Chapter Twelve

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Twelve months had passed and Emma still found herself marvelling at how far Regina and her had came. Things had changed so suddenly; one minute Evie was there and the next just Regina. They'd managed to air out all of their differences and since then, had been completely inseparable. This new, fearless Regina was hot and she loved that she had a best friend and lover all in one.

Recently though, the Mayor had been acting a little strangely. She'd still be just as loving as always, but she'd started disappearing for hour at a time with David and Zelena. The fact it was Zee wasn't so strange, but it was odd that she was also spending so much time with Emma's father. She would swear that they were up to something but so far, she had no proof for that.

To be fair though, she was keeping a pretty big secret of her own and sometimes she wondered whether Regina had discovered it. After all, she was going to have a lot of explaining to do when she eventually found the courage to admit to her that she was somehow, inexplicably pregnant. She had to find a way to tell her though.

She'd went to the doctors a few weeks ago when she'd suddenly found herself incapable of keeping down food. Gone were the days when she would happily wolf down a grilled cheese with a side of fries and onion rings. Now, the only thing that she could manage to keep down was plain food such as digestive biscuits and bloody cucumber. Emma had always hated cucumber with a passion but now she found that it was the thing she was craving more than anything. She'd dip it in salad cream it was honestly the best thing that she'd ever tasted.

She was going to have to be honest eventually, because by the time she started showing obvious symptoms of something being off she'd already been twelve weeks pregnant. Now that she'd hit the twenty week mark, she was starting to gain a belly at such a rapid rate that she was surprised nobody had asked her about it. She'd had to replace her entire wardrobe, but amazingly Regina hadn't said a word.

She dragged herself reluctantly out of bed and in to the shower. After scrubbing herself clean and marvelling again at her swelling bump, she dried herself off and put on her newest work clothes. She was having to wear joggers and T-shirt's at the moment, as she was still waiting for the larger Sheriff's uniform she had on order to arrive. She grabbed her Tupperware box of cucumber and salad cream, swiped some digestives from the biscuit tin and headed out to her car.

When she arrived at the station though, she found the whole place locked down and not a single person in sight. Completely baffled by this, she took her phone and rang Regina, who picked up immediately.

'Hello, dear. Is everything all right?' Regina asked cheerfully.

'I don't know! I've just arrived at the station and nobody's here. The place is shut up and David was meant to be here, so I don't really know what's going on,' Emma said. She was starting to feel extremely emotional, she'd been so up and down recently.

'I'm sure he has a good explanation. I think I saw him in Granny's just five minutes ago, so why don't you head over there and see what's going on?'

'But he's meant to be here, Gina.' Emma sniffled. 'It's nine thirty and the station is never meant to be closed.'

'Emma? Are you crying?' Regina asked in shock.

'He should be here!' Emma sobbed out.

'Oh, sweetheart. Just come to the diner, ok? I'll meet you there. Everything is going to be fine.'

'Ok!' The tears had dried up as fast as they had appeared and now Emma was left feeling really embarrassed. 'Sorry about being upset. I don't know what came over me. I'll see you in five minutes.'

'You don't have to be sorry, Em. I'll see you soon. I love you,' Regina said sincerely.

'I love you, too,' Emma replied before hanging up the phone and jumping back in her car and heading to the diner.

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