Chapter Seven

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Emma stared at her in shock. This was such a peculiar situation to find herself in.

'I know that this must be weird for you. Extremely weird, actually. But if you don't want to talk, will you at least listen?' Asked Evie.

'Ok!' Said Emma. There's wasn't really anything else that she could say to that. In all fairness, she got the impression that she would have to listen to what this Regina-imposter had to say whether she agreed to it or not. If she really was the Evil Queen part of her, then she doubted that a simple no would do the job.

'Thank you!' She breathed out, a beautiful smile starting to stretch her face. 'Ok, so I don't need you to tell me everything that's happened so far. Considering that I'm part of the heartbreak, I'm well aware of what's already went down. I also want you to know that I didn't agree with Regina walking away or hurting you like that. If I could have stopped her, I would have done. Especially considering that nothing she said was the truth. And to think they call me the liar,' Evie shook her head in disgust.

'Why did she kiss me and then say she wanted to try a relationship?' Emma asked quietly.

'Because that's what we wanted. We love you, Em. Regina was just too overtaken by her fear of losing you that she felt no choice but to call it off.'

'So she would rather hurt me than risk being with me?'

'Yes! I'm sorry, but yes. She felt it would be more painful to love you even more and then still lose you at the end of it,' said Evie honestly.

'And what about you? Why did you come here?' The blonde asked.

'Because I don't have any of that fear. I love you with all of my heart, Emma and I'm not at all scared to tell you that. I want to be with you, regardless of what might happen in the future even if Regina didn't. I don't want to lose you. What we have is special and I don't want to be without you. What my other self does now is no longer any of my concern. I only care about being with the person that I love the most,' she rushed out.

'This is all very strange, you know. I hear what you're saying and I know that it's the truth, but you were both the same person when she hurt me. It was both of you that caused me all of this pain. Then suddenly, you appear at my door and tell me that there's now two Regina's strolling around Storybrooke. And I'm meant to what? Just forgive you and accept that? I don't know if I can,' Emma said sadly.

'I don't expect you to just be able to forgive me at the drop of at hat. I know that it's going to take some time before you're going to be able to trust what I'm saying to you and for you to realise that the person who caused you the pain isn't me. I was never a part of the decision. I've always known that I've wanted you and was ready to do something about it. But she let her fear override everything. I'm so sorry, I really am,' Evie said with sincerity.

'I think I need some time to process this. I just don't know what the right thing for me to do here is. I don't want to be hurt again like I have been tonight. I don't think I could handle it.'

'I understand! And just so you know, I would never ever hurt you. There's not a single reason why I would ever think about leaving you or causing you pain. I want you to be happy, Emma. And I think that I could do that, if you'll let me.' She held her hand out to the Sheriff, hope shining in her eyes.

Emma shook her head at the offering, as Evie pulled her hand back. 'Ok. I guess we can discuss this some more in the morning. But I really do need to go to bed. I need to sleep on this and hopefully I'll have a clearer head in the morning.'

'That sounds fair. I'll leave now so you can get your rest and I'll come back tomorrow.' Evie went to leave, shooting a smile in Emma's direction before reaching out for the door handle.

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