embarrassing moments and movie night

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chapter 37:

i had just woke up from a comforting sleep, something i hadnt had in a while, i was grateful to get one again

i was in deep thought, something i have done a lot lately but its normal right?

i made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to make me some eggs and toast

i smiling callie walked in

something i couldnt do because me being me im not a morning person, i only smile in the mornings when im in good mood

"hello lusana"

"oh my god, you havent called me that in so long" i chuckled

"i know rght! i was looking through the scrapbook you made me for my bithday in the 8th grade"

"the years when i had my braces"

"anyway while i was looking through and found the picture of us together at a party wiht the caption of 'lusana and celliafer BFFs forever!'"

we had named ourselves lusana and celliafer as our nicknames thinking we were so cool in school while we called in the hallway, but all we got was weird stares from people but we didnt care we knew they were jealous of us, defenitlely one of the wierdest most random memroies i had with her

"i have to look through that, i dont remember most of the stuff i put in there , but i do remember wroking my ass off on it" i chuckled

"well i mean it was about 11 years ago sense you gave it to me"

"i still cant believe you have had it this long!"

"i know right"

after breakfast i headed upstairs to get changed into leggings and a hoodie nothing special, i went back downstairs to ask callie if she wanted to hang today, we have to catch up and hang out more often

"hey callie want to go the mall today?"


"alrught lets go"

once we made it to the mall we went into the so many stores, i had lost count, but we went mostly, but we were tired after carrying all the bags and walking here and there, but while we were at the mall, and callie had caught some hot guys and had told me to go talk to them, so as i walking towards them from all the bags i was carrying and me being the clumsy person i am tripped over and fell foward and embaressed myself infront of them, and being even more embaressed when they laughed i got up with the help of callie and went straght to the exit with a bright red face also throught the whole car ride

"that was so funny!" she said explaining the incident from her point of view

"hehe so funny" i sarcastically said

"oh come on, lighten up, if it was me falling over wouldnt you laugh"

"maybe" i laughed at the thought

"see its funny"

"okay, okay you win"

once we got home, i went upstairs to my room set all of my bags in the corner of my room and went straight to bed, i was to tired to even do anything so i fell asleep not to long after

the next morning i woke up to the loud annyoing ringing noise coming from an incoming phonecall.. oh come on cant i ever get my sleep...plus you even calls at..hold on i have to see the time wait..okay so ar like 12..maybe thats a little late but i need my sleep

i didnt bother to look at the person who was calling. i went straight to the answer button


"hey liana!"

"hello sergio." i said not in the best voice

"so i was wondering wanna hang out today?"

"depends what?"

"well i was thinking we could have a movie night at my place causei dont feel like going anywhere so what do you say?"

"um let me think about it...yeah sure"

"great meet me at my place at 6"

"6 it is"

"alright see you then bye!"


i ended the call and headed downstairs with a big smile.. hold up why am i smiling.. what..no..help!

"hello cellisafer" causing callie to turn with a confused expression



"why are you siliing? did someone do something? what happened?!?" bringing question after question while walking towards me grabbing cheeks stretching them in every place

"can i not smile?" i said pushing her hands away

"are you okay? you usually dont smile unless your in a good mood...wait did you get yourself a man?" she smirked

"maybe, but i just to smile"

"is there a reason behind it?"


"you sure"

"yes! now can ieat now im dieing of hunger"

"yes i made oancakes they are on the counter"

"thank you"

after breakfast callie ended up going out with her friends to hang with them for the weekend at a skate park or soemthing like that, unlike me i did nothing but stay on the couch watching spongebob and tired so i took a nap that i said was going to be 15 min. but quickly turned into a 3 hour one. i rushed to check the time on my phone 7:30 holy shit i have to be at sergios house an hour ago i rushed and changed into sweats and slipped my boots and but my hair in a messy bun and rushed to my car, making my way to sergios house

i knocked on the door and waiting a coupe of seconds before the door swung open to reveal sergio

"where were you?"

"well i fell asleep and lost track of time"

"well explains your apperence"

"what did you want me to come in a cinderella dress and heels?"

"no but i didnt say i didnt like it" he smirked

" okay whatever so what are we watching?"

"lilo and stich cause its my favorite disney movie and i know you love disney movies so then we can choose from there"

"awesome" i said plopping on the couch

"wait for me" he said plopping next to me

i cuddled into his warm chest as he pressed play to start the movie

aftet a couple of other movies, we decided to make the movie night a little fun so we made a game of watching a horror movie and every single jumpscare we get we had to put penutbutter on the other persons face

in total i had to rub sergios face with penut butter 9 times and sergio had to rub about 2 times but i wasnt suprised cause i love my horror movies

"haha you lost"

"no fiar" he pouted

"oh i can make you feel better"

"oh yeah"

"mhmm" i started to get closer to his face. sergio expected a kiss but instead i licked a big chuck of penut butter off his face

he got wide eyes and started at the blank screen in front of him

i started laughing so hard

after a couple of more movies after we cleaned off the penut butter i was started to drift of to sleep on sergios chest

i heard a short mumble that was barely audible but i heard it

"why do i have these feelings towards you"

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