Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
(The book is going to be short, so my chapters are going to be a bit long. Just a heads up, kay guys. Thanks.)

Sasuke P.O.V
I was walking home, nothing unusual considering it was just a little after 9:30. Most everyone had gone home. I had just finished talking to the Hokage Naruko, or as I like to call her Dobe or Usuratonkachi about half an hour ago.

Seeing as I was in no rush to get home, I took my time walking to clear my mind and calm my heart. My daughter Sarada was with my aniki Itachi. He had said he was going to watch her, saying that he wanted to spend time with his niece. So for tonight, it would just be me and Sakura.

I was planning on telling her that starting from today, I would be able to come home earlier. I also wanted to let her know just how much she meant to me. I was half way home, when I felt it. A feeling of dread, and unease settled in the pit of my gut, making me feel wary, cautious, and very queasy. Not understanding the reason why, I picked up my pace to get home to Sakura quicker. Unfortunately, that feeling of dread and unease only intensified the closer I got home.

About 5 feet away from my front door, that feeling became unbearable, and I became nauseous from nervousness and anxiety. Thinking that it was an attack, I suppressed my chakra and took out some shuriken as well as kunai.

Wanting an advantage against the unknown attackers, I snuck inside my house. The sight that met my eyes broke my heart, confused my mind, and made my soul wither.

On the couch not even 10 feet away from me, was my wife Sakura Uchiha, formerly known as Sakura Haruno, on top of my best friend's wife, Hinata Uzumaki Namikaze, formerly known as Hinata Hyūga. They were kissing, sucking, and touching. Moaning out each other's names.

I broke on the inside, because I knew that today; I would lose the woman I had come to love. I was devastated on the inside. On the outside though, I kept calm. My obsidian black eyes turned dull and dim, and my pale face was without emotion. The corners of my lips were tugged into a frown, and unless you were looking closely, you wouldn't be able to see it.

For 10 long, agonizing, and disgusting minutes I stood there watching them. My heart cracking with every second, every minute that I was watching. Most don't know this, only the Dobe and Itachi know this fact about me. I'm sensitive and seeing my wife with another that was not me, broke my heart, and shattered my pride.

Unshed tears swam in my eyes, but I kept them at bay. I could not and would not let them have the satisfaction of seeing me break down and cry, especially if the person I was crying for didn't even deserve it.

'Are they so deep into having sex, they can't even realize I'm there. I'm not exactly hiding my chakra, I am suppressing it just a bit, but not to the point that I can't be discovered. Though I am hiding in a dark corner where they can't see me. I mean, I get that they aren't the most perceptive seeing as how they aren't sensors. Still though, that's pretty pathetic, especially for two trained kunoichi. If they can't even sense me when I am this close to them, they had better quit being ninjas, because if I had been an enemy, they'd be dead' was the only thought going through my head.

Having seen enough, I cleared my throat rather loudly. That quickly got their attention. Not even bothering to cover themselves they stood up. Shock, and surprise. Then fear. Those were the most visible emotions running through their eyes. Sakura's and Hinata's faces were pale. They looked as if they had seen a ghost. Considering how I caught them, they might as well have. Once their racing hearts had slowed down a bit, they started to cry, and make up lame excuses, all while stuttering and sniffling. I just looked at them. Rage, hurt, and disappointment flashed through my obsidian eyes. A frown on my lips.

♥️Love That is True, can Withstand the Test of Time♥️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant