not a chapter

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hi hi hi. I know it's nearly 3 weeks since I last posted and I said i'd post in a week lol i'm terrible. Anyways I've been busy working, i'm going to try and post over this weekend because I feel terrible but I'm also completely blocked on what I want this next chapter to be and i'm kinda tired of just writing filler chapters.

If you have any ideas do lmk. I'm stuck between making this your usual wattpad book with not too much happening in the story or take it a step further and develop the book into something more exciting yk what i mean?

Anyways I sincerely apologize for making you wait so long, I hope I can get 2 or 3 chapters written this weekend so that I can be ahead should i miss any other weeks.

Thank you all very much for reading this book and if you leave a comment believe me I read all of them and I love seeing them.

Stay safe, Lots of Love!!💕

Too many feelings (r.v.d)Where stories live. Discover now