Chapter Three

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Emma was moping around the station again. She had been out of sorts for a week now, so all of her deputy's had smartly decided to leave her to stew while they all tried to avoid getting on her bad side. They didn't know what had gotten into her but she hadn't been herself lately. Gone was her happy-go-lucky attitude and in its place was left a stroppy teenager. At least that's how she was acting.

The Sheriff knew she hadn't been the nicest recently. She had managed to snap at all of her co-workers over the past few days and now they were all avoiding her. She deserved it though, she was aware of that.

After their argument Emma had thought that everything was fine between her and Regina, but the Mayor had been completely ignoring her ever since. All of her calls were sent straight to voicemail, her texts went unanswered and she'd been unable to catch her at home or work. It was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth and she didn't have a clue what was going on.

She would have been more worried if she hadn't still been seeing Henry. Her son had told her that his Mom was fine and that she just needed some time alone at the moment, whatever that meant. He had then went on to tell her that he thought she should give Regina some space to deal with whatever she was going through and to respect her decision.

They'd never gone this long without talking before and Emma just didn't know what to do with herself. Everything she had tried to do since, she hadn't been able to focus on properly. She was constantly distracted by the heaviness weighing down on her, that was the loss of her best friend. Even though she'd suffered a lot of hurt and disappointment in her life, she had to say that hands down this was definitely the worst.

She gathered up her keys and left the office, asking everyone if they wanted anything from the diner while she was out. Unsurprisingly everyone ignored her, so she walked out the door and hopped in her car.

As she drove to Granny's, all her thoughts were about Regina. She wondered if she was ok. She wondered if she had had enough space yet and whether she had missed Emma just as much as Emma had missed her. She was so distracted that she almost drove straight past the diner. But she pulled in at the last second and parked up.

The first thing she noticed when she walked inside was Regina sat in their corner booth. She didn't know what she was meant to do. Did she go up and say hi? Or did she just pretend that she hadn't seen her. She decided to go with the latter and averted her eyes away from her best friend, focussing all of her attention on ordering her food so that she could get out of here as soon as possible. Just as she was grabbing her bag, ready to rush out of there as quickly as she had entered, she felt a firm tap on her shoulder and turned to face the dark-haired beauty.

'Hello, Emma,' she said quietly.

For her part, Emma just stared at her in shock. What was she meant to even say to that? Regina had ignored her for a full week with no explanation and now she just expected her to act as though everything was fine? The woman was dumb if she thought she could just do that.

She took one last look at the Mayor, before she turned around and stormed out of the diner without looking back, only just remembering to grab her bag of food on the way out. God forbid the day get even worse when she got back to work without her grilled cheese and onions rings.

'Em, wait! Please. I can explain,' Regina begged.

'Oh? Can you really? Well I don't want to hear your feeble excuses. Nothing can possibly condone you completely freezing me out of your life these past seven days. You didn't even have the decency to explain it to me first,' Emma fumed. She was so angry with her. She didn't need a best friend like that in her life. She would never have dreamed of inflicting the kind of torture she'd had to go through on the Mayor.

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