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The kids were doing their usual routine of catching some fish at the beach and playing some games with their friends but then buddy started to asked something "don" he said looking at his brother "yeah buddy?" don asked not knowing what buddy was calling him for "tell me where exactly did you keep my egg shell" he said "why?" don asked "nothing i just wanted to see it again" he answered "ok come over here" don said as they walked to his place where he keeps all the items he collected over the years "it should be around here somewhere" he said "is this it?" buddy said holding a egg shell much larger than the others "yep that's the one" don said as buddy had a sad look on him he almost even cried "hey what's wrong?" don asked as buddy left to go see his parents "mom dad?" he said as he walked to the nest "yes buddy?" mrs p asked "tell me did you ever knew my real parents?" he asked as mr and mrs p looked at each other with very sad faces "yes we did and-" mr p stopped mid way through his sentence as he was afraid at what he was about to tell his son "and what? What happened to them?" he asked "buddy" mrs p said "your real parents would have gave everything just to you again but they cant now" he explained "why not?" buddy asked "they were killed" mr p said "killed?! By who?!" buddy shouted "a pteranodon named valkyrie killed them" he said "but why? Why them?" he asked "buddy" mrs p said "valkyrie wants nothing more but to see suffering he doesn't kill anybody just random he kills their family members and the ones they love" she explained as a tear went down her cheek "where is he now?" buddy asked "wait why would you wanna know?" mr p said "im gonna give that guy a piece of my mind" he said "wait what?" his father asked "if i ever see him i swear i will tear him apart!" he said in anger "buddy listen to me you're no match for him" mr p said "really? Why not?" he asked "he has powers that are beyond your imagination if you even go near him you'll die in seconds if you dont know what he can do to you only the strongest of dinosaurs go up against him" he said "i dont want to loose my son a son that i swore to protect from him so please dont go" he said "alright i wont go but has any body defeated him yet?" buddy asked "in fact actually only one has been able to fend him off for a while" his father answered "who may that be?" buddy asked "terry the king of all dinosaurs himself he is a tyrannosaurus just like you but he's more powerful and he can even beat the strongest of dinosaurs" he explained "then where is he now?" buddy asked "at his home raising his children" his father answered "mom dad tell me where did you find me and why did you take me in as your own?" buddy asked "ok but just make sure you wont go crazy and try to take on valkyrie on your own got it" his father said "dont worry i have no intent on trying to find him at this point so might as well just wait" he said "ok lets start shall we?" his father said


Mr and mrs pteranodon were flying while their nest was being guarded by their neighbors "where should we go to today hon?" mrs p asked "hmmm maybe over the mountains or up that hill perhaps" he said "i would much rather prefer the hills so we're not too far away from the nest" she answered "ok then its settled we'll go to the hils" he said as they flew to the hills after a few hours of spending time there suddenly mrs p found an egg sitting in a nest alone and unguarded she went down investigating the area around the nest and didn't see or hear anything near it "something wrong hon?" her husband asked "no its nothing its just why would anybody leave their egg behind like this?" she said "we should probably go this is most likely a predator egg cause of the footprints so that means the mother might not be far" he said "i'll go look for the mother you guard it" she said as she took off into the sky after tracking footprints it lead her into a dead end and all she found was a tooth she went back to the egg and told her husband everything as a massive storm cloud is starting to form over the island "honey we have to go now" he said "wha? we cant just let this egg go what if it gets shattered and if the mother is still around she would be furious" she said "but you just told me you didn't find anything but a tooth" he said "but we cant just leave it here to suffer" she said "and what if we suffer the same fate you wouldn't want that to happen would you?" she asked mr p sighed and said "look i know you want to protect it but if that storm hits there will be nothing left to protect" he said "i guess you're right" she said as a tear fell down on her cheek "unless..." he said "unless what?" she asked "we take it with us" he explained "are you out of your mind?! If the mother finds us we'd be dead!" she said "but if the mother was really here she would have came back for her egg hours ago" he said "honey listen i know its a bad thing to take it but if we leave it here its done for" he said mrs p nodded as they took the egg with them back to the nest and they covered the nest with a bunch of wood so they can keep the eggs safe and warm the next morning they woke up and the eggs started cracking as their first baby was born "shiny" mrs p said "tiny" mr p said as the second egg cracked "don" she said as the third one cracked but then the forth one first a tail and then a foot after that the baby was revealed to be a tyrannosaurus rex "i cant believe it a t rex egg?" she said "dont worry honey even though its a t rex we will take care of it and we will teach to not eat us" he said "what should we name it though?" he asked "buddy i think i'll name him buddy" she said "you know i always wanted a son named buddy" he smiled


"now you know" his father said
"thank you for everything" he said as he hugged both of his parents "we promise you buddy we will find somebody to train and then you can avenge your real parents" his mother said "i know you will" said smiled
"buddy i wanted you to have this" mrs p said "what is it?" he asked "its your father's tooth keep it safe its the only memory you'll ever have of them" she said "dont worry i will" he asnwered


Authors notes: HEY GUESS WHO'S BACK? THIS GUY!!!! sorry if this chapter took a long time to make but you see i didn't really have that much free time so i couldn't really get to writing a new chapter but here we are stay tuned for the next chapter and i'll see ya next time see ya

Dinosaur Train Evolution (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz