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2 years later

"do you joey graceffa, take this women liana louven to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, in good times and woe for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do." joey says looking into my eyes

"do you liana louven take this man joey graceffa to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and wor, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solvely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do."

"if there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."

"you may now exchange your rings"

exchanging the rings each of us making sure to take our time

"by the authority vested in me by the state of california i now you husband and wife and what god hath joined together, let no man nor women put asunder.."

"you may now kiss..."
"liana...hello?" joey calls

"what, huh?"

"what are you doing?"

"um..i-i was just looking at the eh..plants! yeah, the plants.."

"yeah..mmm sure you were" giving me a sarcastic facial expression "but i gotta head out and do stuff"

"what stuff?"

"business stuff" giving a nervous smile

"okay. have fun" giving a smile in reply, and a small peck to joey, and joey giving me a last kiss of her forehead "see you later, love you" joey says leaving the front door

a sigh leaving my mouth, knowing that my wedding with joey was only a daydream if only it was in real life i thought

without him, i was lonely i wanted to think of things to keep me company while he was away, but I wanted to do it with him.

i knew i was clingy, and i accepted the fact because it was a trait that he loved that about me (weird i know), because he knew that it was a way of affection, love. he loved all the kisses, the cuddles, and her hugs. it made him feel a feelings thats unbearable, he would always say.

after two years of being together, nothing could ever stop us from being together.

the door bell rings, echoing through the houshold, i get up and quickly open the door. and on the other side was callie.

yet she didnt say a word, she just gave a big smile and handed me a bright blue card, and took off into her car and left liana confused.

she closed the door, and sat on the couch. opening the letter it read

go to the place where we first met, youll find your next clue


i was excited. i got dressed and grabbed all my essentials and left to the place that we met

the hospital.

driving to the location i go to the front desk

"hello ms, how may i help you?"

not knowing how to explain. i read the letter one time trying to see any clue as to where he was talking about

"someone sent me here, by this letter." handing the lady the letter

this is real life?  >jg<Where stories live. Discover now