A False Phoenix

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ISLA NUBLAR 12:00 am

Valkyrie was soaring around the island, there wasn't really anything he could see on the ground apart from bones and rocks, a lot of the island was burned away when the island's volcano, Mount Sibo erupted a few years back, he's heard that Alpha wants to him for a meeting later on today so he flew towards what used to be Terry's old enclosure.

While flying he only had one thing on his mind, was Alpha going to punish him? Judging from how angry he was at Valkyrie's failure after he returned here it might mean that his tolerance for Valkyrie is dwindling as the days go by, he hasn't talked to him since that night and this is the first talk he's had with Alpha in days.

He was nearing the Main Street area of the island, Valkyrie has always been curious as to what this place was before the volcano erupted but Alpha didn't care at all, he just wanted an island all to himself where there is nobody there to oppose him and he made sure to find this one since he's heard that there are many dead animals here, and that's another reason as to why he came here but why did he care about the dead inhabitants? Well that question was about to be answered.

As Valkyrie was near Alpha's territory he saw Hyper Hybrids crawling through Main Street, he proceeded to lower himself down and when he landed the soulless creatures looked at him, there were many variants of Hyper Hybrids in this area, like Allosaurus, Velociraptor, and the biggest Hyper Hybrid, a Tyrannosaurus.

"Out of my way, I have something urgent to attend to."Valkyrie demanded, he always did like ordering these things since they never resisted any request from him.

The monsters did as the Pteranodon asked and moved aside as Valkyrie walked towards the paddock, the only reason he didn't fly into it was because he was still afraid of what Alpha might do to him so instead walked slowly to the entrance into the paddock just in case if something bad happens he can easily escape into the sky.

Valkyrie made it into the paddock and as he did he saw a bunch of bones being thrown into a pond of water but this was no water, it was completely black and almost looked like tar but it wasn't sticky and it began to glow purple as soon as the bones were thrown in there.

The Pteranodon has known this type of process for a while, when he first saw it, it was quite unsettling to watch but as the years went by he began to get used to it. But it was still quite weird to see a bunch of bones create a new living being, if you can even call it that.

From the pond rose a raptor like creature, but it had the tail of an Ankylosaurus and like all the other Hyper Hybrids, it was glowing purple and had black voids where eyes should be placed.

The raptor tried to move but because the bones that were used were from a raptor and an Ankylosaurus, the tail was way too big and caused lots of drag which means that this raptor, despite being a creature built for speed, is now as slow as a snail.

A loud stomp was heard as Alpha crushed the raptor under his right foot, he was unsatisfied with the result and wanted to experiment with even more dinosaurs to create the perfect Hyper Hybrid.

"What's the point in making these things if they're just going to be useless? I guess that's what I get for thinking mixing an Ankylosaurus with a raptor was a good idea, no matter, I'll just find a better substitute somewhere down the line, shouldn't be too hard since this island is littered with skeletons." Alpha thought.

Valkyrie took a breath and cleared his throat, he just hoped he wouldn't end up like that raptor.

"You wanted to see me?" Valkyrie called out.

The Tyrannosaurus turned his gaze from that failure of a Hyper Hybrid towards somebody he also considered a failure.

"Why yes, come here." Alpha commanded.

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