the youtube video

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chapter 27

liana looked up at sergio


"of course i mean your beautiful and very caring i would want you alive right now"

"thanks" she said smiling "i needed that"

"no problem"
"you wanna go home now"

"ugh yeah sure thanks"
she said as she pulled back up her sweatshirt

"now your saying thanks" he laughed

"IT WOULD BE THE RIGHT THING TO DO" she tries keeping a serious face but ended up laughing
the car ride there
was basically just laughing and talking about random stuff

sergio had hoped that liana would be happy again soon

she needed just some motivation to keep her going and thats what sergios goal for liana.

the truth was that liana didnt really want to go back home at least she was ready

really all she wanted was to be with sergio but he proabaly has better things to do than be with liana


as sergio drove into the driveway he stopped the engine and parked the car

liana just stood there looking at the house withouth blinking more like staring

"you gonna go?" he asked confused

liana just stood there staring at the house

he turned her head towards sergio

"uh yeah right" she said looking down at her hands figiting her fingers

she looked back up and opened the door to the car she got out and closed the door

she made her way up the stairs to the entrance, took a long sigh before opening the door

looked back at sergio then went inside

she looked around it felt like she hasnt been here in ages but she was probably gone for 1 or 2 days really.

she went upstairs to her room and lie down on the bed

she really didnt feel like doing anything, then while in thought she remebered that the only reason she came back home was that liana wanted her home for 'news' but honestly liana was too lazy to even get her phone from her pocket.

she just went into a deep sleep.

the next morning callie still wasnt at home liana didnt care about anything at this point she didnt get out of the bed for soemthing to eat.

all she really did was listen to sad music and lay in her bed

her eyelids were about to close until she heard huge slam of a door "liana!"

callie was home. liana didnt say anything once again she called her name "liana are you home already" she heard footsteps coming closer and closer

the door to her room opened "there you are!" liana didnt say anything in return she gave her the "hi dont want to talk" look

but calliie didnt notice "now for the news" liana sat up against her bed headboard

"i cant really say and i really dont want to say actually" she looked into lianas eyes "im not even sure if its actually true but maybe it is" she paused "i need you to see a video..." she said very soft that it was barely enough to hear.

callie grabbed her laptop and typed in youtube and searched in joeys channel

liana knew this wasnt going to be good

there was a video with the title "liana."

the video was probably about her cause i mean the title has her name

liana clicked the video

joey showed up on the screen looking exausted, possibly smelly i mean he still had the oufit he wore for liana

"hello everyone so sorry for the lack of videos i just been in the thought lately and i guess i forgot about youtube, um so by the title of this video an yes this is about liana but the thing is i want you to listen very closly i knew that i needed liana back into my life i loved her. so i wanted to suprise her with a lunch at a not to far park. as she came we kind of talked uh let me just get straight to the point by the way liana if your watching this im sorry but i think this is best for you."

liana had hoped that this wasnt what she thought we was going to say

he countined "liana cuts ans when i say she cuts i mean she cuts herself with a razor on her wrist i want you guys to please suppprt her with this because maybe im the reason she cuts" he looked down and tears were streaming down his face

"i love you liana and i want you to stop cutting."

liana just stood there anger built up she took the computer away and basically tossed the laptop to callie before getting up and heading out of her room

"liana where are you going!" callie stood up setting the laptop on the bed before chasing liana out the door

liana had grabbed the car keys and went to the car "liana! liana"

liana didnt listen to callie she drove out of the driveway

she knew where she was heading to

joeys house.

im stopping here...

just kidding keep reading:)

as she drove into the parking lot of the apartment

she ran inside the buildiing heading up to joeys apartment

as she made it she knew joey never left the door locked she opened the door joey was sitting on the couch to what seemed vlogging


"liana!" he said smiling

his smile once faded away when he saw the angry look on her face


"dont liana me do you really think this was a joke to you to tel millions of people my secret okay joey if you really thought it was funny wheres the joke cause im not laughing and yes part of my cutting was your fault because you remeber the day you yelled at me you dont understand joey what im going thorugh and you yelling at me plus telling basically the whole world that i cut was just making it worse" liana was tearing up "joey forget i ever existed because you treating me like this isnt going to make things better for me or you and you know what i fucking hate you joey graceffa if you come one foot close to me i will call the police"

liana couldnt hold in the tears in anymore she began crying and sitting on her knees on the floor woth her hands on her face crying.

joey came to confort her "joey leave me alone and i mean it" she stood up and walked out the door and ran to her car and he night consisted sitting in the car crying in front of joeys apartment building.

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