Chapter Nine

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'Seeing as we're both up now, should we head to the diner for breakfast?' Evie asked, sidling up to Emma.

'I don't know. Would it not be a bad idea for everyone else to know about you?' The blonde asked doubtfully.

'Don't worry about that, dear. If anyone asks then I'll just tell them the truth. After all, I'm not the one who cast the spell in the first place,' she said smugly.

'Ok!' Emma allowed. 'I'll just go and throw some clothes on, then we can head out. Do you need to borrow any clothes?'

'No, thank you. I can just summon anything that I need,' said Evie, changing her outfit with a quick flick of her wrist.

'Sometimes I forget that we have magic,' the Sheriff laughed. 'I'll be right back.' She said, heading back in to the bedroom and rifling through her closet. Once she'd picked out an outfit, she took her clothes into the bathroom so she could put them straight on after her shower.

Forty five minutes later and they were strolling through the door of Granny's. Evie had her had resting gently on Emma's back as she gently guided her to a private booth in the corner.

As soon as they say down, Ruby came over with her notepad. She smirked at Emma as she took out her pen. 'Is there anything that I can personally get for you today?' She purred.

'Urm...' Emma didn't know how she was meant to reply to that. She hoped that Ruby wasn't going to take it too far because she felt really uncomfortable, what with Evie being sat right beside her.

'You look so different with your clothes on, Emma,' the red-head drawled. A massive grin spreading across her face at how awkward she was making her feel.

'I beg your pardon? Do you usually speak to your customers this way? I hardly think that kind of attitude is appropriate and unless you want me to personally curse you and your family, then you'll take our orders and disappear,' snarled Evie.

'Evie, it's ok,' Emma began, but she was interrupted.

'No! It's really not! I won't sit here and listen to this kind of talk. As she's probably gathered, I'm not Regina. I certainly won't put up with this!'

Ruby flinched back. She thought that Regina looked slightly different this morning, it was the hair. And the attitude of course. Gone were the days when Regina would threaten someone. What she couldn't understand though, was if this wasn't the Mayor, then who the hell was it? Maybe she had another long-lost sister that she didn't know about. She'd have to have been her twin though. Normal siblings didn't look that similar.

'Sorry!' Ruby muttered, head turned to the floor.

'Can I just have pancakes with bacon and a hot chocolate, please Ruby?' Asked Emma feeling embarrassed.

'Sure thing! And what would you like, Evie?'

'I'll have the same, except I'll have coffee instead of hot chocolate,' Evie said bluntly.

'Okie dokie, no problem. I'll be right over with that.' And she rushed into the kitchen without a backwards glance.

Emma shot a glare at the Evil Queen. 'What was that for? She was just messing around.'

'It didn't sound like messing around to me. In fact, it sounded like she was trying to stake her claim on you. Not to mention, embarrass you in front of others. You're not a possession and you shouldn't be treat as such,' Evie explained.

Feeing thoroughly chastised, Emma apologised. 'I'm sorry, you're right. I guess I just don't usually pay attention to how others talk to me. I would have just laughed it off and it would have been fine.'

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