predator X strikes

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It was a normal day in the jurassic sea the waves were calm and the creatures that lived there were in harmony until something happened

A creature called an ichthyosaurus it looks like a dolphin but its way different

It is surfacing the water for air cause it is an aquatic reptile and they cant stay submerged for too long without air so this one surfaces and takes a gulp of air and then

The ichthyosaurus was thrown in the air and then it fell down to the water and then something bit on it and dragged it away

Something that was an apex predator of the jurassic seas


In pteranodon terrace the team were doing their daily routine and they were playing dinoball and afterwards they start talking.

"im bored like really really bored" keenan said

"yeah no kidding" buddy said as he was sitting on the beach

Buddy then thought of something

"keenan have you heard any news on whats been happening to the island valkyrie was on?" buddy asked

"not much but i think the purple monsters whatever they are were not there anymore" keenan said

"thats strange" buddy said

"it really is but what do you think is happening there?" keenan asked

"i dont know and im not sure if i want to know" buddy said

Suddenly tiny flies to the beach and lands in front of buddy and keenan

"hey guys i have something to tell you" tiny said

"is it something don found?" buddy asked

"nope" tiny said

"is there an emergency?" keenan asked

"nope" tiny said

"then what did you want to tell us?" buddy asked

"well you see mr. Conductor sent us a letter saying that the dinosaur train wont be fixed for a while" tiny explained

"anything else?" buddy asked

"why yes engine 6 will be used while the dinosaur train is gone but i also got some exciting news" tiny said

"well it better be exciting its been too boring today" keenan said

"well mr. Conductor said that he's gonna take us to see paulie pliosaurus today" tiny said

Keenan was confused

"paulie who now?" keenan asked

"paulie pliosaurus he's an old friend of ours and you probably haven't met him" tiny said

"well i've certainly never heard of him i can tell you that but he is a pliosaurus?" keenan asked

"yep" tiny replied

"jeez i really need to know more about the ones we consider our friends" keenan said

"so are we going?" keenan asked

"you bet ya" buddy said as he went to get his siblings

"hey mom dad we're gonna go to pliosaurus pool you know the pliosaurus sea?" buddy said

"why exactly?" mr. Pteranodon asked his son

"well you see our old pal paulie pliosaurus is waiting to see us there" buddy said

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