Chapter Six

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['Emma, we really need to talk,' said Regina, biting her lip nervously.]

Emma took one look at her face and started to panic. 'No! Gina, don't do this. This is because I've done too much. It's ok, I can just get rid of it. Easy peasy. No problem at all.' She waved her hand quickly and vanished all of her hard work. 'There, see. It's all gone now.'

'Emma, please,' said Regina desperately. 'Listen to me.'

She stared at the Mayor in defeat, as her shoulders started to slump. 'Fine! Just say it.'

'I'm so sorry, Em. I really thought that I could do this, but I can't. I wanted to make you happy and hated to know that you had been with Ruby, so I thought this would fix everything. But I was wrong! I should never have suggested that we date.'

'But why? You said that you liked me. For gods sake Regina, you kissed me! I didn't just imagine that, did I? You're literally the one that kissed me,' Emma said in frustration.

'You didn't imagine it. I did kiss you, but I shouldn't have. I don't know what I was thinking. I thought that I would feel something for you but I don't. I swear, I never meant to hurt you. I love you, but I'm just not in love with you,' Regina said sadly.

'You need to leave now,' the blonde said firmly.

'What? No! We need to sort this out.'

'Leave, Regina!' Tears were starting to pool in her eyes as she desperately tried to hold them back.

'I can't just leave you like this, Em,' said Regina starting to panic.

'GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!' Emma screamed at the shocked Mayor. 'I can't even bare to look at you right now. You make me sick.' She waved her hand furiously and before Gina could do a thing to stop it, she was flung outside as the front door slammed and locked in front of her. She tried to knock but a shield had appeared in front of the house and she was unable to get within five feet it.

Still trembling in shock, she shuffled off down the street. She could have just magicked herself home, but she felt like she could probably do with the fresh air. She had so much to process. She had just broken her best friends heart, and for what? She hadn't been telling the truth, that's for sure. What she felt for Emma went beyond anything she'd ever felt for anyone else and that scared her. Anytime she had ever become attached to someone in the past, they ended up being viciously ripped away from her. She doubted that her best friend would ever want to speak to her again. She quickened her pace, it wouldn't do for the townspeople to see the tears now steadily streaming down her face. She needed to get home. 

She barged through her front door fifteen minutes later, sweating and gasping for breath. She should have just poofed herself here, but she had really thought that the exercise would make her feel better. This pain was horrendous. What had she done? She couldn't believe that she had said those things to Emma, she was never going to forgive her. She rushed into her office and tried to locate her spell book. Only one thing would stop her feeling this face and that was to remove all of her emotions. She was going to take them all away and banish them.

She found the correct page and quickly gathered together all of the ingredients that she would need. She forced her fumbling hands to shove it all into a jar, before waving her hand and completing the spell. Well here goes nothing. Bottoms up. She downed the potion in one go and gave a shudder. There was an audible pop and she was suddenly stood looking at herself. What the fuck? This wasn't meant to happen. Why was she wearing those stupid clothes?

'Well hello, dear,' smirked the imposter.

'Who are you? You're not meant to be here,' stuttered out Regina. She was frantically flipping through pages, desperately trying to figure out where she'd went wrong.

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