A Father's Dilemma (Epilogue)

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"I think I owe all of you an explanation." Valkyrie sighed.

There was nothing but silence, there wasn't even the sound of the wind blowing or anything. Everything was dead silent and as Valkyrie was standing on his own, Buddy stood with his friends and family as they were all staring at Valkyrie with hatred in their eyes, all except for one.


This was the second time he stood up to somebody he worked with, he could've easily helped Phoenix in his time of need yet he did the exact opposite, he wanted to see Phoenix suffer for what he's done.

"You're darn right you owe us one, you creep!" Keenan broke the silence, after all the trouble they've been through they deserve to know why this monster was doing all of this.

If this was the Valkyrie from back then, Keenan would have gotten a Shatter Wing shoved right through his chest but now that he has reformed, he restrains himself from killing the young Chirostenotes because he's right.

Just the mere sight of Valkyrie made Buddy's blood boil again as if he was about to enter that enraged state for a second time but he refused to let his anger get the best of him, because he's finally going to get the answer he's been asking for a while now.

What reason does Valkyrie have for committing all these atrocities?

"Alright, I'll start from the beginning. I wasn't from Kauai, that was merely a place I moved Connie to, I came from an island called Tempest Island." Valkyrie started.

Buddy calmed himself down, his anger was starting to extinguish as he and the others decided to listen to what the Pteranodon had to say.

"If he tries to pull a fast one, I'll down him as soon as he makes a move." Shiny thought.

"On that island I was seen as a hero, because I used to be selfless and helped creatures that I didn't really need to help, especially since I had my own problems at the time but I was taught to look out for the people around me and not just myself." Valkyrie continued.

The Tyrannosaurus' mouth was left agape, he thought that Valkyrie did have a life before killing, every murderer had to start from somewhere, but he never thought that Valkyrie was the kind of person to help others who didn't even ask for his help yet he offered his assistance anyways.

The life Buddy thought he had before he started mercilessly murdering people was a simple life like his where he was just on an island with his family and had a home and where he would bond with them every day, he never imagined that Valkyrie of all people used to be a heroic figure.

"Alright, continue." Buddy requested.

"I lived on top of a mountain, me and my family built a small home made out of rocks and there was a nest inside, the only family I had there was Connie and my........." Valkyrie trailed off.

When he started thinking about that other family member of his, he almost wanted to break down. Even though he never showed it to others often, he wouldn't mind crying right now.

"Your what? Who did you live with apart from Connie?" Keenan asked as Shiny moved to the front of the team.

Shiny being the eldest daughter was quick to protect her younger siblings even though she knows that on her own, she can't win against Valkyrie but she's willing to do whatever she needs to protect them and make sure they grow up.

"M-my mate, her name was Leora." Valkyrie trembled.

Just saying her name brought back the pain he felt when he had to watch her die in front of him and he couldn't do anything to keep her alive, he started balling up his fists because he was angry at himself that he wasn't able to save her.

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