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chapter 38:

mmhmm that smells amazing, hmm what is it?

bacon? no

omg pancakes!

i instantly opened my eyes and saw that i wasnt at my house i was ar ohh yeah im at sergios

i stood up slowly from the couch and walked towards the kitchen which smelled so good,

"hi"i said leaning on the edge of the wall

"oh hello sleepy head"

"yeah yeah"

"i hope youre in the mood for pancakes"

"im always in the mood for pancakes who isnt"

"my father"

"what?" i said confused

"he hates pancakes, he never liked the taste of them"

"omg no way, i hate him"

"no you dont" he said turning around

"mhmm" i said nodding

"oh yeah" he said walking towards me with a smirk

"oh no" i ran from the kitchen having sergio chase me up the stairs

where do i go? i barely know the place

"i got you"

"ahh" i said as i covered my eyes with my hands

"haha youre now my slave"

"ush no i am not"

"yes you are"

"im human"


"oh stop it you idiot"

"how are you on planet earth?"

"cause i was born here"

"humans are not born here only zaliens"


"yes i am a zalien"

"okay well zalien im gonna go downstaurs and eat my pancakes that are waiting for me"

"i know something else that has been waiting for you"

he kissed me, he kissed me, he kissed me

i still get shocked everytime he lays his soft lips on mine but i love it

i kissed back until he pulled away



"im waiting for you"

i gave him a quick peck and headed downstairs

oh yes the pancakes, the amazing love of my life i call food

i love my food. especially my pancakes

they are just a beautiful thing that has been brought to earth

its overwhelming

curse sergios father for not tlking my favorite thing in the entire world

sergio now walked in with a hoodie, jeans, and beanie right on his head

"hey human"

"hey zalien, wanna know something"


"these pancakes are Delicious"

"psh i know of course they are"

"shut up"

"no i dont think i can do that"

i finished the pancakes and checked twiter

i saw a tweet saying that i should film a video since i havent filmed one in a long time

"hey sergio"

"who? me?" he said looking around

"yes you the idiot"

"the handsome idiot"

"whatever wanna film a video"

"for what?"



"wow you know nothing"

"i know a lot of things thank you very much"

"is that a yes than?"


"okay lets go!"


hello everyone im am here with sergio and myself liana, we are making a randomm video for you humans so i hope you enjoy

we had filmed a random video that was suprisingly i really liked, we answered previous questions that a lot of people have been asking about and just some random things from sergio and one poiny in the video he took the camera from the tripod (which suprisingly he had one, who knew right) and he was i guess touring his house and talking about random things in the house

but overall i had a lot of fun and hoping ill have the time to film again, like before

we spent the rest of the day just laying on the ground staring at the ceiling but not to long until i fell alseep

i woke up from feeling something breathing on me i quickly stood up until i felt a head bang against mine "ow!" i said feeling my head

i opened my eyes to sergio doing the same"what are you doing?"

"i was watching you sleep"

"that doesnt sound creepy at all.. why were you watching me?"

"i dont know you looked cute so i just sat and looked at you until we hit heads"

i blushed and looked down as my hair fell

a hand pulled strands of hair behind my face which was still bright red

"awe shes blushing"

i covered my face in my knees resisting to look at him before i start bulshing again

i heard him laugh

"stop it!"


this was going to be a long day.

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