a long tail to balance themselves with.

They've only recently came to the this island and the only reason the chose to stay here was because they had very close friends here that knew how to hide them or rather how to hide what they were fighting for from whatever threat that was after them.

"Do you think that this will be a safe place to raise our child?" The female giant asked.

"Rose, our closest friends live here and plus considering where we've been hiding the egg. I'm sure that monster won't find out where it is, hopefully." The male responded.

"That last part doesn't exactly fuel me with much confidence" the female 'Rose' said back to her mate.

"I know but we have to make due with what we have, otherwise we won't be able to take care of the baby once it hatches, so it's best that we stay here where we can find multiple places to hide the egg." The male said.

Those two were the top predators of this island even if they weren't originally from here, they were none other than the fearsome and powerful Tyrannosaurus. One of the mightiest creatures to ever walk the earthly plain.

The male was named 'Spencer' he and his mate have been here for about a month now and they haven't encountered any problems, but there is still a looming threat that hangs at the back of their minds and they know it's only a matter of time until he shows up to challenge them again, wherever that thing may be.

Rose was unsure of her mate's decision to live here, if it were her choice then she'd have them live in a cave somewhere else other than here. There is a cave on this island but they haven't explored it yet and are not sure if it's suitable for their unborn child.

The female theropod sighed.

"We haven't even picked out a name for them yet." Rose spoke in a sad tone, it was almost like she knew what was coming.

"We will, after all of this is over we'll be able to list down a ton of names for the baby, I already have been doing that ever since we left our home." Spencer chuckled.

"All of them are boy names aren't they?" Rose asked.

"No...........okay, maybe." Spencer answered.

"Sometimes I wonder how you can be so optimistic in a time like this. we're on the run, our whole clutch was destroyed apart from one egg, and there's a chance we could die at any second. Aren't you at least a bit nervous?" Rose questioned.

"I've already given up on fear, at this point there's nothing that can make me feel it. It's why I haven't given up on us, on our family, or at least what will become our family if the egg ever hatches." Spencer explained.

She's always loved him for this exact reason, he's so filled with hope and joy to the point where he doesn't even need to try that hard to cheer her up from a traumatic event.

Rose feared for the egg, if that monster gets a hold of it then what was the point of coming all the way here? It would've been all for nothing if that egg was destroyed just like the others.

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