a picture is worth a thousand word

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chapter 44:

"liana, what are you talking about"

i didn't say anything, i was too busy analyzing what happened just a minute ago

"liana talk to me"

"callie..i said im heartbroken"

"what why?"

"one word"
"sergio" i got up and ran to my room and locked it as i slid down to the ground

i just wanted to punch and destroy everything in this room. so i did.

i yelled at myself for being an idiot and believing in a stupid lie and destroyed everything. i layed down and slowly close my eyes and went into deep sleep


i woke up next morning in the clothes i had on yesterday, i didnt bother to change them i wasnt going anywhere. i wasnt planning too. i look around and see the destroyed mess all around me
i walk around and glass catches my eye.

i step carefully not to step on the glass no matter how much i wanted to, i crouched down and was a picture hidden behind the glass and see a picture of joey. i was confused when did he take this? and sense when did i have it in a frame. i turn it over and see joeys hand writing

he wrote:

i may or may not have taken a photo of myself and put it in a frame...

i laughed and saw the bottom was slightly fading

p.s see this picture when your sad, just know im there with you always.

this picture did make me happy to see someone care.

i stand up and see myself in the mirror in front of me, and tilt my head as i walk towards it and looked at myself. bagged eyes, sloughy chothes, bad hair wow i need to take a shower

i walk to my closet and pick skinny jeans and an old tshirt from camp a few years ago cause i heading to joeys.

after cleaning myself up, i put slight makeup mascara nothing as i usually do, i grab my converse, my eyes and go to my car and to joeys


"no way"

"yes joey i found it"

he chuckled as he grabbed the photo from my hands

"i never thought you would find this..do you like it"



"i love it" i smile

he looks up at me and just stares at me

"what is there something on my face"

he comes closer and still said no words



he grabs my cheek rubbing his thumb back and forth and leans in and kisses me

i smile as i kiss back moving our lips in the same pattern as i feel a million butterflies fluttering in my stomach, why was i feeling this?

we pull back

"youre amazingly beautiful liana"

i blush and look away something i do with i get embarrassed

joey looks down at the picture in his hands she plays around with it for while before handing it out to me i take it confused

"keep it" he says

"forever" i said

we smile at eachother, not long we decided to do something that not one would do on a regular day especially boring day, and this could help with all the emotions ive had these past few days so i agreed to going skydiving.

"this is beyond exciting!!" i said jumping, trying to contain my excitement but failing

we both bring our vlog cameras and you may wonder liana how do just magically have your vlog camera well i always keep an extra in my bag incase i need filming. i pull it out and turn it on

"hello everyone, im liana and welcome to a vlog, today me and joey are going skydiving"

"woooh!" joey yelled, raising his hands in the air, i smiled and laughed

"okay were going inside soon so activate gopro!!"

joey brought his gopro to get some footage of us


"that was awesome again again!" i said jumping in the air

i loved the wind blowing through my hair, it actually felt i was flying being free

"okay lets goo" he replied


we have went for the fourth time already and it was getting dark it was nice to spend time with joey and just forget everything in life and think of the positive

positivty is key to happiness

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