Chapter Two

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'Ma! Are you here?' Henry shouted out, letting himself in the front door.

'Hey, kid! I'm in the kitchen. Is everything Ok?'

Henry stomped his way into the room and walked over to his mother, wrapping her in a hug. 'Have you spoke to Mom today?'

'Not yet, no. We were meant to meet up for lunch as usual, but she had to cancel as she had too much work on. I'm coming for tea tonight, though. Why?'

'She's not acting like herself. I don't know what's wrong with her.'

'How do you mean?' Asked Emma curiously, gently rubbing his back.

'She's more snappy then usual lately. She shouted at me today for not hanging up my coat, but I'd only just walked in the door. I hadn't even taken it off yet,' Henry said in bafflement.

'Well that doesn't sound like her. She has been more busy with work this past week, I wonder if she's taken on too much. I'll speak to her, don't worry!'

'Thanks, Ma. You're the best! I'll be up in my room, playing on the computer. Shout to me when lunch is ready, yeah?' And he walked out of the kitchen, heading upstairs to his bedroom.

Emma wondered what had gotten into Regina. She had noticed the change in her recently, too. She'd cancelled at least half of their lunch dates this week and she'd been phoning her at eight instead of seven. It was completely out of character for her, as they'd been pretty firm in their routine for about three years now. She wondered if she had finally met someone. She hoped not!

On the one hand, nothing would make her happier than seeing her best friend happy and in love. But on the other, it would hurt her like hell. She didn't want to lose what they had. Even if what they had wasn't everything that she wanted. God! She felt like such a horrible, selfish person sometimes. She was such a bad friend. She set about making spaghetti bolognese, as a means to distract herself.

Just as she was dishing up, her phone rang. One quick look told her that Regina was ringing her, and she rushed to answer. It wasn't like her to ring out of the blue so it must be important.

She swiped accept and put it to her ear. 'Hey, Regina. You OK?'

'Can't a girl just ring her best friend for no reason?' She snapped. Before she sighed and said, 'I'm sorry, Em. It's been a rough day! Can I come over?'

'Of course! I was just plating up some dinner. Do you want some?'

'That depends. What is it?' Asked Regina suspiciously. Emma's cooking could be very hit and miss.

'Just bolognese. You're safe, I promise,' she laughed.

'OK, I'll be right over.'

The line went dead as Regina appeared next to her in the kitchen. She looked flustered and annoyed. 'Are you sure that you're OK?

'Yes! That smells good,' she said, trying her best to distract the blonde.

'My finest work,' she smirked. 'I'll just go and shout Henry down,' she said, as she walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up to him.

She returned to the kitchen and noticed Regina was now looking uncomfortable. Just as she was about to ask her what was going on, Henry clattered down the stairs and rushed into the room.

'Oh hey, Mom. I didn't know you were coming.' He turned and glared at Emma accusingly. 'I thought you said that she had cancelled your lunch date?'

'She did, I-' she began, but was interrupted by Regina.

'I didn't realise you were here, Henry. Can you take your dinner upstairs? I need to talk to Emma,' she said abruptly.

'Upstairs?' Asked Henry and Emma at the same time. Something was definitely up if she was personally suggesting that he actually eat his food somewhere other than the table. Especially considering it was a messy food like spaghetti.

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