king of the sea

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Another normal day at ptetanodon terrace mr and mrs p are out fishing while the rest of the pteranodon family are playing with their friends valerie and keanan after a while of playing dinoball they are now playing a guessing game "alright what creature has 4 legs 2 horns and a gigantic frill at the back?" buddy asked "hmmm? Triceratops maybe?" valerie said "nope! Keep trying" buddy said "is it a torosaurus?" tiny said "yep it is" buddy said "ok now here's my turn what theropod can swim under water like a crocodile?" keanan said "spinosaurus?" buddy asked "nope" keanan said "baryonyx?" shiny said "yeah that's the one" he replied "ok what is the strongest thing in the ocean?" don asked "to be honest i dont know there are many creatures that are strong but im not sure who's the strongest mosasaurus is fast but it's bite force is quite weak and lioplurodon is strong but slow im not really sure who is the strongest" buddy said "maybe we could go ask the conductor" tiny suggested "yeah maybe he knows of something both strong and fast" buddy said as they asked their parents to go and they agreed as long as they are together since they are teenagers now they can take care of themselves so with that they went to the station as the train rolled in on the train buddy asked mr conductor if there was a creature that was both fast and strong "hmmm actually there is one predator i know of but it lives beyond the mesozoic era its in the cenozoic period and it lives in the pliocene era" mr conductor said "well if its that far then how will we see it?" shiny asked mr conductor paused for a second and then revealed something new with the railway "the industry has done many improvements not just on the trains but on the track too! and they even found a way to travel to the cenozoic period" he said "woah! That's awesome" don said "yeah it is isn't it?" mr conductor said "so this means we CAN see the predator you were talking about right? whatever it may be" buddy said "would you mind if i show you?" he asked "sure" buddy replied "you have seen this fellow right have you" he said showing a cretoxyrhina image "yeah we have seen it before its a shark named cretoxyrhina" tiny said "this species is about 20 feet long but the beast im about to show you is 30 times bigger than this" he said "what is it then?" keanan asked "meet the megalodon the biggest shark ever to live with a name that literally means 'big tooth' and boy this thing has big teeth indeed" mr conductor explained "look at the size of that thing!" don said "yeah cretoxyrhina was big but this was gigantic this one shark was bigger than this entire train" he said "wow but what exactly did this thing eat?" valerie asked "im glad you asked" he said as he pulled down an image of another giant "this creature is called a whale and it is the biggest creature that was ever existed in the ocean most whales are filter feeders but one of them even rivals megalodon the species in question is livyatan melvellei the only whale i know of that is actually a predator and what seems to be the only rival of megalodon" he explained "now that is big and look at those teeth!" tiny said "yeah that's the reason why this is the megalodon's only rival it can bite its prey rather than swallowing them whole" he said "where can we see these two again?" buddy asked "the pliocene era" mr conductor answered "can you please take us there i would want a closer look at this megalodon" buddy said "sure no problem oh and i almost forgot its teeth can break turtle shells in one bite and many consider megalodon as the king of the sea while others say livyatan is the king but that is still up for debate" he said as he took a look at his hand watch "bless my scales and feathers TIME TUNNEL!!!! TIME TUNNEL!!!!! APPROUCHING!!!" he shouted as the train went into the tunnel reappearing in a underwater railway covered by glass "welcome to the pliocene period" mr conductor said as the kids watched the glory of the ocean and could see a pod of whale nearby but they were not the whales they wanted to see as the train rolled into the station there was a massive shadow above and in a blink of an eye it was gone "uh guys you saw that too right?" valerie asked "i did" buddy answered "it was too fast to see but i think i saw fins and a tail" he said as they got off the train to go look for the two alpha predators 20 minutes have passed and still nothing "where are they?" don asked "oh i also forgot to mention that these two are surface hunters cause megalodon hunts the big prey up at the surface while livyatan goes up there to breath through its blow hole" mr conductor said "what's a blow hole?" shiny asked "its a hole on top of the head every whale had one of these they use it for storing oxygen cause they cant stay submerged underwater for too long unlike megalodon who has evolved gills so it can breathe underwater without taking oxygen" he explained "then how are we going to find them?" buddy asked "have you remembered the submarine we have here?" he asked "yeah i do" he said "well we'll use that to find them" he said "but they are predators they might view that as a threat and remember i am 30 feet long i cant fit in the sub anymore" buddy said "no need to worry buddy we have upgraded the sub to fit large carnivores such as t rex and the sub is much faster now so we can avoid being attacked by predators" he explained "wow they really thought of everything didn't they?" he said "yep" mr conductor said as they went into the sub to find the two alpha predators "now before we head into the open sea i'll let you observe a juvenile megaloodn so you can get an idea of what we're dealing with" he said as the sub pulled into the shallows a turtle was nearby eating some kelp then suddenly something picked up on the sonar of the sub "whatever that is its coming in fast" shiny said as the creature was charging at full speed then CHOMP! the turtle was gone then they see it the predator was none other than a juvenile megalodon "woah! now that was fast" don said "just wait till you see the adults" mr conductor said "look at it that doesn't even look like a juvenile its 20 feet long" keanan said "well it does have the word 'mega' in its name and that basically explains it" buddy said "so now that you've seen the small ones how's about we go for the adults?" mr conductor said as the sub went into open water "see anything up there buddy?" mr conductor asked while buddy was looking through the telescope "all i see is a bunch of whales moving fast you think those could be livyatan?" he asked "well then lets take a look" he said as the sub pulled into the pod it was indeed livyatan the second alpha predator they've been looking for but the shark was nowhere to be seen "its even bigger than i expected" buddy said after a few minutes of observing something caught valerie's eye a black shadow underneath the sea was starting to rise up and it began to charge as the sonar picked it up "what is that?" tiny asked as the sub backed away to avoid a collision then BAM! Out of nowhere a creature came from the depths and jumped out of the water to reveal itself to be the predator they have been searching for "no way" buddy couldn't believe his eyes the megalodon had devoured the livyatan and has broken off the tail "that's 75 feet long that's is definitely the adult" he said as another whale rushed towards the shark it dodged it and it fought the whale head on livyatan bit on the side of megalodon but it quickly turned away then it charged again this time aiming for the head then CRACK! it killed the whale after that mr conductor decided to leave as he was afraid the sub was not fast enough to escape the shark's speed the kids agreed too they headed back to the station with buddy looking back as the whale pod swam away and as the other whales were being torn apart after that they went home and told their parents everything mr and mrs p thanked mr conductor for keeping their children safe "well it was the least i could do" he said as the train left everybody was at the nest while buddy was still haunted at the sight of the whales being torn apart as he has never seen a creature this strong and this cruel


authors notes: what is up my boys and girls it is i the one the only eva star! So yeah i wanted to push dinosaur train to new heights and i think this was a good choice and trust me this isn't the last time you'll see the cenozoic period originally i was going to do lioplurodon but thought that it wouldn't be that exciting since it was the same genus as pliosaur a creature the show has already covered so why not my favorite shark? I wanted to start big literally this is the team's introduction to the cenozoic so why not start with its strongest predator? I'll see ya next time

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